Acqdemo ocs range AcqDemo Results FY12. 0% 18 0. AcqDemo Update ASC Professional Development Seminar September 9, 2003. 0 Administrator Training Session 28 Mar 19 @1400 29 Mar 19 @ 1000 Conference line 28 Mar 19: Dial: +1 (786) 535-3211 . 5% Inappropriately compensated above the rails CRI Funding Range: 2. 5% 3,536 98. While performance level is considered a factor in the GS system, WGIs rely most heavily on longevity. 13 0. • The cost study section shows that pay costs are under control confirming AcqDemo’s success at cost discipline. \爀ꀀ屲This course is a continuation of the AcqDemo eLearning series. This course is designed to not only familiarize the HR community with AcqDemo’s Score (OCS) of 0 for pay of GS-1/1 and 100 for GS-15/10. Prepared for: United States Department of Defense (DoD) http:/acqdemo. 0 . RATING OFFICIAL CHANGE AND EMPLOYEE MOVEMENT MATRIX – June 2022 . AcqDemo News: 2025 - New - Giving and Receiving Feedback Presentation 1/6/2025 - Pay Trans and Turning Data Base 1/2/2025. 0% 1 0. OCS, Expected OCS Range, Current OCS, Delta OCS, Raw Average Score, Rating of Record (RoR) and Rail Position . 2. 24 0. It takes approximately 45 minutes to compl\te all sections. While the basic classification and appraisal factors, descriptors, and discriminators cannot be changed, the factors with the addition of an employee's contribution plan are fundamental to the success of an • AcqDemo support and additional training opportunities AcqDemo 101 Course Objectives 3 After completing the course, you will have a better understanding of: Score, or OCS for short, which, in turn, determines any pay adjustments and contribution awards. Prepared by: Irene Rincon (RGG) & Locality, HRSO code, Prev OCS, Start Date • Supervisor Roster • List of employees and their Supervisor 1, Supervisor2, PayPoolManager, and Sub AcqDemo Factors, Factor Descriptors, and Descriminators July 2020. 1% Inappropriately compensated above the rails. • Expected OCS, expected contribution range and expected categorical score (broadband level and low/med/high) corresponding to current salary • Quality AcqDemo 1 AcqDemo Results FY22. Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Definition of Rail Zones A 85 0. 00% - 9. 5% - Welcome to AcqDemo Giving and Receiving CCAS Contribution and Performance Feedback. Slide 8 Demographic Characteristics of AcqDemo Employees, September 30, 2015 AcqDemo Results FY23. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian česk PUBLISH DOCUMENT No, I renounce more range. OCS. 2015 • Views . 5% - All AcqDemo 2 AcqDemo Results FY15 1 average based on those receiving, weighted by base salary (capped at band max) to include employees on retained pay 2 average based on those receiving, weighted by adjusted salary (capped at EX-IV cap) and may include awards of employees covered by bargaining unit agreements CRI Funding Range: 2. 33%, Per the Federal Register, CA funds available to spend is 90% of funding so 1. OCS should be completly deleted off the forms and hidden from your supervisor and paypool, so they have to calculate off your performance, and only your performance. For 2016 BROADBANDS: The broadband levels replace the current General Schedule (GS) fifteen-grade structure. 5% 2 0. OCS Results: 2012 Pay and SPL 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 0 204060 80 100 OCS Salary (Base or Max) SPL UR LR OCS CA Funding Range: 1. This is what distributes that GS-1 to GS-15 salary range across the total range of points available. 3% 4 1. This MOA provides guidance for the operation of AcqDemo at Arnold AFB. Sample Descriptors and Discriminators 8 Factor 3: Mission Support NH – Below are links to AcqDemo's Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) Aggregate Results for the FY22 cycle. EN. OCS Results: 2012 Pay and SPL 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 0 204060 80 100 OCS Salary (Base or Max) SPL UR LR OCS CRI Funding Range: 2. 0 0818) 1 1. We understand and are working to resolve 2020 Expected OCS Range on Contribution Plans and Current Settings –Employee Data Report: • Working a Hot Fix to ensure that Contribution Plans and Report AcqDemo Results FY23. The AcqDemo Federal Register specifies that the SPL should produce the GS-1 Step 1 pay when Overall Contribution Score (OCS) is 0 and the GS-15 Step 10 pay when OCS is 100. 8% 166 96. 0% 2 0. AcqDemo ’s new hire costs arein the expected range given the goal to be more competitive in hiring. Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Definition of Rail Zones A 30 0. 0%* of http:/acqdemo. 7. 3,287 98. 8. • Expected Overall Contribution Score (EOCS) and Range – Is determined by your base pay (without the locality) – Is found in your CAS2Net account – CCAS has a scoring range of: • NH how your EOCS and range was determined based on your base pay. 8% 26 0. 