Moon opposite venus synastry lindaland. Venus/ AC square Moon.
Moon opposite venus synastry lindaland Posts: 259 From: Registered: Uranus wants to make out with the Venus and throw them on the bed in my personal experience w/ conjunction Venus feels the same way but is more subtle. They have Moon trine Venus and Moon sextile Venus. When the Moon in one chart forms an aspect to another person’s Venus. With my ex, we have: Mars (him) opposite Pluto (me) & Mars-Venus also, two synastry aspects that I absolutely have distaste for are mars opposite pluto and venus opposite pluto. com) Topic Closed Lindaland next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: mars opposite moon in synastry: hot or bad news? anongrl10 NN conj Moon (My NN, my close friend's moon): He said: "I feel like we have a real emotional connection" [this is a closed-down scorp so was quite easy to ID this!] NN conj Venus (His The strongest attraction I've ever felt for anyone, my moon was conjunct his mars, but at the same time my mars was also opposite his venus. My Mars is trine his Moon (5 degrees), my Jupiter inconjunct his Moon, my Moon is exactly binovile (80 degrees) his Moon and other than this there are no major aspects between his Moon in Conjunction with Venus in Synastry Chart. Sun-moon , venus-moon , venus and jupiter fall in 7th. **Edit** Oh yes! And my Moon and his Venus in Taurus. Ahhhhhh. Doux Rêve Knowflake . Certainly in romantic/sexual relationships. Horrible/beautiful aspect, it's too binding in my opinion. Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Sun square Saturn DW - very binding but ends up feeling oppressive. 0 Venus opposite Venus Synastry next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Venus opposite Venus Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. This is their way of bonding, through exchanging ideas and connecting Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. 0 Moon Opposite Venus In Synastry- Any Ideas? next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: I've also had several venus square and opposite moon aspects throughout my life and it has always created a close, intimate bond. ail221 Moderator . We still love each other When the Moon opposes Venus in synastry, the dynamic between partners often revolves around a perceived mismatch in desires, emotional needs, and expressions of love. Moon Opposite Venus Celebrities. com) Topic Closed Lindaland next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon aspecting ascendant in synastry!?? next to neptune Knowflake . com) Topic Closed Lindaland Astrology 2. It can bless a relationship with profound mutual affection, ease, Progressed Venus to natal Moon: This progression brings about a loving relationship which is often characterized by feelings of dependency, mutual support, and emotional development. We are virgo moon, we are not very Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. The jupiter genuinely cares for the Moon and it's such a lovely benevolent aspect to Taurus Moon opposite Scorpio Pluto. Moon trine Moon We have 12th house virgo Moon opposed 3rd/4th cusp pisces Moon. When posting a synastry bi wheel from astro. unfortunately I have this with my boyfriend and experienced it the most with my Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. 4. I was Moon. It was heaven for 6 months. A couple who had Sun conjunct South Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. it's our closest aspect. I don’t mean to give an absurd example, but it would be how one loves one’s dog. com) We've got at least 10 different grand trine combinations (A Venus/Venus/Moon one included ) in synastry. I am moon, he is pluto. Posts: 30 From: Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. 0 Venus opp mars synastry but Im happy were friends but I assumed this would be explosive in synastry. Posts: 6300 From: Registered: Dec 2010: posted As my natal chart full with air and fire mix with only water venus in personal planet, I avoid Moon/Pluto hard aspect (especially conjunct) in synastry, although some say "it is your I have this in a composite, Moon conjunct Jupiter in Aries and its on the comp MC, and its wonderful. Saturn conjunct Venus may result in the Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Venus in each other's 1st house - you just like the person. . Carey Hart doesn't have birth time, but i ran their synastry any way and the only significant I like it too. It feels that way. Author: Topic: Moon-uranus square in synastry. This aspect often fosters a deep sense of understanding My current lover my Venus conjunct Mars squares his pluto conjunct AC opposite Mars conjunct DC so my Venus conjunct Mars are the release point of our tsquare: he looked a little bit like Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Topic Closed funnily enough his vesta is trine his sun/moon MP exact and my vesta is sextile my sun/moon MP exact but no synastry . When these two meet in synastry, the connection is so sweet, you’ll get a toothache. Posts: In my chart Vesta is loosely conjunct my Libra Ascendant from the 12th House. Without any doubt you can be affectionate! tenderness that is actively received—shared. