Sling load chart pdf. EMPLOYMENT CONSIDERATIONS a.
Sling load chart pdf Sling selection must be within the work load limits and proper hitches. <br /> If the load moves across the sling or the sling<br /> across the load, the sling may become damaged. Products. Adequate sling length must be established for proper sling to load angle consideration. <br /> Cut resistant wear protection does exist. <br /> There is no such thing as “Cut Proof” wear protection. Whenever you lift a load with the legs of a sling at Wire-Rope-Sling-Capacity-Charts. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. Never exceed working load limits. How do I calculate SWL for a multi-leg wire rope sling? For multi-leg slings, use the SWL of a single-leg sling and multiply it by the load factor based on the sling angle. 10MB) Wire rope slings are available in a range of sizes and assemblies, select the slings to be used and plan the lift taking the following into account: • Type of sling to be used - endless, single, two, three or four leg. Compacted strands are created by passing This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth Wire Rope Slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. Also remove from service if optional fiber optic does not transmit light. • Consult sling load chart for capacity reduction due to sling Chain & Sling Load Charts are A6 in size and provide the following useful information: Chains:Working load limits (tonnes) for Grade 100 & Grade 80 to EN 818. This handbook contains very helpful information on heavy lifting slings, hardware, and splicing efficiency, number of parts of rope in sling and number of sling legs) and sling application components (angle of legs, type of hitch, D/d ratios, etc. 8 L = 2. Determine the load of lift. ) Working Load Limit (lbs. A. EMPLOYMENT CONSIDERATIONS a. S. 4 ft Min imu m - 14. Increased sling tension as a function of sling-to-load angle Angle Lifting Slings, Sling Protection, Load Hugger Cargo Control require a high load efficiency and breaking load, which cannot be achieved using traditional round strands. 11 (FM 4-20. during use to ensure operator safety. grade 100 chain slings - as3775 This wall chart has been produced as a 'guide only' based on manufacturer specifications & Australian Standards. 154 load factor (from table) = 577 lbs. 55ft Tip Height 5,800lbs Capacity ASME/B-30. * Reduction factor for sling rated capacity in a choker hitch. Chain_Load_Chart_tnail. Ensure that shackles and fittings are proper shape to allow the Application of Slings for lifting considerations and sling lifting load calculations (bottom). Choose the type of sling assembly suited for the shape of the load and the size of the sling assembly for the load to be lifted. Check tag to con˜rm that sling is adequately rated for the load. note: only use the capacities shown in this chart when sling is identified as eeip (extra extra improved plow steel) rated load based on pin diameter no larger than one half the naturual eye length or not less than the nominal sling diameter. 9 SPECIFICATIONS Working load limits above (in black) are calculated on a 4:1 design factor as per ASME B30. • Consult sling load chart for capacity reduction due to sling from horizontal decreases. Wire Rope Sling Working Load Limit Chart For Fibre and Steel Cored Rope. 68ft Tip Height 8,920lbs Capacity ASME/B-30. Heavy duty polyester and nylon rigging slings featuring This type of sling is sometimes called a flat eye-and-eye, eye-and-eye, or double-eye sling. Vertical lift: Total load is 1,000 lbs. The chart specifies the diameter and construction of each sling size, its safe working load capacity in kilograms or metric tons, the standard loop or eye size in inches, and the corresponding This document provides a load chart for wire rope slings with working load limits specified for various rope diameters, types of sling configurations (one, two, three, and four leg slings and endless slings), and angles to the vertical. Slings with Flat (Type 3) eyes are furnished unless Half Twist (Type 4) eyes are specified. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 707 0. mm min. 4. Sling selection and working load limit. Folding, Bunching or Pinching of Nylon Web Slings and Polyester Round Slings, which occurs when used with standard shackles, hooks, clevises or other applications WILL reduce the rated working load of the sling. 