0%* of adjusted Range (ECR): Determining the appropriate point ranges for an employee's broadband level and position. • Expected OCS, expected contribution range and expected categorical score (broadband level and low/med/high) corresponding to current salary • Quality AcqDemo ’s new hire costs arein the expected range given the goal to be more competitive in hiring. Prepared for: United States Department of Defense (DoD) Acquisition Workforce AcqDemo is designed to provide a personnel management system that increases our ability to attract, retain, and motivate a highly qualified acquisition Score (OCS) and associated award/salary increases are determined though pay pool deliberations. You should complete AcqDemo 101 prior to beginning this course as several related topics presented here were first explained in When you are in acqdemo you need to stop thinking that your rating should be closer to someone elses if they have a different OCS range than you. +/- 4 OCS points) Standard Pay Line So this is the famous “rails” graph of AcqDemo. •Writes timely http:/acqdemo. 3 Purpose of a Personnel Demonstration Project • AcqDemo support and additional training opportunities AcqDemo 101 Course Objectives 3 After completing the course, you will have a better understanding of: The purpose and history of AcqDemo Score, or OCS for short, which, in turn, determines any pay adjustments and contribution awards. The supervisor will communicate the appraisal Overall Contribution Score (OCS), PAQL CAS2Net 2. 445%, Title: 2024 Acquisition Demonstration Career Path Salary Ranges Author: AFMC/A1KI Subject: AcqDemo Overlaid on GS Pay Scales with Locality Created Date Expected OCS & Range Supervisor’s Annual Appraisal Organization Mission Employee Self-Assessment Guidance from Personnel Policy Board and Pay Pool Manager AcqDemo is a flexible and responsive personnel system designed to enhance the DoD’s ability to attract, motivate, and retain a high-quality acquisition workforce (AWF) as well as AcqDemo Program Office acti vates it on October 1 st. • The new flexibilities tables in Section 7. mil CAS2Net and CCAS Open Forum Thursday 4 January 2024 1:00 PM Eastern Time Topic: Topic: Pay Transactions and Turning CAS2Net Database Contribution Plan will list the employee’s FY23 Expected OCS and Range. 1% 17 100. ACQDEMO . 0% 45 97. They are sought out for advice and guidance on all matters relating to the management of an organization’s most valuable asset – its workforce. <br /> The Standard Pay Line (SPL) distributes the GS-1 to GS-15 salary range across the chart beginning at an<br /> OCS of 0 (GS-1, Step 1) and ending at OCS of 100 (GS-15, Step 10). You should also understand how the factors, descriptors, and discriminators will be used to measure your contributions and • All AcqDemo employees are rated based on the same six factors (no modification): Problem Solving Teamwork/Cooperation Customer Relations Leadership/Supervision Communications In AcqDemo, the salary ranges have the same overall pay ranges as the GS pay tables. The acqdemo manual goes through all this if you want to read about it. Pay adjustments become effective the first full pay period in January which begins on 6 January 2019 for the CCAS cycle 2018 payout. Employees whose OCS and basic pay plot in the NPR or below receive the General Pay The updated AcqDemo Operating Guide is designed to outline the demonstration project processes, including detailed information on specific procedures. 00% - 2. 1% 0 0. 9. Categorical NH Point Range NJ Point Range NK Point Range Very High Score High 115 95 70 Medium 110 91 67 Low 105 87 64 IV High 96-100 79-83 - Medium 84-95 67-78 - Score (OCS) Title: Microsoft PowerPoint - Factors Descriptors and Descrimintors Charts [Read-Only] AFMC AcqDemo Expansion – June 2025 Presented by: Department of the Air Force AcqDemo Program Management Office (DAF AcqDemo) Alison Stogsdill, DAF AcqDemo Program Manager Eva Askins, Deputy DAF AcqDemo Program Manager Patty Lindsey, DAF AcqDemo Policy and Training Manager Chester "Bob" Black, DAF Policy and Training Manager Denise Walker, http:/acqdemo. 0 Below are links to AcqDemo's Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) Aggregate Results for the FY23 cycle. mil Air Force AcqDemo Results FY17. What documents will supervisors provide employees at the end‐of‐year discussion? New year Expected OCS Range and Expected OCS Part One: Please complete steps 1-4 to determine your Acqdemo career path and broadband. NH-03s will be split between Cat II/III based on EOCS range. . 5 0. 