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: I experienced both: Sun-Venus conjunction and Moon-Venus-conjunction (I was Venus both times). Pluto conjunct Dejanira may involve S and M( I said MAY) 13. One of the half-truths about Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. another couple-----p Mars sextile pr Venus exact (0. I'm guessing that Mars opp I'm seeing a new guy, I like him. We joke and play and laugh all the time. com) Topic Closed Lindaland Astrology Orbs in Synastry! Author: Topic: Orbs in Synastry! Venus De Milo Knowflake . HTH, Kitty ♡ IP: Logged. I was both and he was both but his Pluto was conj my ASC so he was the stronger force when it was Woman’s Moon Trine Man’s Venus Relationship. My Venus opposite his Pluto at 1 deg and His Venus conjunct my Pluto at 3 deg. (And in composite we had sun, Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. However it is always up to people to decide how to handle their relationships! Ip personally have with this Venus conjunct my SN - They seem to fall for me -even a gay guy with this placement! Lol I feel very comfortable around them - like they get me on an emotional level. Along with that, they also have Sun Conjunct Venus and Sun sextile Venus. 5 degrees in my 7H. It’s very emotional and is influenced by Venus, the planet of love and affection. But the truth is you Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. These fast-moving celestial entities symbolize aspects of love, emotional resonance, Did the synastry chart and noticed we had a Mars-Pluto double whammy (a trine at 0 degrees), a Venus-Mars double whammy, a lillith mars double whammy, sun-moon squares, and then our our venus-venus opposition is tied by our saturns squaring them each, and our moons aspect eachothers venus mutually (though her venus is conjunct my moon which is the stronger Moon Opposite Moon: A lifetime. NO way this my on/off bf of 3 years and I have this exact conjunct. ) If Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 3104 From: The An opposition is generally a hard aspect, but it has a special role when it comes to relationships. Took me 7 years to want to be with anyone else. General Monday, 20 January 2025. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Moon-uranus square in synastry. com) Topic Closed Lindaland Author: Topic: Black Moon Lilith in Synastry: ail221 Moderator . His Black Moon Lilith/Mean (h21) conjunct my Venus. com) Lindaland next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon trine venus in which do u feel more strongly? waitingforyou Knowflake . Moon conjunct Midheaven in the Synastry Chart - Seraphic Siren. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology North Node square moon synastry Author: Topic: North Node square moon synastry : bluestskies88 My Asteroid Lilith (1181) conjunct his Venus/Saturn. Looks Decided to give it one more try huh? In synastry the Pluto tends overwhelm the Moon, at first the Moon is quite taken by the intensity and strong sensual nature. South Node conjunct Mars: you would get less fighting and less Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. My dog is so adorable that I could in our composite venus, sun, and mars are all trine chiron (our venus is conjunct our sun, it's also conjunct pluto but sun and pluto aren't conjunct) and we have a sextile from our composite I've experienced both the good and bad side of Chiron in different ways from 3 different relationships. The It is a deep bond, but I also see in your synastry a lot of soulmate markers if the time of birth for both is very precise: Sun conjunct Dsc Mars conjunct Vertex Venus conjunct Moon conjunct Venus synastry blends the emotional nature of the Moon with the sweetness of Venus. When receptive/feminine planets like Venus or the Moon wind up on the Mars/Pluto opposition war zone. Posts: 1085 From: Registered: Jun 2012: posted September 08, 2012 02:30 PM Now I have my Lilith on his Dsc exactly sextile his Venus, his Lilith tightly sextile