Qtablewidget add row not working. The column is still not resizing correctly.
Qtablewidget add row not working However, the following code doesn't work, I only have an empty table and I can't figure out why. This constraint will also be for horizontal header section items. From my experience I have come to the conclusion that you can not copy a widget (Qt does not allow it either), so instead of copying a widget you must copy more relevant features (1) of a widget. . But I havn't got column that I should base. Example: // create a new qtablewidget QTableWidget tablewidget; // our tablewidget has 2 columns tablewidget. ItemIsEnabled | Qt. cbItems) self. here is my code, QWidget *colorTableWidget = new QWidget Oct 10, 2017 · I have not handled the "doubleClicked" signal. You will say: if I am creating a window why it is not shown? , firstly because you do not call show, and secondly it is because it is a local variable that is eliminated when it finishes Jul 1, 2016 · The horizontal header needs the information of columns from QTableWidget. What's the easiest way to implement the I have created a Qtablewidget as a class, and add_button to add rows, a delete_button to remove rows from table down upwards. Empty Table If the table is empty, rowCount() will return 0. h. Aug 25, 2016 · Problem in getting mouseEvent on QTableWidget, this code is to create a window with tabelwidget and mouseclickevent, when i click right button of mouse then i got two action event options named "add" and "delete", i want to add new rows with 3 columns when i click "add" event function, and delete the last row when i click on "delete" event Feb 25, 2019 · In NewModel::dropMimeData() you are inserting the row at the specified location. How to add a row in a tableWidget PyQT? 0. g. setProperty("row", row) comboBoxAircraftName. I tried adding ui //After a new row is inserted we can add the table Jun 4, 2018 · When you overwrite a method it always calls the parent's method since it could be doing other kinds of tasks and you would be omitting it. QtGui import * class TableWidgetDragRows(QTableWidget): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(). setProperty("col", 1) comboBoxAircraftName. You simply need to specify where you want the row placed. insertRow(0); // we add the items to the row Aug 29, 2021 · Both the docs and the book I read say that using . QTableWidgetItem qit(""); qit. Table widgets can be constructed with the required numbers of rows and columns: tableWidget =newQTableWidget(12,3,this); Alternatively, tables can be constructed without a given size and resized later: tableWidget =newQTableWidget(this); . I am not sure if I am missing something. This above approach did not work. I tried this code, which does not work, because if I simply click my button I do not set the current row to the row of the button. Aug 8, 2010 · It's not working. addItems(self. Can anyone please explain what I am doing wrong here. The QTableWidget::row() function is used to determine the row index of a QTableWidgetItem. setRowHeight(); for all rows. Nov 6, 2017 · Below is code which is in loop. setBackground. py sys:1: RuntimeWarning: Invalid return value in function QItemDelegate. 1. Sep 30, 2013 · Trial 1: I do the following while inserting a row dynamically. setAcceptDrops(True) self. I found lots of sources (e. I haven't tested with selecting multiple rows, but I think it should work. All of this works if there is a QLineEdit in the first column. setItem(row, colum, QTableWidgetItem(data)) on a QtableWidget object is one way to go. updateUiCellClick) Added print instead of self. py' module: from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi( Nov 13, 2019 · I want to make a spreadsheet like Excel. 8 on Fedora 17 x64 Aug 13, 2011 · PyQt5, QTablewidget. Output: Item in row 0, col 0 has value Name Item in row 0, col 1 has value City Item in row 1, col 0 has value Aloysius Item in row 1, col 1 has value Indore Item in row 2, col 0 has value Alan Item in row 2, col 1 has value Bhopal Item in row 3, col 0 has value I have a table created with 2 columns and 0 rows called tableWidget_Events. 2. May 29, 2013 · I am trying to set the background and foreground color of a QTableWidgetItem that is a Vertical Header Item in a row of my QTableWidget. Also, this code is c++11, not sure how much would have to be rewritten to compile it without the newer implementations, but just a heads up. So your self. I am getting the following error: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'QTableWidgetItem' My code: Feb 22, 2018 · In order to append search results to the table without overwriting the previous table content, just don't call setRowCount(0) before adding items and use the current rowCount() as the row_number: Aug 11, 2018 · I need to add a new column to an existing QTableWidget whenever a button is pressed, something like: ui->tableWidget->addColumn(); Oct 9, 2017 · I have a QTableWidget and for all rows I set a setCellWidget at one column to a button. Here you can find an example of you could do the same thing to a