Ngai te rangi whakapapa. Avalon Aotearoa Charitable Trust.

Ngai te rangi whakapapa nz/nodes/view/2002 Mai i te wā o Tamawhariua tae noa ki te pakanga o Pukehinahina, i a Ngāi Te Rangi te mana o te pā nei, heoi anō, mutu kau ana te pakanga nui ki a Tauiwi i whakarērea te pā e te nuinga. By recognising these hapū as part of a greater Iwi collective, Ngāti Whakaue is reclaiming its rightful place as a proud and independent Iwi with a rich cultural heritage and kōrero tuku iho. Rohe rohenaga and Boundaries: Tamanuhiri in the Ngāti Rangi ki tua o te 1,000 tau Ngāti Rangi continues to vibrantly exist in 1,000 years E kōkiri tahi ana a Ngāti Rangi i ngā kaupapa hei oranga mō te katoa Together Ngāti Rangi will grow itself and its communities Whaia e au Manganui-o-te-ao kia tau au ki runga o Ruapehu ki Ngā Turi o Murimotu ko te Ahi-kā-o-Paerangi-i-te-Whare- Ngai Tu, Ngai Tama, Ngati Hikairo, Ngai Te Rakato, and Ngai Tarawa traditionally exercised traditional harvesting and resource rights for food and weaving within the Mahia Peninsula Scenic Reserve. Ngai Te Rangi has survived and flourished. Kārewa is the homeland of the Toroa and the island off the coast of Matakana is named in honour of this place. It encompasses our values and traditions, our language and whakapapa. He is the eldest son to Romainohorangi, leading his people on the long journey from Whāngārā, after many years of serving Te Waho o Te Rangi Before the pā fell Hikareia, Tūpaea's uncle, sent Tūpaea, wounded in the head, with a guard of warriors back to Tauranga, so that Ngāi Te Rangi would not be left leaderless. A first Deed to Amend was signed on 26 September 2014, and a second Deed to Amend was signed on 18 October 2015. 8863 ha) as a scenic reserve; Te Wharepoha ō Mahu (41. Why register with Ngāti Rangi? to learn whakapapa, waiata to attend hikoi, Paikea is a notable ancestor who originated in Hawaiki according to Māori tradition. Tūhoe is a Māori-language word meaning 'steep' or 'high noon'. In order to meet Ngāi Te Rangi treaty settlement requirements, the Ngāi Te Rangi Settlement Trust (NST) was established in July 2013 to receive and manage the assets derived from the Ngāi Te Rangi Treaty Settlement. G Ka tuhia aku mahi whakamātautau i te reo Māori. Free. Ngāi Tahu Māori Trust Board. Ko te nuinga o ngā waihotanga iho kua mōhiotia nuitia, nō Ngāi Tukairangi, arā, ko Ruawahine me tana hoa a John Lees Faulkner, ko Taiaho Hori Ngatai, ko Renata Turiri mā, i te houanga mai o te Ngāti Rangi Community Health Centre provides free services and health information to all residents in the Waimarino and Waiouru areas. Email: reception@tgamoana. It was the Hocken’s pleasure, and good fortune, to host the karakia whakatuwhera – opening blessing – for the exhibition Pōkai Whenua, Pōkai Moana by 2020-2021 Frances Hodgkins Fellow Bridget Reweti (Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi), here in our gallery just prior to August’s lockdown. If this parent is where your Ngāi Te Rangi whakapapa comes from, choose to "Add" new generations until you're sure the connection has been made to the Hapū. Des is a Historian specialising in the historic Whakapapa and Raupatu of his Hapū, Iwi, Waka and Rohe. Rakamaomao was the group of winds that blew from the south and north. WEBSITE. Tamapahore and his siblings Tamaumuroa and Tamapinaki took up occupation of Te Rae o There's a Ngati Rangi in Northland, another Ngati Rangi in Ruapehu District and a Ngai Te Rangi in Tauranga. In 1871 peace was restored to Te Urewera when the Crown withdrew its forces and agreed to leave Tūhoe to manage their own affairs. Rongomaimihiao had two sons, Tawhirimatea and Tutekiki, and a daughter Materoa. The ancestors who gave their names to the groups were cousins. Tūhoe Materoa Dodd (Ngāti Awa, Ngai Te Rangi) is an iwi development practitioner, hapū and marae trustee, and wānanga and Crown entity board member. Enter your email. Our Services. Tamapahore, brother of Te Rangihouhiri I, took up the leadership of the iwi at that time. 1800 New Zealand died 1875 New Zealand including research + descendants + 1 photos + DNA connections + more in the free "Whakapapa - Waitangi Tribunal report 1986 Wai 215, A037 (a), Steedman J. Tapuiti. Te Poho o Kuri Kino. 5 Ngai Te Rangi are generally represented in Tauranga Moana Iwi Collective by TeRunanga o Ngai Te Rangi Iwi Trust, which has been mandated to represent the hapO of Ngai Te Rangi in settlement negotiations with the Crown. Processing information: Record title was updated on 7 October 202 from "Ngati Rangi and Ngati Ranginui Whakapapa" to "Ngai Te Rangi and Ngati Ranginui Whakapapa" on advice of iwi researcher. . Whakapapa from information provided by Te Awanuiārangi Black Te Rangihouhiri began his journey from Whāngārā to Hakurānui to Whakapau Kōrero to Poporohuamea where he died. Our Board; Our Services. The third canoe of significance to Tauranga Moana is Mataatua. Kaumātua would regularly gather in the 1950s to write the tribe's whakapapa on scrolls almost 30 metres in length. Our Governance and Structure. TAURANGA. Being Māori, nō Ngai Te Rangi, Ngāti Pūkenga, Tūhoe, Ngāti Porou, Tūhourangi, Ngāti Wāhiao, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngai Tahu, it is in my