9% for A NEW WAY TO MOVE UP THE LADDER. 6% Inappropriately compensated above the rails CRI Funding Range: 2. 67 Compensation Detail $ 70,996 Current Rate of Basic Pay + $ 710 General Pay Increase 1. Access Code: 175-694-189 . 20999 20999 20999 2023 AcqDemo Basic Pay Range Tables with 4. 0% 0 0. mil Rating Statistics Worksheet • The Rating Statistics worksheet displays average OCS, average delta OCS and Modal Rating of Record for each career path and broadband level. 10 ACQDEMO CCAS FOR SUPERVISORS (V1. Updated September 2024 . 0% Appropriately compensated between AcqDemo 1 AcqDemo Results FY23. mil CAS2Net and CCAS Open Forum Thursday 4 January 2024 1:00 PM Eastern Time Topic: Topic: Pay Transactions and Turning update to reflect their new Expected OCS and Range base on their 2024 basic pay. 1 . 33%, • Per the Federal Register, CA funds available to spend is limited to 90% of funding so 1. 1% 57 0. 1 Slide 2, Course Introduction Welcome to the AcqDemo CCAS for Employees course. mil CAS2Net and CCAS Open Forum Thursday 19 September 2024 – Allowed control point OCS values to have 4 significant digits to increase accuracy OCS or internal broadband level pay range within the broadband level, and if applicable, the pay of the employees under the s upervisor/team leader. Employee's CCAS Responsibilities (OCS) Each score level Please spend some time becoming familiar with our project, and feel free to contact us at AcqDemo. 0% becomes at United States Department of Defense (DoD) Acquisition Workforce Demonstration Project (AcqDemo) Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal System Software (CAS2Net) Subcontract Number HQ003415A0020 Task Order HQ003420F0792 – AcqDemo Analytics CMS SPREADSHEET USER GUIDE (CMSUG) Version V1. For this graph we’ve added the Normal Pay AcqDemo Results FY23. Releasing, Accessing, and Signing FY23 Salary Appraisal Forms. 56 0. 00% Average Carryover2 Average CA Award3 Average Salary Increase1 Payout Statistics (Presumptive Due to Time Excluded) Average Rating The AcqDemo Federal Register specifies that the SPL should produce the GS-1 Step 1 pay when Overall Contribution Score (OCS) is 0 and the GS-15 Step 10 pay when OCS is 100. Updated September 2023 . WHS AcqDemo Task Order 01. mil Purpose This job aid is a guide on the work flow for the CCAS Annual Expected Contribution Range 61-67 Mission Support 3M 75 3 Delta OCS 7 Rating of Record Average 3 raw score of PAQLs 3. For the DC area, that would be $134,797. Prepared for: United States Department of Defense (DoD) AcqDemo Ops Guide Version 3. Acquisition Category ( Score Range 0-29) NK Level I Factor 2 ( Score Range 0-29) •Explain status/results of assigned tasks. 0. Acquisition Functional Area. 33%* of adjusted salary * certain bargaining unit covered pay pools used 3. For 2016 the formula for the SPL is Salary = $18,343*(1. 4 CCAS Factors, Descriptors, and Discriminators: under CCAS on 30 September and have served in an AcqDemo position under CCAS for 90 calendar days or more immediately preceding 30 September. 0 Acquisition Performance Management Sign in via CAC AcqDemo Results FY12. A review process will (Reference AcqDemo Operating Guide, Chapter 2, Sections 2. mil Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) Contribution Plan Mid-Point Closeout Annual 1 Supervisor 1 The following slides may be slightly different when you access CAS2Net due to continuing refinement of CAS2Net. 19. Refresh Contribution Plan Data • Once the database is turned, the employee’s FY24 Contribution Plan Provide the process to transition into AcqDemo • Provide a basic understanding of AcqDemo’s Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) • Provide results from CCAS • Summary. 19 . ⬤ ⬤ 23. Position? 10a. For reference, NH-3 at the senior professional control point (GS-13) would show a salary up to $103,309 base + locality. 1,717 98. AcqDemo is designed to attract, motivate, and retain high-quality acquisition workforce professionals. 1% Appropriately compensated between $130,000 $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 Basic Pay $82,750 Normal Pay Range or Expected Contribution Range (ECR) (8% +/- of SPL) (approx. 5% Appropriately compensated between It is expected under AcqDemo that each Participating Organization will cr eate a Personnel Policy Board, or modify the charter of an existing group, to oversee the transition into AcqDemo and focus on managing local personnel management policies and CCAS results under AcqDemo. The Federal Register noted above (Reference B) provides the basis for the AcqDemo Operating Guide. AcqDemo Factors with Descriptors and Discriminators; Broadband Salary Ranges; Conversion Calculator (HTML) Expected Contribution Range Calculator (Excel) Employee Movement Matrix (PDF) PRD Forms; Readiness Checklist (Excel) Labor Market Data Sources; Conversion Training; Refresher Training; CAS2Net; Job Aids; User Guides; Open Forums; Federal AcqDemo Results FY23. 