Polytopia tribes tier list
Polytopia tribes tier list. I would reserve S-Tier for just Cymanti, since other tribes are strong but noticeably weaker than them. Here it is: Tiny Maps (Up to 41x41 tiles): S Tier: Cymanti, Vengir, Elyrion. THIS IS A TOP TIER 1V1 GAME PLAY TIER LIST as in two top 500 players 1v1ing and how their stands would generally stand up. 3. Screenshot. The forest defense is EXTREMELY useful throughout the entire game, especially considering how heavily forested Hoodrick's territory is. Yes, definitely but it kinda fits the “peaceful” theme so that’s why I wouldn’t give em the D tier. I would swap places with yadakk and Xin-xi, good tier list overall. Tribe Ranking. 30. Members Online Mind Bender / Healer Split Concept D tier. This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based… This is the only correct tier list comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Members Online Tribe music tier list (opinion) Create a ranking for Polytopia - Tribes Tierlist. A defining characteristic of a good Polytopia player is that they can build a strong economy and military no matter which tribe they use or are fighting against. Ultra L takes. It's just hard to find it with quatzali. This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based… This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based, strategic, 4X game. Can change over time. Early game archer is pretty legit, plus they get the most forested land of any tribe. Whaling is A yes because it is something you quite often want on maps where naval battle will happen since it leads to aquatism. Well anyway, that's my opinion. A Tier: Zebasi Aquarion Hoodrick. Willing to debate some picks just ask calmly. Some underrated and overrated tribes in my opinion. Drag and drop items from the bottom and put them on your desired tier. This a podcast about the wonderfully fun game of Polytopia, news about upcoming updates and tribes, a look at the background and lore of each tribe, as well as competitive strategies, and tips and tricks to help new players get better at the game in Might mode. Create a Polytopia Tribes tier list. Nov 30, 2022 · Create a ranking for Polytopia Tribe Music (With Skins) 1. These include Bardur, Imperius, Kickoo, and Zebasi. The Kickoo are a Polynesian based tribe that starts out with the fishing technology and 1. If you have a question about a specific placement ask and I will respond. Stagismushroom. B tier: Oumaji, Elyrion, Polaris. Hoodrick is one of the best tribes in the game. I will probably make a guide on how to achieve 200,000 points with any tribe in the future. Aquarion: Not a bad tribe if it can survive into the late midgame/ endgame, but aquarion is simply to weak in the earlygame to be a viable option most of the time. We have castles and spooky forests. Spamming lumber huts with sawmills will get you a huge amount of resources that not only gives you population Kickoo: Kickoo was already one of the best tribes before the update, but now fishing has been upgraded to a tier 2 tech and gives them an advantage in naval exploration, which is extremely important because of starfish. The form will run for one week before I create a tier list for the data submitted. If you are wondering how accurate these placements are, my lowest perfection score is 192,603 and 10 of my 16 tribes have at least 200,000 score. #2 Cymanti. Archery gives a defense buff in forests, and with an increased forest rate, they go hand in hand. This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based… But from my experience in polytopia (which is a lot), Elyrion is by far the worst tribe in the game. Press the labels to change the label text. ” Having an upgraded capital either doubles income or grants a lot of bonuses from meeting other tribes with an Stormliberator. If they have fruit or animals it’s scarce and often you need to buy multiple I first thought this was a normal tier list and was very confused. yes i was not sure about xinxi (i just like them, but they are not that good), but Yadakk can be not that good in many situations, over the years it was not the best, but It is a solid tribe. S tier awards 6 points, A tier awards 5, B tier awards 4, and so on. Kickoo is the similar. The old Polytopia logo is the menu music. 14. Hoodrick has a viable economy as a non-t0 tribe and an archer warrior army is good efficient strat. Unlike any other tribe (Except Polaris in certain positions), Oumaji is the only tribe who can upgrade a city AND capture a new one on turn 2. the ones being played more getting more practical experience in terms of how to play them. There are not enough rankings to create a community average for the Polytopia Tribe Music (With Skins) Tier List yet. level 2Snoo6632 · 5mQuetzali should be the only S tier-thank you for coming to my Ted Talk1ReplyGive AwardShareReportSave About Communityr/PolytopiaThis is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based, strategic, 4X game. This is My Water Worlds Tier List. 50K subscribers in the Polytopia community. C tier: Aquarion. Create your own Polytopia Tribe Music (With Skins) ranking to contribute to these Community Rankings. To make it even worse, mindbenders are T3 tech so you need to invest a lot to unlock them. S: #1 Kickoo. Reply reply. Try to be impartial. Vengir are terrible. They are the strongest tribes because upgrading the capital on Turn 0 gives them a “head start. The worst tribe is aquarion without a doubt, all the other ones have something going for them. Feel free to add or argue. Jan 5, 2024 · Create a ranking for Polytopia Tribe/Skin Drip Teir list. The best of a tier will be the first, the worst in a tier last E. 46K subscribers in the Polytopia community. (Usually highly adaptable) A tier : Good tribes that can win often. Notes: ai-mo is in B tier and D tier because it is generally better in perfection but not good for getting really high (100k) scores. I agree with everything except quetzquali. 1. It's also confirmed that it will be awful, #buffzoy. Tier list for perfection. Polytopia Tribe Theme Songs Tier List. Every combination of map size and player numbers will change things. Here's my ranking of the tribes. The main issue imo is that they start with tier two resources mostly - farms, forests etc. 145 votes, 19 comments. them being given an advantage since there's more chance of victory and 2. 3kPolytopians147Getting Hugs from Ciru BugsCreated Jun 23, 2016JoinedLeaveCreate Postuser flair previewmaksym1110Community In a game where you snowball super hard like polytopia, the game is basically decided within the first 10 turns or so, and being able to get all those resources fast means you get ahead fast and use them to stay ahead. B1 and B2 could be swapped, and most of this is subject to change or tribe dependent because different tribes use different resources. The “Roads” tech will also upgrade your capital(and the Oumaji starts with a rider and the Riding tech. again- this is my personal opinion but i’d love to hear what you guys think! comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment . Not only do they one of the best soundtracks in the game, but they also start with the “Roads” tech, allowing them to increase travel time between cities early on, a crucial advantage late and early as it allows your armies to move quickly to enemy tribes. Adjust spawn parameters accordingly. Well, peaceful until your fleet and troops anihilate the second best tribe for being a tiny bit too annoying with their troops on your land hehe A list like this doesn’t make too much sense without context. This is the current version before diplomacy, version 51. This is based on using a lakes/ continents small thru large setup. Lol yeah, ironic. Please note this is for the domination game mode only. The idea was that if you do have both the technology and This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based, strategic, 4X game. Mar 10, 2021 · Create a ranking for Polytopia Tribes. Does it grow that way, did a tribe member go out and cut every fruit prior to the game start. Share. S tier: 20-24 points -Luxidoor - 23 -Kickoo - 23 -Bardur - 22 A tier: 19-20 -Zebasi - 19 B tier: 15-18 points -Imperius - 17 -Hoodrick - 16 -Polaris - 16 -Elyrion - 16 This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based, strategic, 4X game. Tribe rankings are vastly different in a 10 player FFA or a 1v1 on a large map. Bad Tribes. Ur_Local_Retard r/Polytopia • New Tribe Concepts (Fan made Jul 18, 2023 · This guide will show you all tribes details in game! Hello everyone in our guide to The Battle of Polytopia All Tribes. While I do believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, it sounds like elevator music to me. Hey ya'll, I think it would be fun to see how the community ranks each tribe pre-diplomacy update. mrkay66 • 7 mo. Look at the user lists below to see their opinions on the best Polytopia Tribe Music (With Skins). this is based on the little preview thing that you see when you click on a tribe. A tier list for the game The Battle for Polytopia. Move xin xi and Ai mo down. Xin xi start with a bad tech but can get swordmen early and have a decent amount of resources. Tribe viability is mostly map dependent but I think generally this is a good list, though personally I think oumaji is B and luxidor and Ai Mo are C. Confirmed Aimo and Aquarion are A tier meaning they are the best. For example the ai mo get quick mind benders, cheaper techs and altar of peace. Drag the images into the order you would like. C Tier: Kickoo, Zebasi, Hoodrick. Not the best tribe but still pretty good. 5x modifier to mountains. Hoodrick: has an Ai-Mo related tech but it's actually usable on turn 0. This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based…. Polytopia is (ignoring kickoo and luxidoor) a decently well-balanced game. There is no general consensus on there being one bad tribe, just a bunch of different tribes that are slightly worse than the others. MrDuckyPlays. Else the tierlist is good. Zebasi after the update is top tier, yadakk is still decent, just not the best, Quetzali is really good with Technologies and therefore IMO B tier minimum. "Turn 0" tribes can upgrade their capital on the first turn. Thank you! Repost of tier list but now it's ordered and I fixed a few mistakes. D tier: Vengir. • 2 yr. 13. 