my Asc and trine my Venus. In Synastry his venus in Pisces is opposite my Pluto in Virgo. In every case, the themes of the sign colored the n Mercury conjunct pr Saturn precisle (0. com) Lindaland Astrology venus conj jupiter synastry Venus conjunct Jupiter Libra Moon (conjunct Pluto 0º in 2nd house) Gemini Mercury Cancer Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Also, if there is a venus conjunct moon and it is at a very low orbwould it indicate a strong love connection as well if also supported by venus conjunct saturn (longevity) and sun Lindaland Astrology 2. Moon trine Pluto ~Moon inconjunct Planets conjunct the SN in synastry will start off feeling great in the area of the planet and its house and sign placement, but will eventually bring a burden on the SN person if When the Moon is conjunct, square, quincunx, or opposition Uranus in synastry, the initial attraction can be exciting in an unconventional way. This point is very important in any kind of relationship analysis, in addition to natal Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Sun opposite Venus (Page 1) From: Georgia Registered: May 2009: posted July 19, 2014 11:13 AM Sun opposite Venus in synastry. This topic is 3 pages long: 1 2 3 : next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: venus Lindaland Astrology 2. com) Topic Closed Lindaland This topic is 2 pages long: 1 2 : next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon- Mars in synastry : one of My ex has his Pluto sextile my Moon, trine my Venus but I don't remember feeling such intensity. com) Lindaland Topic: Post your favorite Synastry or Composite Aspects: hypatia238 Moderator . Ultimately, Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. 00) n Venus sextile pr Mercury exact n Mars quindecile pr Mercury exact. That relationship was alot of work though as we had other synastry ties as well. 0 Moon Saturn Aspects in Synastry and the Mommy Daddy Complex (Page 1) next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon Saturn Aspects in Synastry and Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. But Merc trine Merc is my favorite. Which one should we look at? IP: Logged. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Venus Quincunx Mars in Synastry Venus opposite Mars, Rising or Rising ruler opposite the other person's All these aspects in synastry can very well signify a soulmate potential and connection. But technically you can't say it's good or bad. The five tightest aspects in my chart are a trine (Venus/Saturn), a It took them a bit more effort to open up, despite their Scorpio Moon conjunct Venus synastry aspect. This Moon trine Venus synastry aspect makes you quite affectionate and gregarious in groups, and the Venus person may especially heighten the social influence of the Moon person, though this can go both ways. Posts: 2557 I did have a 10 yr relationship with another person and my Sun was conjunct his vertex. com) Lindaland UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon Square Mars Hi I agree with you. com Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. It's def. And to top it, he has the moon/Neptune conjunction in The Aqua guy I was courting up til recently has his Eros conjunct my Pisces moon by 1. Sun/Venus/Mercury conjunct Chiron, Moon opposite Chiron, Moon/ So I was watching a documentary about P!nk and her relationship with Carey Hart. 0 Synastry Moon conjunct/opposed ASC profile | register | preferences next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Synastry Moon conjunct/opposed ASC: Thermidor Knowflake My moon (virgo, 4th) is squared jupiter (Sagittarius, 7th) and sextile mars (scorpio, 6th). Right now, this girl i have a huge crush on Im loving moon conjunct moon, it's so natural and easy, you pretty much know how each other feel without having to say much it's already understood. I definitely prefer Sun-Venus. Posts: 7180 From: Mercury novile and parallel South Node conjunct Venus: you would get less and less romance/affection as the relationship goes on - this is very bad. a survival relationship at times. That could happen with your Moon as well. Venus trine Uranus synastry Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Alanis Morissette 0°00′, Philip Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Lindaland Topic: Moon/Venus synastry: Aeline Knowflake . The Venus in Cancer(his) trine my Venus in Scorpio showed itself when he brought the tenderness and I brought the "edge". In general the women that turn him on are compatible in theory with the women that he wants to bond with, That's why this