0%, provided a range of funding settings between 2. 0% 16 0. The Normal Pay Range (NPR) is defined as the region between the UR and the LR. 40% of base salary; CA Funding Range: 1. Share Embed AcqDemo Results FY23. 0200425) ** OCS where * indicates “multiplication” and ** indicates “to the power of” - The Pay Pool Manager will review application and post utilization assignment, if any. 0%* of Please spend some time becoming familiar with our project, and feel free to contact us at AcqDemo. Employee Name (Last, First MI) or Position Title. 0% 8 0. 2024 - Grievances / Grievance Window 12/5/2024 - NotFinal and DataComplete Reports 11/22/2024 - The DOD AcqDemo Operating Procedures outline the scope of management and employee responsibilities and participation within the AcqDemo project (Reference A). 8 . 00% - 4. • The Overall column shows the combined averages for all imported pay pools and columns to the right show averages for each individual pay pool. The Upper Rail (UR) is 8% above the SPL and the Lower Rail (LR) is 8% below. The range is based on some calculation involving your salary. 17. 18 $120,000 $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 B a s i c P a y 0 Overall Contribution Score 100 A = Above the Rail ACQDEMO CCAS FOR EMPLOYEES (V1. (Overall Contribution Score [OCS] range) corresponding to the employee's The AcqDemo Federal Register specifies that the SPL should produce the GS-1 Step 1 pay when Overall Contribution Score (OCS) is 0 and the GS-15 Step 10 pay when OCS is 100. CRI Funding Range: 2. CAS2Net refreshes the screen to display the “Closeout Assessment” web form with the last saved information for selected employee (if any). We’ll use the Normal Pay Range to illustrate how one can receive an OCS within a specific range of scores and remain in the Normal Pay Range. The information is presented in a scatter diagram showing how an employees Overall Contribution Score (OCS) plots on the graph - each dot represents an employees score. The tables on pages two and three provide additional data detailing rating and compensation Below are links to AcqDemo's Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) Aggregate Results for the FY23 cycle. 40% of base AcqDemo Results FY19. − See Appendix M of the DoD/Army Operating Procedures for the Army Sabbatical application process. 0% becomes at AcqDemo Results FY21. AcqDemo Results FY21. 5% - Welcome to the AcqDemo CCAS for Supervisors course. 2, July 31, 2020) 12. 1% GPI NH - Business Management and Technical Management Professiona 152771 - GS 15 109908 - GS 13 37597 GS 4 37597 GS 4 37597 GS 4 32357 77112 71099 109908 99908 GS 14 71099 GS 12 GS 5 -GS 11 GS 12 - GS 13 J - Technical Management Suppo 32357 57709 AcqDemo Results FY23. 0% 5 0. The tables on pages two and three provide additional data detailing rating and compensation http:/acqdemo. Maximum EOCS range set by AcqDemo conversion-out rules. Acquisition Workforce Demonstration Project (AcqDemo) Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal System Software (CAS2Net) Subcontract Number GDIT-LB-05202020 . 3% 1 3. This Allows GS-12 to be rated against NH-03 (GS-12 equivalent). According to the results of the 2022 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (page 32), when employees were asked how poor performers are addressed in their agency, 42 percent of respondents answered that the poor . Additionally the CAS2Net Sub- Panel Meeting is only for pay pools with established sub panels in OCS, Expected OCS Range, Current OCS, Delta OCS, Raw Average Score, Rating of Record (RoR) and Rail Position . 5 Slide 10, Expected Contribution Range Calculator Not all positions can be valued at the http:/acqdemo. 0% 13 0. 2 states , “A participating organization may supplement the PAQL criteria (see Table 5) in local business rules with additional standards that identify milestones, production, due dates, or other measureable aspe cts of success contributing to the accomplishment of the goals and objectives necessary to meet an organization’s mission and http:/acqdemo. Some pay pools will be organizationally aligned while others will be functionally aligned. 0% becomes at http:/acqdemo. 30%* *Includes first-cycle funding percentages of a newly transitioned organization Average Carryover2 Average CA Award3 Average Salary Increase1 Payout All AcqDemo 1 AcqDemo Results FY19. Basic pay rates for employees are established within the minimum and maximum basic pay range for their position's broadband level. General Pay Increase; Contribution Rating Increase. 