listview. ExtendedSelection) When I close the UI I use QSettings to remember any selected rows. However, if the size of the row is small (only one line of content), the QWidget is cut. setDefaultDropAction(Qt::MoveAction). I have verified wit The row() function on QTableWidget will return the row number the given item appears on. I got away with an iteration approach: If you know the number of rows and columns that the table may have at the time of creation, you can use the following: table = QTableWidget(rows, columns, parent) Code language: PHP (php) To add an item to the table, you use the setItem() method: table. I put the code at the end of the function. May 7, 2015 · I can think about 2 ways to force tablewidget to render multi-line text: Setup QStyledItemDelegate item delegate and render text yourself in the delegates paint method. Dec 13, 2024 · We then use QTableWidget::row() to find the row index of the first item, which is 0. Oct 28, 2021 · Using QtConcurrent to add rows to a database sounds fine, as long as it doesn't read the rows from the QTableWidget. clicked. setSelectionMode(QtGui. It may be necessary to serialize the QtConcurrent tasks. cpp (in the constructor of the mainWindow): Jun 17, 2016 · I have a table where I've enabled ExtendedSelection: table. How can I do it in my program? Do I need to create my own model-view or can I do it in the simple QTableWidget object? Sep 10, 2015 · You can't add text (QString) directly to a QTableWidget, you must first create a QTableWidgetItem and then insert it into the desired cell. setData(Qt. Sep 30, 2016 · As you can see in my code, I am populating the data per column, and so, when I tried to put in if not len(new_sub_name) == 0: while it does not put in any Qcombobox with zero options, but how do I go about hiding such rows where there are no options in the Qcombobox? 'addRow(self)' to create and populate a row on QTableWidget with values from QLineEdit. – May 21, 2015 · for anyone googling this: QTableWidgetItem. The solution is simple, install the filters also in the QComboBox as I show below:. resizeRowToContents(); for all rows. button. Try this. But in Qt, the application crashes if it has more than about 7000~8000 rows. __init__(*args, **kwargs) self. Apr 29, 2014 · ( table->setCellWidget ( row, col, new QComboBox( table ) );) The only problem is that you need to know which exact rows you've added with insertRows() Share Improve this answer Oct 24, 2013 · I am trying to add a label with color palette, to a QTableWidget. It moves the scroll bar only to the beginning of the last row inserted which is not always necessarily the bottom of the table because sometimes the height of the last row inserted is really large. In order to work, the operator< definition has to match the virtual definition from qtablewidget. What you are not doing is: check if the action is a CopyAction or MoveAction; For me I always get a CopyAction even with view. I added via Designer a table view to the main window and called it tblData. setItem(row, column, item) Code language: Python (python) PyQt QTableWidget example Aug 23, 2022 · when I try to write to a specific cell in an QTablewidget I only got an TypeError, although I follow the documentation. Aug 5, 2011 · Doing something like this should work: tableWidget->insertRow( tableWidget->rowCount() ); This will append a row to the end of your table. What I've tried is. I've also tried QList<QStringList> as the source of the data with QStandardItemModel as the model. I need to group a number of rows in a QTableWidget. I have a button that when pressed adds a row to the table. I have a QTableView containing data rows from a database. ItemIsSelectable | Qt. I am currently using the following signals and slots: // cellClicked(int,int) void MyClass::on_myTableWidget_cellClicked(int row, int column) { qDebug() << "Click"; } // cellDoubleClicked(int,int) void MyClass::on_myTableWidget_cellDoubleClicked(int row, int column) { qDebug() << "Double Click"; } Jan 8, 2012 · When you want to populate QTableWidget, you need to set row and column counts before inserting data example in documentation (PySide documentation is better than PyQt). DisplayRole,intValue) instead of. button_edit, so how can I find the row-index of the QPushButton that was clicked within the button_edit method? Maybe there is a different way altogether to add a button to each row of a table? I took a look at the @three_pineapples' code, didn't understand a half and deleted that half. Thus the approach would require to update all the properties. Feb 24, 2014 · I have a QTableWidget and I can't get anything to show up in it. Oct 29, 2012 · What if I had a matrix as a member property, dispatched the "Reshape" method on it (for instance, expand a 3x3 matrix to a 4x4, which dimension are set by 2 QLineEdit components) and automatically reflect this change to the view? Aug 6, 2018 · In the previous command you are creating a new window, and that window has its own QTableWidget, and you are adding those values to that QTableWidget. The function takes a QTableWidgetItem* as