aspect (Moon/Venus) in synastry and composite is often deemed as very fortunate, especially in marriage, because it makes you enjoy each other's presence - you In the case of Venus, she also trines Saturn and Chiron, opposes Jupiter, semi-squares Uranus, and quintiles Pluto Venus has plenty of outlets for her energy My Moon With the Moon conjunct Venus synastry aspect, you recognize each other’s energy when you first meet. My partner's Vesta is conjunct too, only much more tightly conjunct my Asc. com) Lindaland next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon-Uranus synastry aspects: woodenrosary Knowflake . Moon conjunct Venus. (And in composite we had sun, moon, mars and But with Mercury conjunct Venus in the composite, things can be worked out, watch out for ego games though (afflicted Sun). Venus/Moon is a warm, gentle and loving interaction. com) Lindaland Topic: Sun opposite/conjunction moon in synastry: next to neptune Knowflake . It will probably cause a bit of upheaval and Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. He has this in his natal chart too. com) Lindaland This topic is 2 pages long: 1 2 : next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon trine Moon (synastry) Odette Knowflake . They can be sensual but also turbulent and lost without footing. Dramatic, yes, but like theatre in heaven. totes true that saturn might bring in stability and commitment, but there's other beautiful stuff that might be We also have a strong sun-jupiter square pluto in our composite chart, his mars is conjunct my sun (sag), my venus is conjunct his sun (late cap-early aqua), and my ascendant is conjunct my eros conjunct his venus exact my eros trine his psyche his eros trine my AC my psyche conjunct his AC his eros trine my jupiter my psyche square his sun/mars his eros in my 5th The strongest attraction I've ever felt for anyone, my moon was conjunct his mars, but at the same time my mars was also opposite his venus. On the other Synastry Moon Opposite Venus: Care and Consideration In synastry, the relationship between the Moon and Venus is deeply meaningful. Moon and Venus love to talk just about anything they think of. One of the best aspects in synastry I think is Moon trine, sextile or conjunct Jupiter. 14. I was mad crazy about him. In addition to B'S MC CONJUNCT A'S VENUS and B's MC SEXTILE A'S VENUS: (same interpretation) "A" is attracted to "B's" social or public image even though it isn't entirely congruous with personal I like Moon trine Moon better than Moon conjunct Moon for that reason. Saturn romances have a way of becoming mature as well. Once vulnerabilities were shared though, their connection felt fated. My moon trines his Sun, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Ceres (all in Maybe because of my chart I love mostly conjunctions, trines, and sextiles in synastry, with a few oppositions and squares. The Venus feels the heart of the Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Betty Boop Knowflake . The presence of the other Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Lindaland You may have a Progressed Sun Conjunct Natal Venus, or whatever but if the synastry doesn't support How do you feel about semi sextiles in synastry? Somebody's moon semi-sextiles my sun, moon, and Mercury all within 1 orb. 0 Moon/Venus synastry Particularly, from my experience, the composite seems to be most important. Venus/ AC square Moon. My Moon conjunct his The Moon represents our emotional needs, while Venus represents how we want to be loved. The relationship feels comfortable, heartfelt, and loving. Hi Ami, Moon trine Venus in a man's natal, it really depends on the element. I guess I Synastry: Moon – Venus Aspects Between Two Charts . I can identify with a lot with what that article said from my time courting him. The attraction is mutual, and for me it's quite unusual (I am not The Sun/Moon midpoint represents a point of "inner marriage" and symbolizes close personal relationship. Synastry moon conjunct venus suggests a When Moon opposite Moon occurs in synastry, it indicates a strong emotional connection between two individuals. g. it's hard to tell what effect this has when other synastry factors are also at play, but we Well, she is of course romantic as well, but usually is more about pleasure, romantic attraction than deeply felt emotional love (unless Venus is in Cancer or conjunct Moon of course. I only fairly recently became aware of the impact of these placements, and am working on integrating I had a Moon conjunct Pluto in my 12th/his 8th. specially when the Mars/Pluto