3% 91 0. Below are links to AcqDemo's Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) Aggregate Results for the FY21 cycle. The tables on pages two and three provide additional data detailing rating and compensation AcqDemo Start Date: When employee started in AcqDemo (e. 27 0. 8% 7,358 99. (OCS) plots on the graph - each dot represents an employee's score. The OCS is then compared with the the organization. +/- 4 OCS scores) Standard Pay Line So this is the famous “rails” graph of AcqDemo. OCS Results: 2012 Pay and SPL 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 0 204060 80 100 OCS Salary (Base or Max) SPL UR LR OCS CA Funding Range: 0. 2% 1 0. AcqDemo 1 AcqDemo Results FY23. mil CAS2Net 2. 5% - 4. 0, so it may not be the actual “Start Date in the http:/acqdemo. 0% 27 0. 16 0. 0 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW 1. 5% 89 0. 2% Inappropriately compensated above the rails. 0%* of January following the conclusion of the pay pool process, and before the AcqDemo CCAS payout. The table on the second page provides additional data detailing rating and compensation for AFMC AcqDemo Program Lead 4375 Chidlaw Road Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 (937) 257-4138, DSN 787-4138 http:/acqdemo. 40% of base salary; CA Funding Range: AcqDemo’sPurpose “The purpose of the project is to demonstrate that the effectiveness of DoD acquisition can be enhanced by allowing greater managerial control over personnel processes and functions and, at the same time, (OCS) •Algorithm translates the OCS into a compensation action. Name and Location of Position's Organization. 445%* of Welcome to the AcqDemo CCAS for Supervisors course. This resulted in me being pushed from on the lower rail to below the lower rail (region B) as shown and stated on my Cas2Net. mil Dept of Navy AcqDemo Results. 7. The worksheet list the employees in Below are links to AcqDemo's Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) Aggregate Results for the FY22 cycle. TOPIC NAVIGATION . <br /> Figure 6-12: Level 2 Supervisor Appraisal Status Employee Details<br /> September 30, 2011 6-8 CUG2011-GS-35F-4594G11. This happened to me when I converted from GS to AcqDemo. You should complete AcqDemo 101 prior to beginning this course as several related topics presented here were first explained in previous OCS, current OCS, expected OCS, and individual scores by each performance factor. The information is provided at the DoD level The OPM approved and published the final project plan for the AcqDemo on January 8, 1999, in 64 Federal Register (FR) 1426 – 1492. The tables on pages two and three provide additional data detailing rating and compensation Click a specific date range under Closeout Period to update the Closeout Assessment for an existing Closeout period –or--click “New” initiate the Closeout Assessment for a new Closeout Period. This course provides the knowledge and tools you need to generate realistic and mission-relevant contribution plans for achievement during the appraisal cycle. You may wish to refer to your last SF-50 (Notice of Personnel Action) if you are unsure about the information requested. mil CAS2Net and CCAS Open Forum Thursday 7 November 2024 1:00 PM Eastern Time Topic: Initial and Final Uploads TEAMS Meeting Link. AcqDemo Results FY22. Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Definition of Rail Regions A. g. CMS SPREADSHEET USER GUIDE (CMSUG) Version V1. 3% Inappropriately compensated above the rails. 0% 2 3. 1% GPI NH - Business Management and Technical Management Professiona 152771 - GS 15 109908 - GS 13 37597 GS 4 37597 GS 4 37597 GS 4 32357 77112 71099 109908 99908 GS 14 71099 GS 12 GS 5 -GS 11 GS 12 - GS 13 J - Technical Management Suppo 32357 57709 Acquisition Workforce Demonstration Project (AcqDemo) Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal System Software (CAS2Net) Subcontract Number GDIT-LB-05202020 . • Rule of Many—when there are 25 or fewer candidates for a position, the hiring manager, who knows AcqDemo HR Flexibilities Human Resources Professionals are the primary points of contact for leadership, managers, hiring officials, AND employees. 0% + $ 3,532 CRI (Pay Increase) 4. 1% 1 0. The NDAA for FY 2004 authorized the National Security Personnel System (NSPS) and most AcqDemo employees converted to the NSPS in 2006. 84 0. 0% becomes 0. The table on the second page provides additional data detailing rating and compensation for the three AcqDemo Career Paths. 0 indicate a slow start in the use of new flexibilities to match GS career ladder promotions and use of supervisory differential. Locality Pay. http:/acqdemo. 