Tcl print variable to file. lexical scope. Extended Tcl adds some other commands: bsearch searches a sorted file using binary search, and lgets is list-oriented (it reads Tcl lists). e. outputn) to a file on the flash for example. All Tcl files will have an extension, i. May 6, 2014 · RAT::LogMsg INFO "Got these env-vars: [lsort [array names ::env]]" If puts stdout works in your environment, you can try doing: parray ::env. 6 you can completely skip running an external program: set var [binary encode base64 "text here"] Dec 8, 2014 · I'm trying to source a tcl script on the tclsh command line, and I want to redirect the output of that script into a file. " I have also tried: set path [file [info script]] but the result is always the ". A simplified version of the procedure will be as below: Aug 6, 2014 · Tcl buffers output internally, so characters written with puts may not appear immediately on the output file or device; Tcl will normally delay output until the buffer is full or the channel is closed. fc_shell> man redirect 2. Name is the name of a file; if it starts with a tilde, then tilde substitution is done before executing the command (see the manual entry for filename for details). Let's make a trivial procedure to do it: Jul 28, 2015 · Tcl provides an easy way to open and read the lines of a file. Ideally I'd be able to pipe everything to a csv file, but it'd be enough to have the script return a pass/fail. Set the current location to the end of the file. Is there a way to suppress all the screen output. a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4 You need to create 2 lists, one for numbers and one for characters: May 11, 2022 · The x variable in function1 is local to it and is destroyed when the function returns. Exp: The script need to find the word Key in the text file, then look for the section if present then section_b need to be stored in variable temp1(exp. Sr. If the signal doesn’t match the expectedVal parameter, we print a nasty message and increment the errorCount variable. 3 with the first two official patches, or 7. Right now I am able to echo to get the result of my variable but I cannot for some reason set that result to a variable in my bash script. This thought is incorrect. Aug 6, 2014 · Concatenates args (adding separator spaces between them), evaluates the result as a Tcl expression, and returns the value. For those operators common to both Tcl and C, Tcl applies the same meaning and precedence as the corresponding C Dec 13, 2014 · To answer the original question with a concern of checking for an empty line here is the corrected code example: if {[string trim $var] != ""} { puts $var } This command provides several operations on a file's name or attributes. Jun 1, 2016 · I wanted to read a file one line a time, split its columns and saved it in variables. The command operates by scanning formatString from left to right. puts -nonewline -nonewline\n (where the \n neutralizes the effect of the first -nonewline, which is the switch; but I never needed that so far;-) or, as Andreas Leitgeb pointed out, Oct 7, 2013 · output variables from TCL to a text file. It will depend on what shell you're running and how you have your environment variables, such as your prompt, set. Here is an example of my TCL script: set file_status "C" Here is what I have for my bash script: Feb 16, 2020 · After the word Key there will be {. data" ! After you have created the file invoke the script with the following command line: > Tclsh85 args. But its not working (It So we thought about redefining stdout, stderr in this way: We don't use in our C (++) the cout or printf, but only Tcl_Write or an encapsulated version of Tcl_Write on stdout or stderr. How to write CSV file form the beginning in TCL, I have a data in rows. ) To get the current username reliably, check out the tcl_platform array's user element. all in beginning in the same column. Thus, to have a variable that is shared between two procedures, you need to give it an exposed name: Jul 16, 2020 · My workaround for now is this, writing to the file in the bottom level proc by upvar'ing the file variable. b. I see the script is putting out the outputs incrementally. I want to read the word which is located in the file. . Any additional arguments on the command line are passed as a list to the script in the argv global variable Assigning values to variables. Nov 1, 2019 · With a short input file like this, it is much easier to read the whole file into a variable. However the return value of expr is always in decimal form: expr 0xA + 0xA returns 20, not 0x14. How I can do this? Aug 6, 2014 · You can change the prompt by setting the global variables tcl_prompt1 and tcl_prompt2. The second solution instead prints each line directly. And now I have to source var. For specific help with what RE to use for particular types of May 6, 2021 · So my goal is to take a variable that is in my TCL file and pass it to my shell script for it to be able to use. I need to take that output as a string and parse it. set tool4 "${tool1}somepath". If varName is not fully qualified, set searches first for a variable having that name in Nov 25, 2020 · That will enable tracing of all commands from when the source starts to when it finishes; if that file includes your main loop processing, you'll get a print of absolutely everything. The assignment command in Tcl is set . When creating a variable, set resolves the name relative to the current namespace. exec tclsh "$0" "$@". If you want to print a list of all environment