DNA, it is in my . Whakapapa from information provided by Te Maire Tau Description: Contains detailed whakapapa, waiata with explanatory notes, and an account of the travels and deeds of the ancestor Rongokako; also contains various loose papers This book was loaned by Te Whatahoro to S Percy Smith, and it seems that Te Whatahoro may have written at least part of the book at Smith's request Physical Description: ¼ maroon black boards, 33 cm. Ngā Tangata Tiaki o Whanganui. Publisher Whakatane : Whakatane Check All/ Uncheck All; Image - Whakaahua; Document - Tuhinga; PDF - Pukapuka; Audio - Oro reo; Video - Kiriata; Places - Tūtohu Whenua; Ancestor - Tupuna A WHAKAPAPA FOR NGATI RANGI: The principal ancestor of Ngāti Rangi is Ngakonui the son of Hinetāpora and Te Rangikaputua. W, Nga Ohaaki O Nga Whanau O Tauranga Moana 1974. I credit my voice and all that it Ko au te kanohi i runga i te poari o Ngāti Ranginui mo Ngai Tamarāwaho Hapū As a long serving member of the Board and has a vast knowledge of the Iwi and its beginnings. Jul 12, 2024. Mangatawa was set aside as a reserve for Ngā Pōtiki following hearings before the Native Land Court in 1901. Includes Tā moko is a subtle, humble tribute to whakapapa Te Ao Māori in its purest and traditional form. Telephone: 07 571 8686. Open today 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. A. Rangihamama had a large number of registered owners and the owners of Takotoke, Ngati Kura, Ngati Ueoneone, Ngati Tautahi, Rangihana, Ngati Korohue, Ngati Whakaeke and Ngai Te Wake, Te Uri Taniwha. He was the younger son of Kaipaoe, a high-ranking woman of Ngati Rakairangi, and her husband, Tikawenga Te Tau, a leading chief of Ngai Tumapuhiarangi. Rangitupukiwaho +5 More Children. Te Kurami Hirangi. Waikari marae is part of the Ngāi Te Rangi tribal collective and of the Mataatua waka. Ngā Puna Kōrero Introduction Ko te hapū, Ko wai ahau, Nā wai ahau, Nō whea ahau? Ko Hine o Rangi te maunga. PO Box 2526, TAURANGA 3140. 11,016 likes · 583 talking about this · 766 were here. After many battles and conflicts, Ngāi Te Rangi resided Through his mother, Te Pūoho traces his whakapapa to another co-captain of the Tokomaru, Ngararuru, and also to important tūpuna of Tainui, Aotea and Kāhuitara waka. Ngāi Tahu Publications . Rakaiataane settled at Tatapouri where he established his iwi, Ngati Rakai. Others Will Follow - (Te Ao Hou - Ngāi Tāwhiri are descended from Rongomairatahi through the three children of his granddaughter, Rongomaimihiao. Our reo, our waiata, our hīmene are a huge part of my whakapapa and upbringing. Home and Community Support Services; Mataora Services; in particular applicant’s Hapu/Marae affiliation and whakapapa to Ngāti Ranginui. Fees and Charges Description. Ngai Tumapuhia-A-Rangi of the Wairarapa Te Rūnanga-o-Ngāi-Tumapuhia-a-Rangi-ki-Wairarapa the representative body of the hapū choose to affiliate with the Ngāti Kahungunu iwi which is entirely up to them. The name and whakataukī of Te Waimana Kaaku Tribal, is a As Iwi members, it is expected that we all play our part as strong Kaitiaki (guardians) for the content held in Te Whare Tīrara. On the island of Aitutaki, he is also A WHAKAPAPA FOR NGATI RANGI: The principal ancestor of Ngāti Rangi is Ngakonui the son of Hinetāpora and Te Rangikaputua. If you descend from our Ngāi Tai ancestor Te Whatatau (Te Whataatao) or a recognised ancestor from Ngāti Te Raukohekohe, Ngāti Kōhua, Ngāti Rangitawhia including the following groups Ngāti Taimanawaiti, Ngāti Taihaua and Te Uri o Te Being Māori, nō Ngai Te Rangi, Ngāti Pūkenga, Tūhoe, Ngāti Porou, Tūhourangi, Ngāti Wāhiao, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngai Tahu, it is in my DNA, it is in my blood. That mana was now held by the young Ngai Tahu chief, Tapunga-o-te-Rangi. Its rohe (tribal area) extends to Mayor Island / Tuhua and Bowentown in the north, to the Kaimai Range in the west, south of Te Puke and to Maketu in the east. Te Waikari marae is located in Matapihi, in the Tauranga region, and its principal hapū is Ngāti Tapu. (opposite the Historic Village and the first building on the left on your way to Te Wānanga o Aotearoa). 2 Ngati POkenga; and 1. If you are unsure of your whakapapa, please provide copies of supporting documentation, such as Māori Land Court records, land block information, or The assumption is that how women ethnically identify themselves-or expressed identification (Kukutai, 2007(Kukutai, , 2011aLiebler & Kana'ianupuni, 2003;Roth, 2005;Saperstein, 2012)-is one facet by Rangi McGarvey. Ko Whakaki As Iwi members, it is expected that we all play our part as strong Kaitiaki (guardians) for the content held in Te Whare Tīrara. Tutengaehe. Tane-nui-o-Raki, no te hapu atua aia, a he teina no Rehua, ko Raki tem atua tane. 15pm Supper 10. 1. W. I write my school work in te reo Māori. E ai ki te korero ka piki a Tāwhaki ki ngā rangi tūhāhā kia riro mai ai ngā kete o te wānanga. Te Whaia-Te-Motu. General enquiries Kei te maia au ki te reo Māori. Subscribe "Close (esc)" Nau mai heare mai to all who whakapapa to Ngāti Waewae. He is particularly known to tribes with origins in the Gisborne District such as Ngāti Porou, and Ngāi Tahu. [2]Ngāi Te Rangi is part of the Tauranga Moana iwi group, which also includes Ngāti Pūkenga and Ngāti Ranginui. 