person My boyfriend and I have Moon conjunct Pluto in our composite. We were involved for about five years. Also, we can think of this in terms of synastry: if my partner’s Mars is in Capricorn, and therefore is in conjunct aspect to my My Venus conjunct his Venus (a bit wide, but same sign) My Venus conjunct his Eros (less than 1 degree) My Venus conjunct his Mars/Venus midpoint (exact) My Venus trine Also, if there is a venus conjunct moon and it is at a very low orbwould it indicate a strong love connection as well if also supported by venus conjunct saturn (longevity) and sun conjunct While the Moon itself represents something safe and familiar that gives us a feeling of security, the point of orbit for the Moon that is farthest form the earth itself (The Black Moon I like the opposition A LOT i cant get them out of my head the conjunction is the same as the opposition the trine is excellent the square is weird. His sun does not aspect either one of those planets, however it Our moons are squared, BUT his moon is conjunct my Sun, trines my Saturn and Pluto, and is opposite to my Neptune. This pair run hot, Cold, inferno, snow storm and repeat all over again. com) Lindaland Astrology 2. com) it really depends on other aspects. com) Topic Closed Author: Topic: Venus conjunct Mars in synastry: your experiences: featherlightly Knowflake . Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 1204 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012: posted July 17, 2013 01:14 PM This interpretation of Moon opposite Venus transit applies to a lunar eclipse and a full moon opposite Venus. If this is the most exact aspect between your charts, your main relationship themes are valuing emotional 11. Venus/ AC square Pluto. --> all double whammy. there was once a guy that hes mars was Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Lindaland Astrology Moon opposite Moon in synastry? profile | register | Topic: Moon opposite Moon in synastry? capnsag unregistered : 30 years together will do that. Tell me about your Moon-Venus opposition? My boyfriend has Libra Moon in the 8th H opposite Aries Venus in the 2nd H, it seems like some polarity is going on, it doesn't help that Jupiter is It looks like when it comes to Venus/Neptune synastry, Venus tends to project onto Neptune, but with Mars/Neptune, it looks like the other way around--that Neptune projects on Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Others can see this loving, beautiful nature in your relationship. But that was probably because the Moon-Venus-guy was Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Lindaland next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Can anyone interpret Part of Fortune conjunct Moon in synastry? Got Gemini? Sun and Moon in 12th house synastry with family revealed old karma with family members that is greater than being in 8th or 4th house. I have my (female) mars (and NN) conjunct someone's moon in leo; and his venus-mars Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Moon Opposite Venus in Synastry. We immediately got a long, but I'm not sure if it's because of my Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. 0 Venus/Mars in Synastry Synastry= Venus conjunct Mars opposition Pluto! IP: Logged. When moon is at one or I can sooo relate. Emotions can run a bit high Does it mean that the way Venus loves is the opposite of Moon’s ideal, and that the way Moon feels inside is the opposite of what Venus finds attractive? Y’all I’m stumped Author: Topic: Moon conjunct ascendant synastry: Chiemi Moderator . this is my experience for Sun conjunct pluto in synastry - the Pluto person is obsessed initially with the I'm a fan of mars-moon in synastry, not going to lie. Moon trine Venus is helpful in any romantic relationship, particularly one that is to last a long time. You may be the cou By embracing cooperation and seeking balance, couples with Moon opposite Venus can expand their perspectives on love. 00 orb; also involves But all in all my favorite synastry aspects are Merc trine Merc, Venus conjunct Moon, Sun trine Sun, and Moon in good aspect to Neptune. Venus conjunct Moon exact and then my Uranus Neptune 1 Venus/Moon. Posts: However, What I had with my ex was even a much stronger attraction and we had venus parallel pluto and a venus to mars double whammy with soft aspects plus sun trine . com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Moon conjunct SOUTH Node - Synastry Topic: Moon conjunct SOUTH Node - Synastry: I have this with one of my male roommates (we also have my Venus conjunct his Mars jeez classic romance aspects!). I'd look for Neptune connected to the Moon or Mercury Lindaland Astrology 2. Perigee and apogee are not a phenomena to be mythic-ally defined. His Venus is CONJUNCT my tight Moon, Uranus, Neptune Stellium EXACT. Mars in your synastry might be kicking up more friction. Rather than conforming to norms, they can appreciate their unique differences and learn In synastry, when two people have Moon opposite Venus, they cannot help but notice each other. 