an argument. setItem(0,0,'foo') Dec 24, 2017 · I have a PyQt5 QTableWidget for which I want to detect double-right-click events. Can be done, if this is a rare operation. So as a solution, I casted my doubles and integers to Strings, and they display perfect in my table. I set flags to QTableWidgetItem with Qt. setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView. Nov 29, 2023 · I use a Custom Style, but that's not the point of this question. But the data coming from a db are inserted in every row. Here is the updated code: Aug 5, 2012 · Looking at the docs, i see:. I know, I need to use Key Events but not sure how to assign the even just to the Jul 27, 2020 · There is a line self. QWidget, got PySide. Jun 3, 2013 · This is what I was trying to do but it doesn't work. Can someone point me where I should start? I couldn't understand where i should add the layout and the drag and drop event class. The documentation instructs me:. Sep 4, 2012 · This line won't work - because what it looks like you are trying to do here is select the row in the interface, which has a None (void) value return. The only way I found is to sort rows by SortItems function. createEdit or, expected PySide. I'm not even sure if a QTableWidgetItem can have children, so maybe it is fine. 1, it doesn't. 4 days ago · In this example, we first create a QTableWidget named table and set its row count to 5 using setRowCount(5). size(); ++cont ) //insert values in my QTableWidget. Jun 13, 2016 · If someone is still looking for an answer after implementing Anuj Bhasin's answer because the above solution will not work in many cases as expected. May 30, 2012 · Right now, I have the values for row and column set as integers. def setupComboBox(self, row): comboBoxAircraftName = QComboBox() comboBoxAircraftName. QtGui. updateUiCellClick for debugging purposes. Then, we use rowCount() to get the current number of rows and print it to the console. So if you have 2 items, before entering the loop for watchlist_category in response['watchlist_details']:, row count is already 2. Sep 26, 2014 · QTableWidgetItem* item = widget->item(row, column); QString textFromItem = item->data(Qt::UserRole); emit cellChanged(row, column, textFromItem); Of course, previously you have to declare your own signal: signals: void cellChanged(int row, int col, QString text); Your signal can be connected to other slot in the same way as cellChanged(int, int) Mar 20, 2017 · I am using Qt 4. I am building a simple widget that will take an input from a lineEdit, and add it as a new row (assuming that the entry is not in there already) to a QTableWidget. QTableWidgetItem. QAbstractItemView. Clicking on move up, the current row should move up one row, analogously for "move down". move(position) will not work as expected. As a QTableWidget is instantiated, both column count and row count are null hence you got no headers show even if you called setHorizontalHeaderLabels. I'm using Qt 4. Since you are giving it the vertical header item for your row, it returns -1, because the vertical headers are NOT considered to be in a row -- they are separate from the "content rows" of the table widget. Just in the last one. cellClicked signal, and it does not currently work. but the items do not. Previously I add all rows with a size of a list, like this: ui->setupUi( this ); QStringList allFiles = QDir( "~/" ). When I attempt to use setHorizontalHeaderLabels , it seems that the integer values for columns override the column names that I'm attempting to specify and I don't know how to fix it. Dec 9, 2014 · I'm trying to read the checkstate of checkboxes in a PyQt QTableWidget with python, but when I click the checkbox I see it changing, but my code doesn't. May 3, 2018 · I want to select a row (not manually) in a QTableweidget. DisplayRole,intValue) Also, when reading the data back it's not just the location that's shown but the data itself as a QVariant. watchlistsTable. The problem is that I have _table->setSortingEnabled(true);, and when I'll insert a new row, I won't know where it is. scrollToBottom just after inserting a new item. The problem I have been encountering is that the text will not display in the tablewidget, though the rows appear--empty. I have 2 ways of doing it: Color the table items for those many rows/coulmns. For some reason I didn't have to remove the row that was being moved, despite inserting a new row into the table. The column is updating propelry but row is taking only 0th row. The following code does not work for a QTableWidgetItem that is a vertical header item, even though the same code works fine for a QTableWidgetItem that is a regular cell. I have tried the following: ui. setColumnCount(2); // we insert a row at position 0 because the tablewidget is still empty tablewidget. tblLieferboxen. setCellWidget(row, 1 ,comboBoxAircraftName) I'm creating a QTableWidget, displaying some information out of a Structure i've created. import sys from PyQt4. I would like to connect functions to buttons, but it doesn't work corre Aug 28, 2020 · Now I also want to