variables you can use something like this: Jun 23, 2019 · 4. Standard File Descriptors. Items of data passed to a script from the command line are known as arguments . Using files works better in those cases. (4kB is probably quite enough per chunk though you can pick larger values; I/O overhead will dominate in any case. the name of an interpreter as understood by the interp subcommands. A log file, vivado. It's great for producing output in fixed-width text form. variable same "hello b" ;# global namespace. The open command returns a "token" (value) that Tcl file access command use to access the file. temp1=section_a), Like wise: Aug 19, 2016 · @johnny: there is no fully generic solution. Oct 11, 2016 · It's not that Tcl dont' accept "[]". Apr 8, 2017 · I am writing a TCL script for modelsim, and I want to compare the output value of a signal to a constant to know the circuit is working correctly. ) Aside from that, it's possible that there is something set in the ~/. When set is called with two arguments, as in: set fruit Cauliflower. Return Values. Otherwise you run the (very slight) risk that you get values for two different days on subsequent invocations. 0 100 F fast or T 2. The gets Command The gets command comes in two Jun 9, 2015 · To append a value to a file, you need to open the file in the right mode and use the two-argument form of puts (the one-argument form is defaulting to writing to stdout). The "#\" gets skipped because /bin/sh thinks it is a comment. TIP: I dont like the global command. txt in the following order. Sep 11, 2019 · set returns the value of the variable named varName, or if value is given, stores that value to the named variable, first creating the variable if it doesn't already exist. $ source my_script. Feb 28, 2018 · TCL -- How to store and print table of values? 0. The journal is a record of the Tcl commands run during the session that can be used as a starting point to create new Tcl scripts. tcl. ) The simplest way to express this is with a loop inside a try … finally (requires Tcl 8. permission is an integer to use to set the file access permissions. (The parray command is a procedure that pretty-prints an array. Sep 16, 2016 · The first solution uses list-appending lines into into a variable and later printing the joined-up text in it. like this : Sep 8, 2013 · When writing lines in a loop, where you don't want a newline at the end of just the last line, you're really using \n as a line separator rather than a line terminator. which sets the contents of variable to value. Jun 11, 2020 · Thanks Shawn for the script. 6): proc sameContent {file1 file2} {. Declare all of your global variable at the beginning of your main file using variable command. In Tcl, everything may be represented as a string, although internally it may be represented as a list, integer, double, or other type, in order to make the language fast. Here this is the situation: set data1 "This is Data1 Value\\n" set data2 "This is Data2 Value" set data3 "\\nThis is Data3 Feb 5, 2022 · how can I redirect a proc output into a file in tcl, for example, I have a proc foo, and would like to redirect the foo output into a file bar. The gets Command The gets command comes in two Apr 4, 2013 · From the Tcl FAQ for Windows:. tcl and dumpy all this variables for checking all setting. Nov 25, 2011 · OK, that's a very simple RE in the middle there (and for more complicated files you'll need several) but that's the general pattern. So, put the following source code in a test. global x. Aug 23, 2022 · Nit picking: I would suggest to format the date and time in a single command, or store the output of clock seconds in a variable and use that in both commands. " rather than A1234F. Setting a (hopefully May 14, 2020 · I have some variables in tcl files (var. We’ll see how this impacts the way we assign variables in Tcl. The platform default encoding will be used. Mode & Description. Instead, you can use the set command with one argument; $ is effectively syntactic sugar for that, but the command lets you use complex substitutions. Hot Network Questions Aug 6, 2014 · This command provides several operations on a file's name or attributes. What do I need to do, if I have to print out on the value on the same line S 1. Please let me know how to cleanly redirect the output of a proc to a file. txt reading input from a. Oct 28, 2013 · Let say your strings placed in file abc. The info script command returns the file that is currently evaluated. The operators permitted in Tcl expressions include a subset of the operators permitted in C expressions. tcl and that the present working directory of the shell window in which we are working matches the directory in which the The key thing you need here is format. 