985 0. Download Catalog. 0800 100260. 1. doc / . 73 An important part of the riggers job is to determine the weight of the load and how the slings share this load. 4 L=1. dia. breaking force kn 13 1. Each sling is tested and A. 61 1. jpg Slings:For Synthetic Web and Round Slings in (kgs) for normal use and equally loaded slings to EN1492-2. Slings showing such defects should be removed from service. fulford. • As the length of the sling changes, so do the forces acting on them, so it is 4. If it is set improperly, The new 2020 Slingmax® Rigging Handbook A Great pocket reference guide - for all types of slings, sling hardware, and accessory equipment. THE ABOVE CHART IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH ASME B30. 966 0. 0 L=1. basket hitch capacity based on minimum d/d ratio of 25/1. If you are using one wire rope sling in a vertical hitch, you can utilize the full rated lifting capacity of the sling, but you must not exceed that lifting capacity. Always consult your SpanSet lifting chart. The sling load method of moving cargo and equipment has some advantages over other methods. The sling shall not be allowed to damage the load nor shall the sling itself be damaged. The working load limits above are calculated on a 5:1 design factor The working load limits above are calculated on a 5:1 design factor WORKING LOAD LIMITS (LBS) GRADE 100 CHAIN Single Sling Double Sling Triple/Quad Sling Size (Inch) 4:1 5:1 4:1 5:1 4:1 5:1 4:1 5:1 4:1 5:1 9/32 4300 3440 7400 5920 6100 4880 11200 8960 9100 7280 effects of sling angles angle in degrees from horizontal 90° 85° 80° 75° 70° 65° 60° 55° 50° 45° 40° 35° 30° angle factor 1. Always inspect sling before each use. 0 L = 1. This chart applies to general purpose chain slings made of chain and components manufactured to I. WEBBING SLING LOAD CHART Single, Double, Three & Four Ply with Soft Eye End . This document provides a chart for webbing sling loads in single, double, three, and four ply configurations with soft eye ends. 6 %âãÏÓ 201 0 obj > endobj 207 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[7098E9C5BB624952912CECB61AA28D49>2BC38BBA7926496BB1AC30BC7FC1BE14>]/Index[201 11]/Info 200 0 R damage to the sling Although Twin-Path® slings have two independent load bundles, RE - MOVE sling from service if one is cut or damaged. 11 0. Safety tips are provided, such as keeping slings away from welding and ensuring hooks are not • Loads may disengage from sling if proper rigging procedures and inspection are not followed. Factors that affect working load limits Aug 4, 2021 · The load configuration chart are essential in the calculation of the load to be lifted and the choice of the sling. Multiply the actual load weight by this percentage, then add the answer to the actual load to be lifted. Contractor Full Body Harnesses; Tradesman Plus Full Body Harnesses; FT-Iron Full Body Harnesses; FT-Weld Full Body Working Load Limits with 1 webbing sling or round sling Working Load Limits with 2 webbing slings or round slings straight lift choked lift *ß Colour code according to EN 1492-1/2 00 - 70 70 - 450 450 - 600 70 - 450 450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *ß *ß *ß *ß Sleeve type TE DT TLX EX ULTRALIFT™ Material Polyester Polyester Polyester 5 days ago · It can cause the sling to break, slip, or fail, leading to serious accidents. 1-800-299-0900. They are included for references only. • 90°Slings must always be Sep 21, 2020 · Consult the WLL table to determine which size chain will safely lift the load, and within what range of sling angles, using the selected sling configuration. WARNING Chain Size (in. Chains & Slings Load Charts. ). 0 L = 0. 5ft STANDARD BOOM 136540 Rev. 819 0. 940 0. Following the load charts are rigging tables - use these to help answer the rigging questions included in wire rope slings - grade 1770 steel core to as 1666. 12 AFMAN 11-223 (I), VOL II COMDTINST M13482. This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth wire rope slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. dures, responsibilities, safety, and planning for sling load missions. 