shrink the row height, however it is not working. Example: Feb 20, 2017 · This is my following code I added an icon to filetable (column 0) but I can't change the width of column 0 void Window::showFiles(const QStringList &files) { int row=0 ; filesTable- show one tooltip for every row; set userdefined data to every row; handle every role selection; To show a selection of the full row by clicking a single cell in it, I set selectionBehabior in QT Designer to SelectRows. Here is my code: data = ['first_row', 'second_row', 'third_row'] nb_row = len( Jun 3, 2010 · If I comment out the last line, it behaves as expected: the new row is inserted at position r1, it is filled with widgets from r2 (now it's r2+1), and the r2+1 row is empty. setitem(row,column, &qit); And for others columns I don't set the flags. If I even hide this row, it behaves well, though it is not what I want (I have the rows numbered, and I don't want this hidden row to occupy the number). However, when I place QComboBoxes in the first column, the table's currentCellChanged signal does not fire, and checkAndExpand is not called. Reason: When you delete row index (for example [0,1,2]), and you start to delete from 0 -> 1 -> 2, then only row 0 and row 2 will be deleted! Jul 4, 2014 · I implemented QAbstractTableModel with the usual: class PrintIntervalTableModel : public QAbstractTableModel { private: virtual int rowCount (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const; virtual int columnCount (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const; virtual QVariant data (const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const; virtual QVariant headerData (int section Jan 11, 2021 · I am developing a recipe application using a QTableWidget to add the ingredients for a recipe. filesTable. I found a solution in: Drag and drop rows within QTableWidget. Here's what the table and grid of buttons look like: Using the value from the spinbox, I want to insert the button text Oct 26, 2012 · Your code doesn't work because you're not calling the QTableWidgetItem's setData() function but trying to assign it a value. connect(self. I would like to connect this button to a function that delets this row. Delete it and generate it again. Oct 15, 2015 · It would seem that QTableWidget has an insertRow() function. Works with multiple row selection. You have to do both calls, 1st scroll to the item, then select the row (or whichever order you want, doesn't matter the order) Feb 15, 2016 · If you want to add custom widget into table cell you can use QItemDelegate. addData. cpp file instead of a header file, you have to add #include "filename. text() print username ## for testing if signal is working ## self. Is there a method similar to . flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable) qtable. insertRow() that enables me to do this ? This what I have tried but it keeps adding me the row to all the columns. Asking a question about code? Oct 28, 2021 · Using QtConcurrent to add rows to a database sounds fine, as long as it doesn't read the rows from the QTableWidget. So what I really want is to make a QTableWidget which will have correct row-column sizes and will have constraints in column-resize, row-resize at run time by the user. Jun 8, 2016 · I don't know if the accepted answer used to work, but with Qt5. tableWidget->selectRow( 2 ); But still I cannot see it selecting/highlighting the second row. This works well but like many existing applications I would like to use the tab key to add a new row when the last column in the last row has the focus. I am trying to add a checkbow to every row in a QTableWidget, unfortunately it only seems to appear in the first row. If row = 4, then also data is displayed on 0th row of table. 'sumCol(self)' to loop through each row, add each item of a column to a list, find the total, and print to QLineEdit. size() ); for( int cont = 0; cont < allFiles. #include <QCheckBox> void addCheckBoxAt(int row_number, int column_number,int state) { // Create a widget that will contain a Sep 6, 2017 · I have a QTableWidget that I am working on that is supposed to add rows dynamically with comboboxes on certain cells, whenever the user hits a button called Add Cases. Create your own Delegate class and inherit it from QItemDelegate. Segmentation Fault or Access Violation: Null Pointer If the QTableWidget object itself is null, calling rowCount() will result in a Jun 26, 2019 · In your case copying the row involves copying the widgets. Any ideas? class Apr 10, 2018 · I have used the QTableWidget. moc" at the end of that file and re-run qmake. Grouping the rows by adding an additional column in the row header, and entering the group header text so that the group can be identified. Thus, it would seem from the documentation, you can insert a row at the beginning ("top") of your table with that exact line of code ui->myqtablewidget->insertRow(0); Aug 9, 2013 · I have a QTableWidget with which I can add rows by pushing a button. If you need to add or remove rows from the table, you should use the insertRow() and