12 Ngāti Rangi Street, Nūhaka 4198 PO Box 106, Nūhaka, 4165. TE WHAKAPAPA O WHAKATOHEA . 2 and Papamoa No. The marae consists of the wharenui Tapukino (built By the years 1580-1600, (Rakaipaaka having had 11 children, some of whom had more than one family), Ngati Rakaipaaka became Te Whariki or base upon which this Iwi is established. They are descendants of Tahu-nui (also known as Tahu potiki, or Tahu matua) [2] who is also the eponymous ancestor of the Kāi Tahu iwi of Te Waipounamu. Our whakapapa shows that the kuia Ruta Kau is the ancestor through which we connect to Ngai Te Upokoiri. Te Paena. Nau mai haere mai ki te whārangi o Ngāi Te Rangi! 'Nau mai ki Ngai-nui . At the time of the Tuhoe negotiations with the Crown, the Te Kotahi a Tuhoe list of Tuhoe hapu in their mandate numbered Use these options to add or remove words from your search: AND - the term must be included in any item returned. As they were close relatives their people intervened and ceased the duel. Please see below for the Mental Health & Addiction services available or see the Te Rūnanga O Ngai Te Rangi Iwi Trust website for information on all services. Register Online. Hikareia and many other Ngāi Te Rangi were killed. Application forms are available from: TAURANGA MOANA MAORI TRUST BOARD. Our Rūnanga. Christmas holiday hours — We will be closing Ngai Te Rangi; Ngati Awa--Whakapapa; Ngati Ranginui; Pakiwaitara; Toi; Toikairakau; Tokomaru; Traditional stories; REFERENCE SOURCE. 5ha) will vest in the Ngāti Rangiwewehi post-settlement governance entity as a scenic reserve Te Taita The Crown will also vest an area within the Te Matai Conservation Forest (6 ha) jointly in the Ngāti Rangiwewehi post-settlement governance entity and the Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust, to be known as Te Taita, as a scenic reserve. Te Ahukaramū, a 19th-century Ngāti Raukawa chief, gave two different whakapapa involving Te Pō, Te Kore and Te Ao. 1 ha) subject to an encumbrance; Te Whakairi (66. 15pm Whakapapa connections to Te Rangihouhiri 10. This mural, ‘Te wehenga o Rangi rāua ko Papa’ (the separation of heaven and earth) was created by Cliff Whiting of Te Whānau-a-Apanui. While I was born here in Bluff, I was raised amongst my mother’s people in Whakarewarewa. Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngāti Pūkenga trace their descent to people who came on the Mataatua. The rohe runs from Ngā Kurī ā Whārei in the north to Mount Te Aroha then along the Kaimai ranges to Puwhenua, Otānewainuku, Otawa to Te Tumu in the South. The Crown and Te Roopu Whakamana o Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Ranginui (Ngāti Ranginui) signed a Deed of Settlement on 21 June 2012. Hinetāpora was the great-great-great grand-daughter of Hauiti and the great grand-daughter of Tūwhakairiora and Ruataupare. Spouse and Children. I titoa e Pita Awatere o Ngāti Porou, te waiata nei mō te whakatūwheratanga o te wharekai a Ngāi Te Rangi. Ngai Te Rangi have 11 operative Marae and 11 affiliated Hapu located as far north as Katikati through to Te Tumu in the east and on the islands of Matakana, Tuhua, Motiti and Rangiwaea and is the largest of the three Iwi that have settled in the Tauranga Moana (expressed from website Ngai Te Rangi The Carvings Te Pou Tokomanawa The Pou Tokomanawa in the foyer represents the whenua tukuiho (land handed down), those lands being Mangatu Land Blocks, 1 to 6. It takes its name from an ancestral figure, Tūhoe-pōtiki. Ngāi Te Rangi, Mount Maunganui. 8. According to whakapapa the Ngai Te Rangi arrived in Tauranga towards the end of the 17th Century. [2] The hapū has two marae: Ohako marae on which stands the house named Te Kiko o te Rangi in Manutuke, and Te Kurī a Tuatai marae, Whareroa meeting house Te Puāwaitanga o Ngāti Hinerangi Iwi Trust Group Annual General Meeting 2024 We are pleased to announce that the Te Puāwaitanga o Ngāti Hinerangi Rāhui removed at Wairere Falls. Disability support. 1 Ngai Te Rangi; 1. [1] Its rohe (tribal area) extends to Mayor Island / Tūhua and Bowentown in the north, to the Kaimai Range in the west, south of Te Puke and to Maketu in the east. 64 ---Strength ofAotea Ashort story by Amber Forsyth. Rongomainohorangi. Ngāi Tāmanuhiri is a Māori iwi of New Zealand and were formerly known by the name of Ngai Tahu, and Ngai Tahu-po respectively. F Kei te kōrerotia te reo i a rā, i a rā. The full name of Kaikōura is Te Ahi Kaikōura a Tama ki Te Rangi, Tama ki Te Rangi was an earlier ancestor and it is translated as the place where Tama ki Te Rangi cooked crayfish. Nga Potiki has And so it was during that great battle of Poporohuamea near Maketu, Te Rangihouhiri lost his life. Tūhoe was born and raised in the Rūātoki district about 1100AD. Interviews with four Ngai Te Rangi Koroua and Kuia are undertaken. He finally settled with his own family and children at the settlement Ōwhakatoro (west of Rūātoki). The waharoa was blessed by Con Jones and the whānau of Taumutu. Involvement of Ngai Te Ipu in Iwi and national matters 22. Ko Watu (Whatu)-papa te hakui. He was the eldest child of Te Rangihakahaka Te Whaiti and Hine-ki-te-rangi, both of Ngati Kahungunu of Wairarapa. Ashton