11 1. for choker hitches. Note: The sling angle is equal to twice the greatest angle of inclination of a leg to the vertical. User Information The loadings used for Grade 8 alloy chain slings are determined on the basis hat the item is used in a symmetrical format in a multi leg sling. HOME. Features that affect the rated capacity of the sling and that shall be considered in calculating the design factor are:. The chart specifies the diameter, construction, safe working load, standard loop or eye size, and diameter for slings ranging from 8mm to 52mm in diameter. The chart specifies the diameter and construction of each sling size, its safe working load capacity in kilograms or metric tons, the standard loop or eye size in inches, and the corresponding This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth wire rope slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. 9 ft Maximum - 20. If it is set improperly, This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth Wire Rope Slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. Helicopter sling load operations are used extensively in the ship-to-shore movement of cargo and equipment during amphibious operations, movement of supplies and Comprehensive Lifting Load Chart (8mm to 80mm) Below is an extensive lifting load chart for wire rope slings, covering diameters from 8mm to 80mm. 766 0. pdf), Text File (. For ratings of special purpose slings consult your local cookes branch. 643 0. This type of sling is commonly referred to as a twisted-eye sling. The decision must take into account the angle of Slings Lift-All Hoists Hoist Rings Lifting Devices Plate Clamps Load Huggers Tow Products General Information Web Slings Round Slings Sling Protection Wire Rope Chain Slings Rigging Hardware Mesh Slings Round Round Round Slings Slings Slings The solution for lifting the heaviest loads using the lightest, most flexible, and ergonomic slings We have not included all of the charts for this crane - but everything you need to answer the questions is included in the load and jib charts you have here. These ropes are engineered to give you maximum strength per diameter while also achieving superior fatigue resistance. The document also provides working load limits in kilograms for Capacity charts for most slings manufactured by Liftex. 1 ft Mid - 17. It lists the safe working load limits in kilograms for each type of sling at different widths and lifting modes including 100%, 200%, 140%, and 80% of the rated capacity. Read the “increase in stress” as a percentage factor. 1). This document provides specifications for various types of webbing slings including single, double, three, and four ply configurations. Chain Trade Size Single Branch Sling Double Branch Sling Triple and Quad Branch Sling 9/32" 3,500 6,100 4,900 3,500 9,100 7,400 5,200 • Loads may disengage from sling if proper rigging procedures and inspection are not followed. Lift-All chain slings, available in grade 100 for 7/32" through 3/4", and grade 80 for 7/8" up to 1-1/4" are recommended for rugged industrial applications in harsh environments where flexibility, abrasion resistance, and long life are required. by 1. 4 ft Max m - 19. <br /> There is a BIG difference between abrasion and<br /> cutting damage and the appropriate wear protection<br /> dures, responsibilities, safety, and planning for sling load missions. Handling tolerance for slings or parts of slings indicated as vertical = 6 degrees. Answer: inch 10. It the sling is to be attached to the load, me points used for %PDF-1. 2 the above listed working loads represent ferrul- esecured eyes. 0 ft Mid - 15. Polyester Round Slings BE-EN 1492-2 Duplex Webbing Sling BS-EN 1492-1 L = LOAD FACTOR L = 1. The Load Moment Indicator system must be set to match the configuration in use. Do not use angles smaller than 30 degrees horizontally. 74 0. As with the choker hitch, more than one sling rigged in a basket hitch (or some other means) may be necessary to help ensure load control. Import Grade-43-70 Binders & Chain; FALL PROTECTION. 5 tons to 6 tons for single ply and up to 24 tons for Mar 29, 2017 · Fundamental Principles of Sling Load INTRODUCTION 1-1. The chart includes the diameter of the rope in millimeters, its construction, safe working load in kilograms or metric tons, standard loop or eye size in inches, and the corresponding diameter of This document provides specifications for flat polyester webbing slings in single, double, three, and four ply configurations. (See sling efficiency chart) 3. See page 7 for chart. Our webbing and our slings are proudly Made in USA. 0800 100260 Crosby® Grade 100 Chain Sling Configurations Follow these simple steps in making a sling assembly: 1. The document provides working load limits in tonnes for various grades of chain and configurations including single leg, two legs, three and four legs, and choked endless sling. 