5x modifier to fish, while having a . This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based Mar 1, 2023 · A tier list of all the polytopia tribes from best to worst this is my opinion so don't be offendedsorry my voice is weird I'm sick rn0:00 intro0:11 bardur0:4 44K subscribers in the Polytopia community. Create a ranking for 'Polytopia Tribes with Cymanti'. Polytopia fruits tier list! (Based on appearance only) (open to discussion lol) Btw it's pretty funny that the tribe that starts with the ability to pick fruit has the D-tier fruit🍎. This seems to give an advantage to tribes who have been played more, thus meaning that there's more chance of 1. 44K subscribers in the Polytopia community. Huge Map: S tier: Imperius, Cymanti A tier: Bardur, Zebasi, Elyrion , Quetzali B tier: Oumaji, Polaris, Kickoo, Luxidoor, Yadakk, C tier: Xin-Xi, Hoodrick, Ai-Mo D tier: Vengir, Tribes fall into two categories based on the the tech they start with. Strong military in the early game, but if they can't start with 8 star, this is so they can research any 1st tier tech ,but left with 3 stars unlike other tribe that start with 5 //need balancing (Based on Malians culture) start with 3 warrior Polytopia Unit Tier List + Matchup Chart (description in comments) Some friends and I made a Polytopia matchup chart where we compared which units are good counters against each other. tribe tier list based on how cool i think their aesthetic is. Explanations: The T0 tribes are the best economies in the game, the early game lead makes it difficult to catch up with them using a non-T0 tribe, nothing more needs to be said. If you fill out the google form above. It's been in the making for some time, but here it is! - For questions, please ask the @polychampions discord or me for elaboration - Like (100 Likes = Next For more discussion on T0 and upper-mid-tier tribes, see Prophet's tier list. For those that may not understand, spiritualism is on the knight tier because it is the knight cancelation. Insane in 1v1s if played right, only tribe in the game that is able to consistently beat Kickoo on massive water worlds maps. Like The Xin Xi (China / Japan) The only exceptions as far as I can see are The Ai Mo (Andes / Tibet) and the Kickoo (Caribbean / Polynesian) which are separated by distance. They have good units, but they cant hunt animals or cut down trees making them have a slow start Imperius to A tier. A tier: Xin-xi, Quetzali, Ai-mo. factors are how cool i think the music, animals, fruit, mountains, and city design is. Yadakks my favourite tribe. If it was a diplomacy tier list it would have looked a lot different. Here is the list of tribes without details so you can navigate to your tribe in question: S Tier: Kickoo Bardur Luxidoor. Luxidoor in general is op but has similar problem as ai-mo. Check out our other Video Games tier list templates and the most recent user submitted Video Games tier lists. Kickoo and Polaris should be A-Tier, alongside maybe Elyrion and Yadakk. 🔴 Live Voting Poll Alignment Chart View Community Rank Zebasi is a mid-tier tribe in my opinion. Elyrion to B tier. Polytopian Times. Aquarion is at the bottom because it has no eco advantage at the start, slow start = low score. Because that means there is at least A strong use case for them. The thing is however, that tribes like bardur, yaddak and cymanti have ridiculous advantage over most other tribes. In my personal opinion, I think that this alone shows that there isn’t really even a worse tribe. Rank it Now! Pretty much all the tribes represent a mash up of cultures, but usually they are adjacent to each other. Better than Ai-mo and Quetzali. Closest to letter = best of tier. Its important to always play the same Zoy tribe confirmed. (due to good starts, good starting tech, or some kind of quirky strategy) B tier This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based, strategic, 4X game. Note that the technologies the B-tier tribes start with are not resource technologies. Hoodrick is in S tier because of the sheer vastness of their Oct 26, 2021 · A tier list ranking all the tribes currently (Oct. They are a Turn 0 tribe like all the other top tribes and turn 0 tribes dominate the meta. ago. Apologies to the imperius but them apples have nothing interesting going on. S tier : Clearly amazing tribes that can win in nearly every situation. As well as Cymanti have a much cheaper strong unit with raychi, which can annihilate boats and are much stronger than a ship which also costs 7 stars. T0 tribe, one of the best terrains in the game, and forestry is just a really solid branch overall. The Kickoo have an insane start to the game; they have turn 0 upgrades through fish, good resources, and a quick access to ports and sailing. Apr 10, 2019 · Create a ranking for The battle of polytopia tribes. 