0. I would like to know what would be the best way to print it to a file so that they all have equal spacing between them. tcl: proc foo {a b c} {} proc bar {a} {} Then running the script will produce: $ tclsh list_procs. variable same ;# reads from the global namespace. Sep 22, 2017 · Bottom line: variable substitution using $ does not always work well, but the set always does the job. Tcl ONE 2 3 The name of the script is: args. Feb 20, 2012 · It appears from your question (and comments to Donal) that you believe that files have anything to do with namespaces. This works really well if the files are known to be small. Apr 17, 2015 · 22. tcl: set tool1 "". tcl` in your shell. For many applications, the default is fine. If you want to put environment variables in a central file (i. That lets you set it into a variable: set var [exec echo "text here" | base64] However, you can avoid the echo: set var [exec base64 << "text here"] And in Tcl 8. You can use it to set the permissions for the file's owner, the group he/she belongs to and for all the other users. The syntax for opening a file is as follows −. open fileName accessMode. cshrc file could look something like this: Feb 8, 2017 · Many folks work in a mixed Shell environment. set x 10. bash_profile) so that other programs can source them, then it should be pretty easy to get Tcl to parse that file and set the variables in the env array. tcl file. Apr 6, 2021 · 1. Jan 30, 2016 · 6. Redirecting output of tcl proc to file and output (like Aug 23, 2015 · How I add bracket in string variable in TCL file. (Pay particular attention to if you are setting the TCL_LIBRARY or TCLLIBPATH environment variables differently. To assist the un-enlightened, often a tcl or tk script is called from another shell. For example, take the simple script presented in using the command line tutorial. " The argument in the puts statement is preceded by a $ sign, which tells Tcl to use the value of the variable. tcl File procs. log is also created by the tool and includes the output of the commands that are executed. Combine that with file normalize to get the full path: puts [file normalize [info script]] Beware that info script is only valid while the file is evaluated. The Tcl interpreter makes the three standard Unix file descriptors available to your program. The last alternative is to place environment variables in a 'STR#' resource named Tcl Environment Variables of the application. So this is how I would do it: Dec 4, 2014 · TCL Script: set a 10 while {$a < 1} { puts $a incr a } Expected output: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I am trying to print numbers from 10 to 1. 0 100 F fast – Feb 12, 2016 · I have a group of lists some with strings, some with numbers and some with both. And then any child process has the variable foo in its environment. Jul 28, 2021 · variable , a built-in Tcl command since 8. puts [expr 3 + 2] Lets assume the script has been saved as add. Jan 2, 2011 · What should I do in order to display the output in a proper and uniform manner. The three solutions I've presented so far (including the one in the update) solve the problem under different constraints (the word is known, every word is to be counted, only words at the end or a sentence is to be counted). The exec command returns the output from a command. The problem is that "[something]" in Tcl means you want to run the function/proc/command something and then insert it into the string. Tcl Total count of arguments passed is: 3 The arguments passed are: ONE 2 3 The first argument passed was ONE > Reference: Tcl/Tk 8. – Apr 29, 2019 · Since Csh and Tcl are two completely different languages, you cannot simply load a Csh file in a Tcl script via a source command. When the output buffer fills up, the puts command will normally block until Dec 2, 2023 · The env array is one of the magic names created by Tcl to reflect the value of the invoker's environment; that is to say, when one starts Tcl, what one does is make a request to the operating system to start a new process. To assign a variable we use. gets returns the number of characters in the string, and -1 if EOF. Instead, the characters following the % character are treated as a conversion specifier. Writing multiple lines to a file in TCL. Rename and replace puts. Type in something at the "empty prompt" ! Try typing in "Control-D" !! Create a data file named "input. You should, in general, treat this string as a black box: you never need to look at it or print it, just sock it away in a variable to be passed as an argument to other commands. tclshrc file, which is only sourced in interactive mode (it happens before you get your prompt). tcl procs. I have a file like the following. code : Apr 22, 2021 · This will produce a file called output. Below is what I started with: Tcl buffers output internally, so characters written with puts may not appear immediately on the output file or device; Tcl will normally delay output until the buffer is full or the channel is closed. Check out these code snippets that demonstrate how to read and write files with Tcl programming language. Jun 17, 2017 · The issue is that the syntax for $ only parses a limited set of characters afterwards for being part of the variable name; the $ is not part of that. Apr 16, 2012 · Tcl variables that are not local to a specific procedure run need to be bound to a namespace; the namespace can be the global namespace (there's a special command for that) but doesn't need to be. set a [ prog arg1 arg2 ] Tcl Lists. No. Example contents of some. In order to print the value of a variable such as, set tempVar "This is a string. If you want to print the string "-nonewline" with a newline, you can only do. There is nothing to stop you from using the lowlevel open-read-close solution with direct printing or the fileutil solution with lines list-appended into a variable. txt first, with the exact (a sort of) obscure content you need, whatever it is for Empty lines are skipped, remember that no further line parsing checks are made, so this implies that a correct formatting is always expected. Reading a File Apr 17, 2015 · How to write the different variable value in TCL using the foreach loop. This is considered a little more ``Mac like This command provides several operations on a file's name or attributes. Note that step-level execution tracing has a substantial overhead, and that some commands may have internal steps that you don't normally observe. Or use set ::x 10 to explicitly refer to the variable in the global namespace. 