0%* of AcqDemo Results FY23. 00% - 3. 143 Contribution-Based Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) AcqDemo Rating System CCAS Pay Adjustment References CCAS Appraisal and Scoring Contribution Improvement Expected Overall Contribution Score (EOCS) range. This is my second year in Acqdemo after transitioning to it from GS. 4% 0 0. Step 1: Select your occupational series: Broadband Base Pay Range: (locality pay not included) Part Two: Complete steps 5-9 to estimate your within-grade The AcqDemo Federal Register specifies that the SPL should produce the GS-1 Step 1 pay when Overall Contribution Score (OCS) is 0 and the GS-15 Step 10 pay when OCS is 100. Prepared for: United States Department of Defense (DoD) Acquisition Workforce All AcqDemo 1 AcqDemo Results FY21. 1% 83 98. The PPB’s typical list of responsibilities are listed here. 4% 1,739 98. 0% 5 71. 97% = $ 75,238 New Rate of Basic Pay + $ 10,654 Locality Pay @ 14. Acquisition Workforce Demonstration Project (AcqDemo) Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal System Software (CAS2Net) Subcontract Number HQ003415A0020 . 10b. 0%* of AcqDemo Results FY20. Exception – The losing rating official may use an approved Midpoint Review in lieu of a Closeout if departing during the time period designated for Midpoint The “Rails” $130,000 $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 Base Pay $81,735 Normal Pay Range or Expected Contribution Range (ECR) (8% +/- of SPL) (approx. 0200425) ** OCS where * indicates “multiplication” and ** indicates “to the power of” – CCAS has a scoring range of: • NH 0-100 and Very High Scores of 105, 110, 115 for NH -IV • NJ 0-83 and Very High Scores of 87, 91, 95 for NJ -IV • NK 0-61 and Very High Scores of 64, 67, 70 for NK -III – Every employee’s base pay has an Expected Overall Contribution Score (EOCS) and Expected Contribution Range, and every OCS has a It is expected under AcqDemo that each Participating Organization will cr eate a Personnel Policy Board, or modify the charter of an existing group, to oversee the transition into AcqDemo and focus on managing local personnel management policies and CCAS results under AcqDemo. 17 0. (Overall Contribution Score [OCS] range) corresponding to AcqDemo Results FY20. 33%* of adjusted salary • certain bargaining unit covered pay pools used 4. Workforce. Acquisition is a knowledge-based business; we depend on people to use their knowledge to advance mission performance. 0% and 2. 2% GPI (not including locality pay) 146757 GS 15 105579 GS 13 36116 36116 36116 ana 74074 agem 95973 GS 14 - 68299 GS 12- 31083 GS5- 31083 GS5- 68299 GS 12- nage 47097 GS9- 42641 GS8- 105579 GS 13 74074 GS 11 For 2022, this would bea minimum of $31,305 in the AcqDemo Adjusted Basic Pay (basic pay plus – Minimum setting established by the AcqDemo Federal Register Notice is 2. 445%* of AcqDemo evaluation of the salary cost of AcqDemo over time indicated greater growth than the comparable GS comparison group. 0200425) ** OCS where * indicates “multiplication” and ** indicates “to the power of” AcqDemo Results FY23. , 05 -22-2011) Start Date in Organization: When employee is assigned to the Organization (Note 1: This feature is operational with the deployment of CAS2Net 2. . 10. Categorical Scores — Slide #9 and 8% below the Standard Pay Line and approximately 4 OCS points above and 4 OCS points below the SPL. 2024 Ac Demo Basic Pa Ran e Tables with 4. Updated October 2021 . Version V1. The Y axis begins with the GS-1, step 1 basic pay and ends with a salary encompassing the GS-15, step 2020 Expected OCS Range on Contribution Plans and Current Settings –Employee Data Report: • Working a Hot Fix to ensure that Contribution Plans and Report show 0-0-0 until after AcqDemo differs from the OPM classification system by utilizing only three factor levels instead of the nine evaluation factors commonly used in the OPM Classification Standards. 0%* of Acquisition Workforce Demonstration Project (AcqDemo) Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal System Software (CAS2Net) Subcontract Number GDIT-LB-05202020 . 2% 0 0. 8 0. 0% 4 0. 4% 29 0. 7,160 99. 0 Updated August 2021 Prepared for: The key to success in AcqDemo is envisioning how your work will impact the mission of your organization. 1% 4 0. This course helps you understand the links connecting contribution planning, in-cycle reviews, and self- and supervisory assessments to the pay pool process. A. 26% as determined by local policy CA funding was set at no more than 1% of total aggregate salaries (base pay plus locality) of employees in the pay pool as of 30 September. 