is a mother of three children and lives with her partner and 2 dogs in Taihape. Dates: 1960s Collection Identifier: MSS-Archives-C-32. Support:– Financial support of up to $10,000 for 2024 to tertiary education students– Annual wānanga with Ngāti Ranginui We welcome all those who whakapapa to Ngāti Waewae, and members of our wider community on Te Tai Poutini to subscribe to receive regular updates from us. The Crown carried out census in 1848 and 1853 as a prelude to the land purchases and in 1879 a Royal Commission and a subsequent Middle Island Native Census were attempts to Te Runanga O Ngai Te Rangi Iwi Trust. On the death of their rangatira, Te Rangihouhiri I, at Maketu, the group became known as Ngāi Te Rangi. Battle sites, urupā and landscape features bearing the names of tupuna, record this history. 0800 N RANGI or 0800 672 644 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday. g. Phone +64 7 571 0934 0800 494 6262. Te Poho-o-Parahaki. Rangi and Mataatua. On his death his people adopted the name Ngāi Te Rangi, rallied to avenge his death, and took possession of the land. We provide Kaupapa Māori Mental Health & Addictions Support mahi addressing the clinical and cultural mental health and addiction needs of Tangata Whaiora and their Whānau, within a Whānau Ora concept. [2]Ngāti Ranginui is part of the Tauranga Moana iwi group, which also Te Akau Wharekawa (5 ha) as a recreation reserve; Te Ipuomoehau (10. Ngāti Ranginui is a Māori iwi (tribe) in Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. 3 ha) subject to an encumbrance; Te Wharau (43. Tohu He marangai, tu ana te pahukahuka, he iti Pioke, no Rangaunu, he au tona Small although the Pioke (dogfish shark) may be, great is its wake, as it traverses the might of the Rangaunu harbour,(The characteristics of the NgaiTakoto people who reside on the shores of the Rangaunu Harbour are likened to those of the Pioke) Compare DNA and explore genealogy for Ngākete Ngāi Te Rangi born abt. Ko Whakaki nui a rua te awa. " "Ko Kahuranaki te marae, Ko Te Hapuku Ika Nui O Te Moana te tangata" "Kahuranaki is the marae, Te-Hapuku-Ika-Nui-O-Te-Moana is the chief" "Haere koe i mua i te tuara o Te Hapuku, kia kai koe nga kai whakairo i te rangi. Ngati Kuri. Te Poho o Te Rehu Marae. Parents and Siblings. Awanuiarangi Whakapapa. I am confident in te reo Māori. You are currently on the Noa/Public Homepage. Following his death and after many significant battles, his descendants who became known as Ngāi Te Rangi settled in Tauranga Moana. Whakapapa tables. recollect. He toa rangatira, he uri o ngā tātai hekenga o Ngāi Te Rangihouhiri II, he karanga hapū tawhito o Ngāti Awa. Pōhurihanga's descendant Tūwhakatere married two women. Te Ope Ruaraki means 'the grouping of winds from the north'. Tāmanuhiri is the primary ancestor of our iwi (tribe), Ng ā i Tāmanuhiri. Although Te Arawa regained their position on the coast, warfare continued until peace was made in the mid 1840s. 17 The Ngai Te Rangi governance entity approved entering into, and complying with, this deed by resolution of trustees on 12 December 2013. 1 ha) as a recreation reserve; 11 areas to Ngāti Maru on a shared basis Whakapapa/genealogy is a fundamental principle that permeates the writings on Rangi and Papa, Tainui migration and Te Arawa waka. Article. [1] Paikea is the name assumed by Kahutia-te-rangi because he was assisted by a whale to survive an attempt on his life by his half-brother Ruatapu. He is the eldest son to Romainohorangi, leading his people on the long journey from Whāngārā, after many years of serving Te Waho o Te Rangi and his people of Ngāti Rangohokaia, seeking refuge at Hakurānui, and eventually to Whakapau Kōrero. D. Garven, P. Tane-nui-a-Rangi Marae. Discover our diverse iwi spanning from Whakatāne to Auckland and Wellington. Conclusion 24. Ruta Kau plays an important part in the history of the tribe when the tribal leadership of the time sought to broker peace after a long period of conflict. Waitaha, Te Arawa, Ngāi te Rangi, Ngāti āwa Photograph Raoul Butler. Ngai-roa . " "Go forth under the mantle of Te Hapuku, and you will eat of the food of gods" Ngai Te Ipu population characteristics 13. , 2010). Tamawhariua. "Te Heke o Rangihouhiri and the settlement of the coastal lands and islands of Tauranga Moana. The Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngā Pōtiki Claims Bill is presently on hold. The tribes Ngāi Takoto and Te Pātū also trace descent from the Kurahaupō canoe. The rohe of Ngāi Te Rangi includes: Te Ahukaramū’s versions. The rohe does not extend offshore to Matakana Island or Mayor Island / Tuhua. Te Rangi-ita was a Māori ariki (chieftain) of Ngāti Tūwharetoa from the region around Lake Taupō, New Zealand. Land Claims Case Te Rereatukahia marae is located in Katikati, north of Tauranga, and its principal hapū is Ngāi Tamawhariua of Ngāi Te Rangi iwi. The phrase “he toroa whakakopa au nō runga i Kārewa” is made up of kupu from prominent Ngai Te Rangi mōteatea Details | Pito Korero TE TAUAARAI He whakamārama nā Matiu Dickson"Anei nga korero e mohio nei au mo te waiata. Nau mai ra e te hunga titiro ki te whārangi ipurangi Ngāti Rangi ! E tuku atu ana i nga mihi o te Nuku, o te Rangi kia koutou, tātau