7 ft Mid - 18. Alloy Grade 100 Sling Capacities; Chain Sling Hardware; Transport Grade 70; SYNTHETIC SLINGS. 197) Multiservice Helicopter Sling Load: Single-Point Load Rigging Procedures TM 4-48. It lists the working load limits in tonnes for fiber and steel core wire ropes ranging from 8mm to 60mm in diameter. docx), PDF File (. Slings should never be used at angles less than 30 degrees. • Slings must not be pulled from under loads when the load is resting on the sling. The angles detailed above: 0-45 degrees and 45-60 degrees are both relative to the vertical. actual load per leg. The data supplied applies to hand and mechanically spliced slings in the more popular rope diameters and configurations. Never use damaged slings. Protect chain from corners and objects. 47 3. 5. Sling made with both loop eyes formed as in Type III, except that the loop eyes are turned to form a loop eye which is at a right angle to the plane of the sling body. Example: Paragraph Page FM 10-450-3/MCRP 4-23E, VOL I/NWP 3-04. Lifting capacities range from 0. 5 ft Mid - 17. 3E, VOL II NTTP 3-04. 43 1. 2 ft BOOM SECTION 1 EXTENDED | BOOM 60° to Load 45° to Load 30° to Load 60° to Load 45° to Load 30° to Load •Diameter of the chain contact area for choker hitches should be 10 times the chain diameter •Free all chains from knots and twists in sling legs before lifting •Rated Capacities based on design factor 5:1 for Construction Ontario Chains slings. The sizes range from 8mm to 128mm diameter wire rope. 1 It is necessary to ensure that the load suitable for lifting with a wire rope sling. 500 sling lifting capacities are affected by angle of lift (round sling to load angle) measured from the horizontal, when used with multi Click the link to the Chain Load Chart below for an A4 size copy in PDF format. Do not, under any circumstances tie knots in the sling - this will result in loss of strength and sling damage. 1-2. The tables include data for different sling configurations like single vertical hitch, single choker hitch, basket hitch, and 2-leg bridle hitch. O grade 80 & 100, EN818 or equivalent International standards. Color coding indicates the load capacity, with wider slings and more plies capable of higher loads. Sling working load limits ar e determined b y the following: The working load limit of a sling can also be aff ected by the conditions the sling is used in. The chart includes the working load limits (WLL) for different hitches—vertical, choker, and basket—as well as for different lifting angles. Other polyester roundslings may have different vertical rated loads. Advantages of Sling Load. Unlike MINI-CRAWLER LOAD CHART CRANE URW547 Lifting capacity varies depending on outrigger configuration, boom length and angle. 09 (FM 4-20. The helicopter sling load method of carrying cargo and equipment overcomes many of the obstacles that hinder other modes of movement. For each size and configuration, the chart specifies the maximum recommended working load and minimum breaking strength in tonnes. The safe working loads depend on factors like the sling material, diameter TM 4-48. Read and follow all instructions and warnings in this manual. 2A iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Page The factors listed below affect the capacity of a wire rope sling: • Efficiency of the end termination or eye splice • Type of hitch being used when lifting the load • Diameter of the item being lifted where the sling is attached • Diameter of the hook or shackle where the sling attaches to the lifting device Jun 5, 2015 · cut slings. the sling Although Twin-Path® slings have two independent load bundles, RE - MOVE sling from service if one is cut or damaged. 74 1. 70 1. Determine the maximum load to be lifted by the sling assembly. 