3% 0 0. Section C, Pay Administration, offers more detail on how to set pay within a broadband level. The fifteen GS grades are arranged into three or four broadband levels Along the X axis are overall AcqDemo contribution scores ranging from 0 to 100. 0% – Normal Pay Range – Rail Position • All AcqDemo employees are rated based on the same six factors (no modification): Contribution Score (OCS). This course is a continuation of the AcqDemo eLearning series. Based on this, greater emphasis is being placed on utilizing a cost-disciplined approach through their salary range? Should some of the employee’s CRI be forcibly rolled over to CA? Is the compensation enough to retain and motivate the Intent of AcqDemo is to appropriately compensate all employees Compensation Category. Please review the . 18 0. Meeting Call in Information Meeting ID: 231 024 528 524 +1 571-403-9146 • Option 4 – change or delete the OCS control point or Control Point $ • Option 5 – IAW local business rules. Contribution Award. 5% 153 100. Sample Descriptors and Discriminators 8 Factor 3: Mission Support Demonstration Project (AcqDemo) Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal System Software (CAS2Net) Subcontract Number GDIT-LB-05202020 . hci. 2024 AcqDemo Broadband Salary Ranges for a comparison chart. Prepared for: United States Department of Defense (DoD) Acquisition Workforce Welcome to AcqDemo Giving and Receiving CCAS Contribution and Performance Feedback. 5 %âãÏÓ 20949 0 obj > endobj 20965 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[1239F6B548448E4096B4EF8DD5BEF40F>8931AFFA9B224C4A9481FD7F84500E66>]/Index[20949 27]/Info An Employee's Guide to CCAS - AcqDemo. 445%* of adjusted basic pay • certain bargaining unit covered pay pools used 4. 33%* *Based on negotiated agreement Average Carryover2 Average CA Award3 Average Salary Increase1 Payout Statistics (Presumptive Due to Time Excluded) All AcqDemo 2 AcqDemo Results FY14 1 average based on those receiving CRI, weighted by base salary (capped at band max) to include employees on retained pay; does n ot include GPI 2 average based on those receiving, weighted by adjusted salary (capped at EX-IV cap) and may include awards of employees covered by bargaining unit agreements CRI Funding Range: AcqDemo Results FY12. mil. I was able to apply for and get an NH AcqDemo Aids Acquisition Mission Success Scott Wortman Wortman is AcqDemo program manager for the Office of the Under Sec-retary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics’ Human Capital Initiatives at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Executive Order (EO) 14003 issued in January 2021 included the general policy that Federal employees stationed in the United States (territories and possessions) should receive an hourly pay rate of at least $15 per hour. 4 0. 26%; CA Funding Range: 1. Acquisition. 0% becomes at What is AcqDemo? The Acquisition Demonstration Project, or AcqDemo, is an alternative human resource management pay and personnel system that provides managers and organizations with increased flexibilities in recruitment, staffing, o Expected OCS Range o Actual OCS Conditional advisory message to alert the supervisor that the employee’s Annual Appraisal Self- Assessment is incomplete “Contribution Planning” ‘read only’ textbox contains the last submitted information - The Contribution Planning “Effective Date” is included in the subtitle CAS2Net treats “Categorical” scores as optional since they may Index, AcqDemo positive responses were greater than All DoD for 88 of the 89 agree/disagree questions. 0%* of The AcqDemo Op s Guide 6. 00% Average Carryover2 Average CA Award3 Average Salary Increase1 Payout Statistics (Presumptive Due to Time Excluded) Average Part One: Please complete steps 1-4 to determine your Acqdemo career path and broadband. Counts do not include personnel receiving presumptive OCS ratings due to time. Please review the 2024 AcqDemo Broadband Salary Ranges for a comparison chart. 2 Today’s Presentation • AcqDemo Participating Activities • OSD Best Practices Initiatives What is the approximate OCS range to remain within the region where compensation matches contribution? $120,000 $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 B a s i c P a y 0 100 $35,035 44 Not Demonstration Project (AcqDemo) Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal System Software (CAS2Net) Subcontract Number GDIT-LB-05202020 . The module remains open until the end of CCAS pay pool cycle. 16. AcqDemo Results FY20. 40% of basic pay; CA Funding Range: 1. You’ll also gain a better understanding of 2022 AcqDemo Basic Pay Range Tables with 2. Contact@dau. if the employee scores anywhere within that range, AcqDemo will consider their contributions appropriate for their current compensation level. 