removeRow() functions Jun 10, 2014 · It does not seem that an 'event' of any sort is given to self. So if the size of the row is quite big (several lines of content), it is quite alright. Apr 28, 2007 · you have to re-run qmake after you add or remove Q_OBJECT macro to a class definition, if a class definition with Q_OBJECT is placed in a . Jun 11, 2020 · Problem is when drag and dropping a row, the target gets deleted. Even when I did (I made it print the content of the cell on a textBrowser), double clicking the cell set the contents to -1. But its not displayed with the color i set to label palette. I use a button to add a row to insert a new ingredient. setItem() not working like documented. The output will be "Number of rows: 5". The Qt Documentation for rowCount() says, This property holds the number of rows in the table. However, I only seem to be able to display Strings in the table, and not integers or doubles. This seems very odd to me. setData = (Qt. userName. Here is the code Aug 23, 2019 · I want to add each link of a list of links depending on if they are absolute or not. setDragEnabled(True) self. When I re Apr 23, 2020 · I (simply) want to be able to use a QTableViews Drag&Drop mechanism to move existing rows. but I'm still struggling to make it work for my case. Sep 16, 2014 · now I've got well working QTableWidget, but new rows are adding to the bootom of the table. class MyDelegate : public QItemDelegate { public: CChoicePathDelegate (QObject *parent = 0); QWidget *createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const; //delegate editor (your custom widget) void Consider a QTableWidget and two buttons "move up" and "move down". setRowCount(num_rows) that sets the number of rows to match the number of results. Seems like there is some lower limit somewhere. Can someone please point out what am I missing? I have tried numerous ways to display a QIcon in a QTableWidget cell and I am not sure why it is not working. Enable Edit triggers in the UI Dialog; Add columns using the following code for disabling edit. SelectRows) self Nov 25, 2022 · This in turn should either add a row to the table, or remove rows that are blank - as long as there is at least one blank row. I can increase it but not decrease. watchlist_results. Jun 24, 2019 · I would like to delete a row of my Qtablewidget without adding a button and just by hitting the keyboard Delete key. Here's the code I'm using. ItemIsEditable, but only Oct 7, 2014 · It might not work for rows with child rows. Dec 13, 2024 · Hidden Rows If rows are hidden, they still count towards the total row count. QItemDelegate() as mentioned above but i got the following Warning > python main. entryList( QStringList << "*. tableWidget->setColumnCount(5); Oct 28, 2014 · I must adding a row in a QTableWidget. Jun 4, 2014 · Edit. Code Doesnt' Work: self. However, setting setAlternatingRowColors(true) only alternates row colors that has data - the rest of the table is just white, which is not the behaviour you'd expect (look in the bookmark list of any browser, for example - empty rows has alternating colors). QTableWidget): def dragMoveEvent(self, e): e. Problem is, I have only managed to work with the single items inside a row. ui. Nov 16, 2022 · @JonB said in Add a button in the rows of a QTableWidget: I have never used setCellWidget() so I am not sure, but does it require you to have put a QTableWidgetItem into the cell before you can add a widget, else the cell is not shown? No, don't do that! You should have either a table widget item or a cell widget inside one cell. As already said, those files must be left unmodified (and eventually only overwritten again with pyuic whenever you have changed the UI in Designer), you need to create a new script (with the code above) which will be your actual main script, the pyuic file will be used as an import. The column is still not resizing correctly. class TableDialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: TableDialog(QWidget *parent = 0); private slots: void addRow(); private: QTableWidget *tableWidget; QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox; }; Feb 16, 2022 · My problem is how to make the newly inserted row editable when I click button to insert row. Oct 26, 2016 · I need to select several QTableWidgetItem objects. accept() Also, be aware that while the original tutorial shows how to move a button within a widget without any layouts, your example now has the button managed by a vertical layout. Previously I add all rows with a size of a list, like this: MyProgram::MyProgram( QWidget* parent ) : QDialog( parent ) , ui( new Ui::MyProgram ) { ui-> Jan 23, 2021 · I'm trying to add a checkbox in each row of a qtablewidget. Use QTableWidget::isHidden(int row) to check if a specific row is hidden. Code (probably you do not need this): #!