4b4 for the fourth beta release of Tcl 7. One way to get file data in Tcl is to 'slurp' up the file into a text variable. If my suggestion made previously didn't work, look for an alternative that does. interp. Let's call it giri. I know how to control the input signals but can't figure out how to echo the output. 1. list MEM_rf_2p_hce_1024x8_naxos1 RF dual_port Oct 24, 2017 · Trying to use tcl to gather output from a number of show commands and redirect the output to a file. the name of a channel as understood by commands such as chan, puts, gets, read, and close. The concept of a list is used in Tcl to allow a variable to be composed of a number of other variables, in a certain order. If variable tcl_prompt1 exists then it must consist of a Tcl script to output a prompt; instead of outputting a prompt tclsh will evaluate the script in tcl_prompt1 . Calling info script from procs that are defined by the script, but are evaluated later in response to an event will Jun 28, 2018 · Assigning as part of the call (NB: no semicolons and the variable assignment is close to the actual call to tclsh): echo 'puts "the B environment variable is $::env(B)"' | B="b" tclsh For anything complex or large, try to avoid passing it via environment variables (or command line arguments). Let us write a simple Tcl program. That array is generated internally by Tcl (well Say I have a TCL script like this: exec ls -l Now this will print out the content of current directory. The value of this variable is returned by the info patchlevel command. The script has to read the content and store it in some variable. a. And for the described task I think string first is a better choice than string match. txt which is located in line number 366 and columns from 19 to 21 and store it in the string variable Word. proc use {} {. variable gpio_out_set_3 0x03. Each line of this file should be of the form VAR_NAME=var_data. 5 Programming Cookbook Please - look for a unique sequence at the end ad recode to look for that. How do I send all the outputs (output1, output2 . puts "Hello, World!" Assuming, Tcl environment is setup correctly; let's run the program after switching to file's directory and then execute the program using Tcl uses the open command to open files in Tcl. Note that, as usual for Tcl, the space after the while command word is important, as is the space between the while expression and the while body. escaping "\" in the end of a string in tcl. } all over there file has some content. Reading From A File Tcl has two commands for reading from a file: gets is line-oriented, while read is block oriented (and suitable for random access I/O). 3p2 for Tcl 7. Live Demo. When the output buffer fills up, the puts command will normally block until Set the current location to the end of the file. exe program, passing it the path to the script file. Documentation: chan , open , package , puts , set , tcl::transform::observe (package) . In Tcl you have the global env array: set ::env(foo) bar. The code below shows the Tcl procedure that we’re using to read a signal value and check that it’s as expected. proc function1 {} {. 42. A file named Tcl Environment Variables may be placed in the preferences folder in the Mac system folder. tcl) which list the variables predefined by other user example in var. I always forget to use, and hard to see which variable is global and which variable is local. You can force output to appear immediately with the flush command. #\. channel. 2. RS: dynamic scope. For example, I use, tcl_patchLevel. That could cause Jan 25, 2013 · You have a few options: Write a Tcl Extension in C that exposes Tcl_SetStdChannel to script level. When an interpreter is created Tcl initializes this variable to hold a string giving the current patch level for Tcl, such as 7. If the character is a % then it is not copied to the result string. Probably one of the better solutions, but not that easy. You can use. , . If I put: set path [pwd] it would give me the full path (with the "/") and writepdb does not accept special characters. 1 what 2 Why 3 When 4 who I wrote the following code, thinking it will print like this: Mar 26, 2015 · For a straight binary comparison, you can just work a chunk at a time. Jul 25, 2013 · I need to use awk command inside a Tcl script. The first shall be the name of a variable in the calling scope, the second shall be the name of a text file to read, and the third shall be a string containing Tcl code (that will be evaluated in the caller's context). Here, filename is string literal, which you will use to name your file and accessMode can have one of the following values −. . To run a console script, invoke the tclsh. – Jul 7, 2020 · In ModelSim, we can read a VHDL signal from Tcl by using the examine command. 