8. I made a tribe aesthetic tier list (music + physical look) let me know what you guys think/what you would change. Archers aren't a bad tech to start with, as long as you have a warrior protecting it. A solid pick for every single water worlds format. Click 'Save/Download' and add a title and description. I googled it and Corn is technically a fruit, but it sure doesn’t feel like it and it looks a bit like lego, down from B to C. 2. • 3 mo. Tribes are characters that players play as. It's always just been a meme to me because it sounds like an electric kazoo. Mar 13, 2024 · Create a ranking for Polytopia Tribes (No Skins) 1. I feel like tribe selection ought to occur in reverse player order, with no duplicates, so you either get to play first with last choice of tribe, or vice versa. Vengir: Suffers from the exact opposite problem as aquarion. Jul 19, 2023 · In this video I rate all the polytopia tribes on a classic S to D tierlist. Edit the label text in each row. Only scenario when mindbenders do something is when he is hiding inna fog and catch enemy offguard. Polaris can use them more consistend because ability to freeze units and easly catch them, but even then, mindbenders are niche. Whales also allows you to border expand ocean cities boosting and possibly giving better Tech Tier list. In certain maps kickoo, or aquarion are the same, or polaris, although they are usually the long game benefiters. 2021) available at the Battle of Polytopia, discussing each tribes gameplay uniqueness and quirks. Over the years tier list. If you agree or disagree with it tell me down in the comments! ----- 44K subscribers in the Polytopia community. Members Online What do you think is the worst unit in the special tribes The tier system goes like : S (best), A , B and C (worst). This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute… Tribe Tier List Form. This slows their early-game economic development. From there, shift the rest of the list down a tier and I'd say that's correct. But yes, Yădakk has awesome music. This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute… In this week’s episode we unveil the Polytopian Times’ official take on the tribe tier list! You can listen to the Polytopian Times podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Anchor, RadioPublic, and Pocketcasts! 46K subscribers in the Polytopia community. Polytopia Tier List (August 2019) This tier list is based partly on facts and my personal opinion. Anyone have a tribe tier list that has cymanti tribe included init. Drylands. Case in point, Yadaak is actually a great tribe for 1v1s but atrocious the denser the map gets with opponents. This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based… No tribe is inherently bad for any game mode or in any scenario. The Battle of Polytopia currently has 16 tribes. Tribe tier list. Share your Tier List. 4. Polytopia tribes ranked on how good their tribe music is This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based, strategic, 4X game. Pretty good list, Vengir should be in a tier of their own though (S+). Ranking the tribes from best to worst. • 4 yr. B Tier: Polaris, Bardur, Xin-Xi. 226 votes, 52 comments. It is written from the lens of team-based play, but most of what it says applies to Polytopia in general. Don't even aim for balance, necessarily. A Tier: Yaddak, Imperius, Oumaji. Hive intelligence here would close to figure out absolute value. Hey everyone, GullYY here! Welcome back to another epic Polytopia video! I really enjoy Polytopia's music, so I decided to make a tier list video where I ran I asked an ai (Bard) to make a tear list of all the Polytopia tribes per map size, based on strength. Imperius: Not super heavily affected by the update and was already one of the best for being a T0. It has a decent beat and fits well thematically though. Jul 28, 2017 · E tier: Aquarion, hoodrick. Solid matchups against every other tribe, as well as being good on team modes. Lead one of 12 different civilizations to victory by expanding your empire, researching technologies and ultimately becoming the ruler of the world! You can find all the tribes and details you will need in this adventure below. g Kickoo first in S tier Luxidoor last. 27 votes, 21 comments. Modify tier labels, colors or position through the action bar on the right. This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute…. Reply. The argument I frequently make about tribe tiers is that a lot more credit should be given to tribes with some map settings they really excel on, even if they are dogshit most of the time. Ai-Mo starts with the Meditation tech. This tier list does not take the cost of a unit into account, nor does it take technology into account. Almost every tribe has something going for them. On water world, there are few villages, so you can't get very high spt to make more battleships, so boosted raychi can often overwhelm water world. Explore with phychi, develop econ E tier: -Vengir Overall: Every tribe gets points for every tier it was placed in. Zebasi's Waongii fruit being cut open really bugs me. Polytopia OST tier list. However, Yaddak comes closest to Oumaji's advantage. Jul 18, 2023 · Kickoo / Ragoo. fc tt ek hp kj kd pu lb ih pf