1. Duty Station 9. 00% -1. If your employee scored • All AcqDemo employees are rated based on the same six factors (no modification): What is the approximate OCS range to remain within the region where compensation matches contribution? $120,000 $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 B a s i c P a y 0 Overall Contribution Score 44 100 Are squadrons given one OCS point per AcqDemo employee and for one employee to receive a plus 2 another employee must receive a 0? In AcqDemo, the salary ranges have the same overall pay ranges as the GS pay tables. SUB-PANEL SPREADSHEET USER GUIDE . AcqDemo Program Office acti vates it on October 1 st. The three AcqDemo factors are Job Achievement ACQDEMO CCAS FOR EMPLOYEES (V1. Q. 0 0818) 2. My annual appraisal had me exceeding my expected contribution range and my expected contribution score for 2024 is less than what I got for my 2023 appraisal. This is what distributes that GS-1 to GS-15 basic pay range across the total range of scores available. Prepared for: United States Department of Defense (DoD) AcqDemo Results FY22. I was put in a Control Point NH-03 since I was a GS-12. AcqDemo PMO and ALTESS are in the process of resolving each of these issues. 4, June 15, 2022 . Will an employee be denied the General Pay Broadband level pay ranges were derived from base pay rates under 5 U (OCS) and a performance appraisal level for each factor. Task Order HQ003420F0792 – AcqDemo Analytics . 02. 7% GPI NH - Business Mana ement and Technical Mana ement Professional 21986 GSI- 21986 GSI- 21986 GSI- Expected Contribution Range includes +/- 4 OCS points<br /> 57<br /> This chart shows a direct link between increasing levels of contribution and increasing salary. The worksheet list the employees in the The AcqDemo Pay Pool Process is where all the CCAS pieces come together and ensure employees are being appropriately compensated for their contributory efforts. 44% *of AcqDemo is designed to focus employees on creating impact. (OCS) An increase of $3,766 would match Expected OCS & Range Supervisor’s Annual Appraisal Organization Mission Employee Self-Assessment Guidance from Personnel Policy Board and Pay Pool Manager Customer Input Organization Mission Contributions Strengths/Weaknesses Recommended Changes to AcqDemo is a flexible and responsive personnel system designed to enhance the DoD’s ability The point of AcqDemo is to give the money to the top performers, and you can't do that if you tell the paypool to consider their pay instead of their performance. 5 Slide 10, Expected Contribution Range Calculator Not all positions can be valued at the AcqDemo Results FY12. You should complete AcqDemo 101 (OCS). AcqDemo’s new hire costs are in the expected range given the goal to be more competitive in hiring. I range of candidates. 16% = $ 85,892 New Total Salary AcqDemo AcqDemo promotes a culture where the contributions of civilian employees are recognized and rewarded. 3% 17 0. 17 • Eligibility for Compensation • Normal Pay Range – Rail Position Five Basic CCAS Concepts. 0%* of All announcements mention a min/max salary range. 9 and 2. Step 1: Select your occupational series: Broadband Base Pay Range: (locality pay not included) Part Two: Complete steps 5-9 to estimate your within-grade All AcqDemo 1 AcqDemo Results FY21. Flexibilities in the areas of Classification, Staffing, Pay-setting, and Performance Management provide acquisition managers with AcqDemo Results FY20. 445%* of adjusted basic pay • certain bargaining unit covered pay pools used Discussion: AcqDemo PMO has been notified of issues occurring in CAS2Net 2. The Operating Guide details the changes to the existing AcqDemo Program, and how to implement those changes as part of a unified demonstration, based on the new AcqDemo Federal Register Notice; 82 FR 52104, %PDF-1. 9% 20 0. PAY POOL ANALYSIS TOOL (PAT) USER GUIDE . 15. (OCS) An increase of $3,766 would match Other: AcqDemo PRD. 81% - 3. 6. 445%* of adjusted AcqDemo Results FY21. Purpose of the Position. C. Scatterplots — Slide #20 . se of The u AcqDemo-only direct hire authorities is increasing. edu with your comments. 3. through their salary range? Should some of the employee’s CRI be forcibly rolled over to CA? Is the compensation enough to retain and motivate the Intent of AcqDemo is to appropriately compensate all employees Compensation Category. AcqDemo News: 2025 - New - Giving and Receiving Feedback Presentation 1/6/2025 - Pay Demonstration Project (AcqDemo) Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal System Software (CAS2Net) Subcontract Number GDIT-LB-05202020 . 0% 32 0.
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