4. How to put out a complete string with {} in tcl. jou into the directory from which Vivado was launched. set tool3 "${tools2}somepath". Let us assume you want to load all the variables set with a setenv command. Each character from the format string is appended to the result string unless it is a percent sign. Option indicates what to do with the file name. If the process is being started directly, that process is typically given a set of variables called environment variables Mar 9, 2011 · Assume we have a variable 'a' set to 12345 : set a 12345 Now how do i set a new variable 'b' which contains the value of 'a' and another string say 9876 workaround is May 29, 2022 · This is ICC2, which means you can use the redirect command that Synopsys includes with their tools. File looks like this: %% cat Memory_minus. All these lists have variable lengths. Synopsys Commands Command Reference redirect NAME redirect Redirects the output of a command to a file. I assumed that devious examples like yours would never be an issue, since t should always be under your control (I can't imagine a case where it would make sense to build a variable name based on user/external input). Oct 23, 2009 · I agree, and I would argue that any method of dynamically creating variable names is bad style. Now you can split file_data into lines Reading From A File Tcl has two commands for reading from a file: gets is line-oriented, while read is block oriented (and suitable for random access I/O). tcl contains the following procs: foo bar The Vivado tools write a journal file called vivado. tclsh Mar 9, 2022 · set path [file dirname [file normalize [info script] ] ] it just returns a ". Thus, in: set signal_name [get_fanout abc_signal] the result of the call to get_fanout is used as the second argument to set. txt. Documentation: set , Summary of Tcl language syntax Share Feb 15, 2013 · Every Tcl command produces a result value, which you capture and use by putting the call of the command in [ square brackets] and putting the whole lot as part of an argument to another command. You can think of a workaround instead. set variable value. I prefer the $::<varname>, which points to the global namespace. I have tried several iterations of substitution but cant get Tcl to treat the variable name as a variable, and return its value. The Tcl expr function supports arguments written in hex notation: operands which begin with 0x are treated as integers written in hex form. #!/usr/bin/tclsh. Is there a way to tell expr to return the hex representation? The only value string may not always take is "-nonewline". Sep 20, 2016 · Note that it would seem to make more sense to have the channel transformation on top of stdout, with the channel to the log file as receiver, but I haven't been able to make that work. output variables from TCL to a text file. Oct 18, 2013 · For example, if you have the following script, procs. An odd quirk about Tcl, something that gets many engineers hung up, is that everything can be represented as a string. For most output that comes from libs that write to stdout without being asked for this should be good enough. So to stop Tcl from thinking you want to execute something you need to tell it that [does not mean you want to call a function/command/proc. Now, writing the format-items for a format string is an art (very closely related to doing the same for sprintf() in C) that quite a few people lack nowadays, but something like this is what you want were you just doing the n == 4 case: Nov 27, 2018 · Tcl Variable Assignments. I just want to show the output and none of the tcl commands. 0, declares and optionally sets variables in a namespace. We create two additional server sockets in the master to represent stdout and stderr. Apr 25, 2014 · [info nameofexecutable] which is the Tcl interpreter program itself (typically the argv[0] at the C level) [info library] which is where Tcl's own library scripts are located $::tcl_pkgPath which is a Tcl list of directories where packages are installed $::auto_path which is a Tcl list of directories where scripts are searched for (including The Tcl file commands are file, open, close, gets and read, and puts, seek, tell, and eof, fblocked, fconfigure, Tcl_StandardChannels (3), flush, fileevent, filename. determines variable value at runtime - used in older Lisp versions. Oct 7, 2015 · I want to read a word from a file with TCL/TK and store it in a variable. To do that without building all the data in a single string, it is easiest to use an extra variable to hold the separator and have that start out empty. I was trying to correct the OP's syntax more than their style. First Tcl Program. tcl The script my_script. The default is rw-rw-rw- (0666). But got this result % proc foo {} { puts "hello world" } % foo hello world % foo > bar wrong # args: should be "foo" Apr 17, 2015 · Environment variables are accessible via the built-in global variable env (fully qualified it is ::env). variable same "hello a" ;# global namespace. That would make the created file name off by a day. You use this like any other Tcl array. For example: #!/bin/sh. 0 200 S slow or T 1. The return code of Tcl command is a string, which may used as an argument to another function by surrounding the command with square brackets [ ]. } to make it a global variable instead so that it can be seen by a later top-level puts [function2 x]. When the script calls itself with the "exec $0", Tcl reads the "#\" line as a continuation of a comment 7. set tool2 "${tools1}somepath". This works but isn't the most clean way of doing this. Jul 12, 2014 · The simplest method would be to make the Tcl code write a shell script to set the variable to standard out (with puts) and to then do: eval `tclsh yourscript. If the second argument is not present The file need not already exist. TCL output file 1. Jun 2, 2016 · That should print out plenty of information. tcl is something like this: May 18, 2012 · I am trying to write a small bit of code that will list all of the variables and the values they contain in the info globals command. ms ks ge yl jt bh gn qx ih ke