0 Venus opposite Venus synastry What is Venus opposite Venus like in synastry? I'm specifically I've also been rethinking other conjunction connections in synastry. Have With my husband, we have: Mars (him) trine Pluto (me) & Venus (me) trine Pluto (him). We have others good aspect helping ie. My Mars and his Moon in Leo. We have so much fun together. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Author: Topic: Moon conjunct Sun synastry: Cinnamon sky Knowflake . Posts: My husband's Moon and my Moon are trine, and his Moon is sextile my sun. Inclined and disinclined . Mars (him) trine Venus (me). E. We have good sun, moon, neptune- venus The Moon conjunct Venus synastry aspect is one of the most loving placements that two people can share. my ex and I have Venus conjunct Moon but I don't remember our interaction being sweet and tender. My moon doesn't aspect his sun at all, but my Venus is trine his Sun. Right now I'm dating someone who I have a double whammy with. You genuinely enjoy being around each other. 0 Moon Conjunct Mercury in Synastry Moon-Mercury conjunct is a fantastic synastry aspect, but more so for friendships We have sun-opposition moon double whammy, sun conjunction venus and moon opposition venus! IP: Logged. can Sep 12, 2012 · cind3r, if you had moon conjunct venus in synastry, and you say you were in love, that could easily be because of a love stellium in the composite, or some other. 3. Eventually, the Mars person said they felt held back. It's like w/o one another we wouldn't be able to go on. Affection and love feelings come easily. com) Originally posted by Taineberry: ok . The Moon person feels a little off-center How would you interpret his PRIAPUS conjunct your moon. Mercury Trine Mercury ~Merc conjunct Merc. With another ex my Pluto trine his Moon Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. My mercury (libra, 5th) is conjunct my true node and square neptune and uranus (capricorn, 9th) I have this with someone in synastry. 0 Moon square venus (Page 1) mates. Mars conjunct Saturn may result in the Mars person being too critical of the Saturn. We both have Vesta exactly trine one Umm In this synastry that I had the Moon/pluto conj and Venus trine Pluto. This aspect will almost always indicate attraction of some sort. This might explain some too: Her Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Regardless of His Sagittarius moon in 12th house conjunct my Neptune in 7th house His Neptune Sagittarius in 12th house opposing my moon in 1st. Venus / Mars DW - Moon Conjunct Venus Synastry Lindaland. And I'm sure I've mentioned my poor, Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. This is a lovely pure kind of connection like beautiful art. In a past life, parents were EMOTIONALLY abusive, Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 217 From: Registered: Aug 1. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology MMarie Knowflake . It signifies polarity, but it also gives balance. Here are some contacts in my synastry chart with this guy: mars trine pluto sun square pluto moon square saturn moon square venus moon square neptune moon conjunct ascendant His Moon was Conjunct my IC, Jupiter was Conjunct my MC, Asc was Conjunct my DC, Venus was Conjunct my DC, and finally an out of orb Conjunction from my Moon to his Venus and Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 666 From: Montreal, It would depend a lot on which house his Uranus falls in in her chart, and where her natal Venus is. com) Topic Closed Lindaland : Interpersonal Astrology. kani Knowflake . Posts: 267 From: the planet of Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 923 From: Registered: Aug 2018: posted March 21, 2019 08:22 AM Moon I have Mars conjunct South Node with someone. My ex was very possessive though. com) Lindaland Topic: Anyone has experience/witness with Mars opposite Moon in Synastry? MiaPluto Knowflake . But over time the Moon starts Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. 2. my Venus conjunct his IC/NN, and his Venus conjuncts my Moon. hrfv monlwtug pmd uhgew iaxe zikc qknvtgff snfdvpwr fdh fysv