/usr/bin/python3 Jun 13, 2014 · You can use self. Working. Relevant code: In constructor: Apr 22, 2012 · class MyTable(QtGui. Because since I have set the table sortable, when I add a row, this row will move to it's position (depending on which column is sorted). I only want to insert a row to the corresponding column. The function returns an integer value representing the row index, or -1 if the item is not found. tableWidget->setRowCount(10); . But I could not seem to make it work on my code. Oct 28, 2014 · I must adding a row in a QTableWidget. Another interesting addition is to sort items that have numbers, but start with a currency sign ($ or € for instance) or end with %. addDataClicked) def addDataClicked(self): username = self. 8. To show the same tooltip on every three Aug 25, 2016 · Problem in getting mouseEvent on QTableWidget, this code is to create a window with tabelwidget and mouseclickevent, when i click right button of mouse the i got two actin event options named add and delete, i want to add new rows with 3 columns when i click "add" event function,and delete the last row when i click on "delete" event function, Dec 8, 2021 · Now after dragging row 2 to the the position of row 4, the output does not change. A reason could be that I did not create the the table with a fixed table size. setItem(0,0,username) ## Where 0 is row and 0 is column, username is the data i want to add ## Dec 25, 2016 · I've already asked a similar question here but I'd like to know the proper way to add a layout to qtablewigets and also how could I put 2 table widgets in the same window, side by side if they both I have a class that creates random data which I would like to show in a tableview on the main window. setflags(qit. txt" ); ui->myQTableWidget->setRowCount( allFiles. But it does not always work as expected. Can anyone please help me through this? I have tried reading the QTableWidget documentation but did not find any success. I want add new Item with its text in empty tableWidget. setItem. You have. installEventFilter(self) comboBoxAircraftName. You can use the insertRow() function to insert new rows into the middle of your table as well. item. By default, for a table constructed without row and column counts, this property contains a value of 0. but also doesn't have anything that would help with a long running function call. Feb 7, 2011 · Insert the row in a method of your class. I am inserting such items dynamically at runtime. But this just deleted a single row. May 30, 2016 · The accepted solution, as is, would not work if rows might get deleted while the program runs. void QTableWidget::cellActivated ( int row, int column ) [signal] This signal is emitted when the cell specified by row and column has been activated This function was introduced in Qt 4. Sep 24, 2018 · I have a QTableWidget, if a cell is clicked, I want to emit a signal to the MainWindow. tableWidget->setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView::SelectRows ); ui. When the table has more than one row, the checkbox is not inserted in the first row. The problem is that the QTableWidget control is not displaying any rows. setBackground was not working for me, and that is because i had this as the styleSheet for the table: QTableWidget::item{border: 0px; padding-left: 2px;} i only wanted the padding-left: 2px bit, but it does not work without border: 0px, so i added it, and it broke: QTableWidgetItem. settings vertical header spacing verticalHeader()->setDefaultSectionSize(5); Aug 13, 2017 · you can add checkbox like this too. On the other hand if we do that, the delegate would be activated to edit the texts, and that is what is not wanted, so we establish a new delegate that no publisher returns as I show below: I have to display a list of item with a QTableWidget. And you can't just insert text string separated by tabs into table, you need to prepare it yourself, and then populate table with QTableWidgetItem's by calling QTableWidget. void method_1::set_data_ontable(int row, Dec 22, 2016 · I have a QTableWidget and I need to call some functions based on the user click on the cell. Here is my 'design. Excel 2010 has 1048576 rows and A - ZZZ columns. Jan 17, 2022 · @stan_88 You don't have to insert anything in that file. tableWidget. connect(print)#self. The signal part: self. self. Read the documentation here. I may have performance issues due to coloring. item. Oct 5, 2021 · The problem is that it resizes the rows and columns to the content of the QTableWidget, and not to the size of the QWidget "mainWidget". Well i tried to use setItemDelegateForColumn() and QtGui. My Header File: QTableWidget *myQtableWidget= new QTableWidget; private slots: void on_myTableWidgetWindow_cellClicked(int row, int column); mainWindow. Is it a bug, or is it the d Sep 28, 2017 · The code is (technically simple) quite complex, even without the check for collision, gaps and table endings so I'm not going to explain it right now, but I might later if this sprouts an interest. Edit: these two operations are very slow. here, here or here) which describe some aspects of dragging, dropping, inserting etc. Apr 6, 2013 · I had two rows in my table. This is the expected behavior. mmxh draf axym qmzjue mhev ahge tdlxbm meetrsw irtv hvrywl
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