ngā uri o Ngāti Rangi e noho ana i nga papa-tairite, Register as a member of our whakapapa. , Main Body. Alexander Turnbull Library, Thatcher Album Reference: PA1-q-232-10-2 Permission of the Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand, Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa, must be obtained before any re-use of this image. Mon – Fri: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM: Peaceful Warriors : Post written by Collections Assistant Nick Austin. Registering with Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki allows us to keep you informed to make sure you have the latest information available. All Ngā Pōtiki landholdings literally whakapapa back to Papamoa No. Through their children, he is an ancestor of many hapū of Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Ranginui. Learn More. of Ngai Te Riu. "Whakapapa is the genealogical descent of all living things from the gods to the present time. No fees apply. 1· ~ Taahu Ruamoko = Te Puritanga . Avalon Aotearoa Charitable Trust. This whakapapa (genealogy) of the descendants of the chief Rangitihi shows how strategic marriages and the outcome of sexual unions created strong links between tribal groups that might otherwise have been in conflict. Central to this mana whenua is Rerepi, which was an important pa site as well as the cornerstone of four land blocks. Kakahu-tapiki. Ngai Te Rangi Iwi, accessed 15/01/2025, https://ngaiterangi. He waiata i titongia hei whakaatu i ngā kōrero The Tauranga iwi authority, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Te Rangi is digitising genealogy scrolls created by tribal elders more than 60 years ago. Whakapapa: Grandfather Norman Leonard Hansen. Always relates to the previous Applicants must be able to whakapapa to or be able to show Te Whanau-a-Apapnui, Ngai Te Rangi, Ngati Ranginui, Ngati Pukenga kki Tauranga descent. Ngai Te Rangi then continued their heke into Tauranga Moana. General Details | Pito Korero I roto i te waiata nei he herenga ā whakapapa, ā whenua o tērā iwi, o tērā wāhi ki roto i te rohe o Mataatua waka. The Waitangi Tribunal reported on the claims of Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngā Pōtiki in the following reports: Tauranga Moana, 1886–2006: Report on the Post-Raupatu Claims; Te Raupatu o Tauranga Moana: Report on the Tauranga Confiscation Ngai Te Whatuiapiti is our tribe. Details | Pito Korero Nā Te Hura Te Taiwhakaripi te pātere nei i tito. The east and southern parts of the Mahia Peninsula Scenic Reserve were known as Tawapata and were occupied by Ngati Hikairo. All the major descent lines of Ngāi Tahu stem from Tahupōtiki. [1] Its rohe (tribal area) extends from Waihi in the north, to the Kaimai Range in the west, to south of Te Puke in the south, and to Tauranga in the east. They descend from Toroa, leader of the Mataatua waka" Source: Stokes, Evelyn Explore Ngāti Awa's 22 hapū and 19 marae, including enduring, revived, and new communities. – To connect Māori rangatahi with the aspirations and Mātauranga of Ngāti Ranginui Iwi. if I am Ngāi Te Rangi, (hapu Ngai Tukairangi) and whakapapa back through my mother, Shirley Williams (nee Sellers), some twenty generations to the Mataatua waka (canoe). but the whakapapa of successive ownership is the true source of whakapapa ki te whenua. Rakamaomao's child Tiu was the northern wind, and the north-easterly is known to Ngāi Tahu as Whakarua. It honours [] The number of active Tuhoe hapu can increase and decrease depending on the fortunes and ambitions of the iwi. He participated with bravery in the Ngāti Tama-Ngāti Tūwharetoa War, fought off an invasion by the Ngāti Raukawa chieftain Te Ata-inutai, and forged a peace through his marriage to Te Ata-inutai's daughter, Waitapu. Heoi e rite ana ki te toto o nga tupuna matua. The iwi consists of the descendants of Tamanuhiri and his two principle wives, 1. View All. In 1831 he and Te Waharoa of Ngāti Hauā defeated and destroyed a 150-strong war Strategy | Te Ara Ki Te Moungaroa Mahinga Kai Redundancy Support Programme Ka Ora te Whenua, Register as a member of our whakapapa. 3 Blocks. Email. Read the full record details for Image - Whakaahua: Pepeha o Ngāti Hē Description | Whakamārama Te Rangihouhiri is the eponymous ancestor of Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi. 4. 30pm Overview of Saturday 10. The first shows the progressions from darkness to light: Te Pō (night, darkness) Te Ata (dawn) Te Ao (light, world) Te Ao-tū-roa (longstanding world) Te Ao Mārama (world of light). This whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows the names of two important sub-tribes of Ngāi Tahu – Ngāi Tuhaitara of North Canterbury and Ngāti Kurī of Kaikōura. Date 1965 By Halbert, R. Her evidence was about the inherent Her evidence canvassed her whakapapa and spoke to the balance between wāhine and tāne; wāhine rangatiratanga over whenua, whakapapa/whānau, whai rawa Tuapaoa, his father, Rakaiataane and grandfather, Tawiri-o-te-Rangi that cements Ngai Tamanuhiri whakapapa to the north east of Turanganui-a-Kiwa. nz. The three iwi all consider Mauao (Mt Maunganui) Welcome to Te Whare Tīrara Archives Online. The two pou and Ko Te Ara o Tāwhaki te wharenui e tū ana ki Te Whare Takiura o Kahungunu. Isolated high up in the rugged Urewera country, Ngāi Tūhoe developed a powerful connection with the mountains, forests and rivers. Ngati Manunui. Fees and Charges Categorisation. Te Rangi Moaho. The marae consists of the wharenui Tamawhariua and the wharekai Whakahinga. Whānau support. With Tūpōia, the second, he had a son, Hoka. He succeeded his father as Paramount Chief of Ngāi Te Rangi in the 1830s. As this whakapapa (genealogical table) shows, Ranginui, the founding ancestor of Ngāti Ranginui, was the great-grandson of Ngāi Te Rangi or Ngāiterangi is a Māori iwi, based in Tauranga, New Zealand. Te Tini o Toi / Add to favourites. MATA. The first waiata I remember singing were ‘Whakaaria Mai’ and ‘Ma Te Mārie’. Iraia Te Whaiti, also known as Iraia Te Ama and Te Ama-o-te-rangi, was born in south Wairarapa, probably in 1861 or 1862. Mental health and addictions support. Pukai. Ngāti Apa ki Te Rā Tō Charitable Trust is the mandated iwi organisation under the Māori Fisheries Act, the iwi aquaculture organisation under the Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act, is a Tūhono organisation, and is an "iwi authority" under the Resource Management Act 1991. He was born at Maraetaha and he was a descendant of Paikea and Tahu-Pōtiki. WEBSITE If you need any assistance during Covid-19 self isolation call the Te Ranga Tupua Response Hub. The Whakapapa Committee, consisting of five members with expertise in Ngāti Awa whakapapa, reviews applications monthly. Although our whakapapa best describes our hononga to the whenua, we have a tino taonga of Ngāi Tai which is a tohu (symbol) currently residing in the Auckland Museum - being a fossil human footprint dating from the founding eruption of Te Rangi-i-totongia-ai-te-Ihu-o-Tamatekapua (Rangitoto) over 600 years ago. Fax +64 7 577 6268. However to further illustrate the Rangitāne whakapapa of Tumapuhiaarangi here is whakapapa information extracted directly 1. The genealogy of the Ngāi Tahu 1974-1990. 3 Ngati Ranginui. Tangi te Titi, Tangi te Kaka; Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Ranginui; Our Partners; Our Rūnanga. Tāmanuhiri lived around the same time as Rongowhakaata and Kahungunu, the eponymous ancestors of our immediate neighbours and whanaunga (kin tribal groups) known by the same names. Te Waimana Kaaku tribal collective represents the interests of all pā/hapū along Te Awa o Tauranga. Tupaea was born probably at Tauranga. a detail of the palisades, bottom centre; a detail of the Ngai Te Rangi 'fighting flag' bottom right. The wars caused Tūhoe to suffer widespread starvation and extensive loss of life. Hours. Te Ngawari. Table: Tūpuna of Te Pūoho ki Te Rangi. Favourite. After a series of battles, they secured Tauranga Moana as their permanent Description | Whakamārama Te Rangihouhiri is the eponymous ancestor of Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi. Options for registering. WEBSITE Around 1820 an alliance of Tainui and Taranaki tribes, including some Ngāti Tama under their paramount chief Te Pūoho ki te Rangi, participated in a raid to Te Upoko o Te Ika (southern North Island). We have a rich history which began from our journeys from the East Coast. In 2005, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu established the Ngāi Tahu Fund to ensure whānau have the ability to access resources to strengthen Ngāi Tahu cultural excellence through Hunia whānau that are descended from Ngai Te Upokoiri. Ngāi Tūhoe (Māori pronunciation: [ˈŋaːi ˈtʉːhɔɛ]), often known simply as Tūhoe, is a Māori iwi of New Zealand. From that time the tribe became known as Ngai Te Rangi. Kei tētahi wāhanga o te oriori a ‘Pinepine te Kura’ ka kōrero mō tōna kakenga ake i te toi huarewa. Our Partners. Moumoukai te maunga, tu mai ra t e whakaruruhau, te whare kōrero. 0800 202 004 . ” What Ngāi Te Rangi’s claim to the Waitangi Tribunal says. 30pm History of Te Rangihouhiri and the connection to Ngai Te Rangi and Pirirakau 9. These discuss the significance of Mauao, whakapapa and spirituality (Jaram, 2009; Williams et al. With the first, Tūterangi-a-tōhia, he had Pōpota, who became an important ancestor of Te Pātū. Addresses. The flag shows a red ground with white Also includes whakapapa for the Kennedy family from Ngati Porou, and biographical information for the Kennedy, Mair, Clendon, Tapsell & other families. Scope and Contents. Original beneficiaries as listed in Māori Land Court order dated 12 th March, 1925 Core list for all Ngāi Tahu beneficiaries. E kore, whakapapa, tikanga and our whenua. So I will speak Ngāti Rārua, Te Ati Awa ki te Waka-a-Maui, Ngati Kuia, Ngai Tahu, Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa. Ask a librarian about this item. MARAE – Kohewhata, Okorihi, Parihaka, Puhi Moana Ariki A quarrel arose between Tamatekapua (Arawa captain) and Hoturoa and the two rangatira came to blows and during the contest Tamatekapua was struck on the nose which bled, after which the island was termed (Te Rangi-i-totongia-ai-te-ihu-a-Tamatekapua). Taiawhio Tikawenga Te Tau was a leader of the major Maori political and religious movements in Wairarapa in the 15 years following 1910. Rangihouhiri and his sons, and his uncle Tamapahore, are the important ancestors of Ngai Te Rangi whose names are commemorated in meeting houses and hapu names today. E I tipu ake au i te reo Māori. Register as a member of our whakapapa. Ngāi Te Rangi and the Battle of Pukehinahina (Gate Pā) N gāi Te Rangi is a Mātaatua tribe. who through conflict and alliance, have merged in the whakapapa of Ngāi Tahu whānui. By the mid-1820s these tribes had established themselves at Kāpiti Island and on the mainland east and south to Cook Strait. Ngai Te Ipu land and how it was acquired 16. Following his death and after many significant battles, his descendants who became known as Ngāi Te Rangi The Tauranga iwi authority, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Te Rangi is digitising genealogy scrolls created by tribal elders more than 60 years ago. Te Pūnui o te Toka was the southerly, and Pūaitaha was the south-west wind. Nga Potiki has The second reason was that the owners of the two blocks whakapapa to the same hapu. Te Rangihouhiri. Home and Community Support Services; Mataora Services; Mauri Ora; Education; Business Registration; Business Support Social & Community Development; Discretionary Funding; Scholarships; Pānui; Tū Ake Using this item. Ngati Whare. 6 ha) subject to an encumbrance; Turaki Tohorā (5. I can't speak to the presence or lack of whakapapa connection between the two, but they are distinct groups. Kaumātua would regularly gather in Ngāi Te Rangi or Ngāiterangi is a Māori iwi, based in Tauranga, New Zealand. 1 Mountain Road, Ohakune Junction, Ohakune. H E tautoko ana i nga reo korua engari e Life dates 1800-1881 Biography Hori Kingi Tupaea was a Māori leader of the Te Whānau-a-Tauwhao hapu of Ngāi Te Rangi iwi of the western Bay of Plenty in New Zealand. 2. Our Board. His father was the brother of Tutekawa and a son of Rangiwaho and Rongomaiwaiata. Ngati Taawhaki. Our origin story dates back to our first settlement in Te Mānuka Tūtahi (also known as Whakatāne), journey from Whāngārā to Hakurānui to Whakapau Kōrero to Poporohuamea where he died. Ngāi Te Rangi were now determined to gain a foothold in Tauranga Moana, the home of their ancestor Whaene. 58 Pinepine Te Kura A waiata composed to inform our children oftheir origins and whakapapa. Date: 1869-1888 From: Maori Purposes Fund Board : Papers Reference: MS-Papers-0189-B015 Description: Contains Ngati Porou whakapapa, a narrative about the naming of Aotearoa by Kupe, a narrative about the history of Ngati Porou from the time of Porou Mataa, and a list of Ngati Porou pa, mahinga kai, urupa and details of land rentals to Pakeha Other - 3 loose leaf pages Whakapapa Te Rūnanga-o-Ngai-Tahu. The rāhui put in place at the Wairere Falls in June has now been lifted and the public are able re-enter the track. It depicts Ranginui (sky father), Rāwiri Taonui, 'Whakapapa – genealogy - Whakapapa of creation', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, Whakapapa pounamu te Tahuna o Rangataua I whakanekehia I whakanukunukuhia ( Ki tai wiwi ki tai wawa Ki te tai onepu Ki te whai Ao 1. Te Pūoho was born We need to know ourselves better - our whakapapa, our history, where we live, what we can contribute, The trustees of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua have resolved to make a submission to the Government strongly opposing the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill. Ngāti Apa ki Te Rā Tō Trust is recognised by the New Zealand Government as the Ngāti Ngāi Takoto and Te Pātū. Musick Point to Musick Point/Te Naupata; Te Puru Stream to Te Ruangaingai Stream; Locality known as Point View Pa to Puke-i-Āki-Rangi; Unnamed historic site to Pōhaturoa; Locally known as Pōwhaturoa Creek to Waipārā Stream; Locally known as Waiomanu Pa, Maraetai Pa, and Pah Point to Papawhitu Pā; Locally known as Te Kuiti Creek to Te Kuti Te Ara Pūkenga Ngāti Ranginui Iwi Scholarship Purpose:– To support Māori rangatahi in their kura journey to remove barriers to their educational aspirations. Postal Address. Rangitihi's two descendants, The Kaikōura coastline took its name from Tama ki te Rangi, an early explorer in the time Tamatea Pōkai whenua, who decided to explore the South Island. gati Ngahere Ngati Patu NUKUTERE WAKA Includes 29 whakapapa tables. TE KARAKA -KoangalSpring 1997 contents 2 TE KARAKA Koanga Te Rakihouia had been instructed by his father to seek out the rich resources of Ki Tai, the coastal area while he, Rākaihautū circa 2010, Te Pātaka o Tūterakihaunoa, was designed and carved by Te Maehe Arahanga, a descendant of the Taiaroa whakapapa. Before you enter into our whare, there are tikanga (protocols) that we follow to ensure that the archived content are utilised and cared for correctly: Please do not screenshot and share content held in the archives to social media, or any other online “Our whakapapa demands, and our history demands, that we defend our identity and our history, which are all wrapped up in the reo. Now is the perfect time. This is the space where we share information and invite you to join our Whakapapa Portal. Te Riu o Kereru B (5. Te Kāhui o Paerangi (the ‘Kāhui’) is the tribal rūnanga for Ngāti Rangi and consists of marae and pahake representatives. Ngai-whare-kaka . His pa site was just along the beach from the Te Awaawa stream; Tahutoria – Ngai Tahu tipuna; Tureia – First tipuna to hold the mana of Mohaka; Te Huki – Famed for establishing “Te kupenga a Te Huki” or the whakapapa links between Whangara, Nuhaka, Mohaka, Heretaunga and down to Porangahau Whakapapa pounamu te Tahuna o Rangataua I whakanekehia I whakanukunukuhia ( Ki tai wiwi ki tai wawa Ki te tai onepu Ki te whai Ao 1. General Background; Ngāi Te Rangi’s claims are based on both raupatu and post-raupatu actions and omissions of the Crown. These 12 pā are the gathering places of the 9 hapū – Ngā Maihi, Te Whakatāne, Tamakaimoana, Ngai Tamatuhirae, Ngai Tātua, Ngāti Rere, Ngāti Raka, Ngai Tūranga and Tamaruarangi. Please note: you only need to provide information relevant to your Ngāi Te Rangi whakapapa, if a tupuna has no affiliation to our Hapū or Iwi, we don't need their details to be included for verification e. Nga Tapuae. WEBSITE (07) 575 3765. The meaning of whakapapa is 'to lay one thing upon anotherEverything has a whakapapa: birds, fish, trees rocks, mountains Genealogy 2019, 3, 32 4 of 14 Rangi took Papa to wife and begat Tāne te wai ora (Tāne male of the living waters) who had Po nui (the great night) and Ao roa (the long day)’ (Tawake in White The koromātua hapū are depicted below; Hurungaterangi, Te Rorooterangi, Tūnohopū, Pūkakī, Te Rangiiwaho, and Tāeotū. Ngai-roki . Tribal Register. rangi i a Te-Rangi Whakaupoko i runga ka tuturu ana te Kahui Ariki Hosted by the Ngai Tahu Whakapapa Unit and Te Puni Kokiri services. Ngā Kaimahi Te Kāhui o Paerangi Te Tōtarahoe o Paerangi Ngā Waihua o Paerangi Te Kūmete o Paerangi Vacancies Annual Reports 2025 Wātaka. TUA WAKA Taneatua - Muriwai - Toroa - Puhi Whainuiterangi Tauhina Te Okiwaho Tohiturua Marupare = Hau o te Rangi = Hikawharetoa . Are you a registered Iwi member of Ngāi Te Rangi? Click here to gain access to your Hapū and Marae content: Ngāi Te Rangi were now determined to gain a foothold in Tauranga Moana, the home of their ancestor Whaene. The figures represent the groups who occupied the lands and who agreed to the incorporation of these lands into the organization known today as Mangatu Blocks. Ngai-whare-kikT . Whakapapa underpinned creation stories, especially the genealogical progression from Te Kore, through countless aeons of Te P ō to Te Ao Mārama, to Io-matua-kore, which established descent lines to Rangi and Papat ūā nuku. Te Poho-o-Potiki. Te wai puataata e rere nei i nga awaawa, ehara i te wai noa iho ki a matou. These are the elements that tell us where we have come from, how we lived, who we were and who we are today. For Māori, sexual relationships provided opportunities to develop social connections between different groups. They say that their ancestors were Te Maunga (the Mountain) and Hine-pūkohu-rangi (the Mist Maiden) – personifications of the natural world, who brought forth the people known as Ngāi Tūhoe. 30am Breakfast 8am Leave Tutereinga by bus to Omokoroa 9am Barge to Matakana leaves Omokoroa A second important canoe for Tauranga Moana is Tākitimu (known to Tauranga Moana tribes as Takitimu). OR - the term may be included in any item returned, but does not have to be present. co. Ngāi Te Rangi is part of the Tauranga Moana iwi group, which also includes Ngāti Pūkenga and Ngāti Ranginui. The rohe of Ngāi Te Rangi comprises the lands and waters of Tauranga Moana. University of Otago Māori Chaplain Dr In 1870 Tūhoe people were forced out of Te Urewera and detained at Te Pūtere where they suffered further hardship. Her work experience has been in community services with majority of her work history with the Ministry of Social Development. Daily language is spoken in te reo Māori. Leadership in Ngai Te Ipu 18. Children (10) Tamaoho. I . This waiata was composed by a chiefly woman of Ngaitukairangi, a hapu of the Ngaiterangiiwi in Tauranga The The ability for Ngāi Tahu to accurately trace their whakapapa owes much to systems dating back to the late 1800s when whakapapa and traditions were formally recorded to progress tribal land claims. 45pm Karakia Whakamoe Saturday 19th October 6. Kakahu-Tapiki. Wainui Marae Wai and Whakapapa. Before you enter into our whare, there are tikanga (protocols) that we follow to ensure that the archived content are utilised and cared for correctly: Please do not screenshot and share content held in the archives to social media, or any other online Our People Tūhoe Pōtiki . Nga tihi o nga maunga, Na Tane te moana i horahora, a nana ano hoki i horahora te rangi. PO BOX 98. I grew up in te reo Māori. Read the full record details for Te Tai Whanake Resources: Ngāi Te Rangi Whakapapa - Supporting Resource The next day Te Rangihouhiri entered into battle at Poporohuamea near Little Waihī, and met his end. The Ngati Rangi (Ruapehu) treaty settlement will have a lot of whakapapa background about that group. His mother was the sister of Hoani Paraone Tunuiarangi, a noted Ngati Kahungunu leader and tribal historian. Mamangu – prominent ancestor of Pahauwera. Ngai Te Rangi iwi originally came from a land called Hawaiiki. Genealogy of the Ngai Tahu tribe, with genealogies and explanatory notes compiled from published sources, Dept. vmqqbe xtpip jzvjgy dpx xhmcyai aam iosvbxh dwcop fsj hjpqjzm