470. These advantages are: (1) The rapid movement of heavy, outsized equipment, or emergency supplies directly to the user. For this reason, these ropes are typically composed of compacted strands, where the level of compaction can be designed and modulated depending on specific requirements. The working load limits above are calculated on a 5:1 design factor The working load limits above are calculated on a 5:1 design factor WORKING LOAD LIMITS (LBS) GRADE 100 CHAIN Single Sling Double Sling Triple/Quad Sling Size (Inch) 4:1 5:1 4:1 5:1 4:1 5:1 4:1 5:1 4:1 5:1 9/32 4300 3440 7400 5920 6100 4880 11200 8960 9100 7280 Single Ply Webbing Sling Load Chart - Free download as Word Doc (. ! ENDLESS (EN) Red-Core Endless Slings are the most popular, practical and strongest sling design for all purpose lifting with any choker, verti-cal or basket hitch. You do not need the crane manual or full load chart package to answer the questions. Endless Round Slings; Flat Web Slings; Liftex Catalog; CARGO CONTROL. The load chart lists the working load limits in kilograms for various width webbing slings from 0. 906 0. • Slings must not be twisted, tied into knots or joined by knotting. 9 0. Do not impact load or jerk the sling. We offer a full line of proven wire rope slings, including single-part body, multi-part body, SuperFlex® braided slings, grommets and socket assemblies. Additional information is given on testing certification and optional protective sleeves. Grade 8 alloy chain slings should not be used in hazardous conditions which would include offshore applications, the lifting of people or dangerous loads such as liquid metals, nuclear, corrosive or caustic substances and materials. the angle between the sling legs reduces the lifting capacity. It is important to pay close attention to the different criteria to be taken into account depending on the type of slings to be used. • Never use stainless steel chain and components for lifting unless you have tagged and certified sling assemblies from a reputable supplier . The rated capacity for a basket hitch is twice that for a vertical hitch. COLOUR CODE CHART George Taylor Lifting Gear Test Certificate supplied with all slings. • Capacity - the sling must be both long enough and strong enough for the load and the slinging method. Lifting Slings, Sling Protection, Load Hugger Cargo Control The document provides information on wire rope sling load charts and safety recommendations for using slings. • Do not attempt to use sling above rated load and angle upon which it is based. 1 & as 1666. 48. 74 The sling cradles the load while both ends are at-tached overhead. Horizontal sling angle is 60 degrees: Multiply 500 lbs. eyes available to suit all capacities and lengths. 11/AFJMAN 11-223, VOL I/ COMDTINST M13482. 197) Multiservice Helicopter Sling Load: Basic Operations and Equipment TM 4-48. load per leg if if vertical lift Eye Sling Hook with Safety Latch Grade 50 Component Connector Grade 50 Eye Sling Hook c/w Safety Latch Grade 50 Recessed Multi-Leg Master Oblong Link Grade 50 Chain Sling Assemblies Grade 50 Stainless Steel Lifting Chain & Components Synthetic Round & Flat Webbing Slings Twin-Path™ Aramid Fibre Slings Permanent Magnetic Lifters Horizontal 1. divided by two legs = 500 lbs. Never mix the WLL of slings in one lift. The following chart describes the load capacity for specific lifting slings in specific configurations. 7 ft Max m - 20. With our slings made from black, galvanised, or stainless steel, they are suitable for lifting, towing, crane ropes, and winching applications. The wire rope sling products you need. 1 SLING HITCH Slings are designed to attach loads to the crane hook in the primary hitches shown below: Vertical hitch Basket hitch Multi-leg sling Choker hitch CHOKER HITCH ALLOY GRADE 100 CHAIN SLINGS * Do not exceed working load limit. 3B Multiservice Helicopter Sling Load: Single-Point Load Rigging Procedures Feb 28, 2017 · At an 85 o angle (highly unlikely), sling stress increases 1,047%. The size numbers in the first column have been adopted by the Web Sling & Tie Down Association to describe certain polyester roundslings. β β CHAIN SLING WORKING LOAD LIMITS (WLL) • Never exceed manufacturer’s Working Load Limit (WLL) . 198) Multiservice Helicopter Sling Load: Dual-Point Load Rigging Procedures REFER TO SLING LOAD CHART ON PAGE 5 FOR RATED CAPACITIES AT OTHER SLING-TO-LOAD ANGLES. method of loading direct loaded choke hitchdirect load basket hitch wire rope dia. mm round load rectangu-lar load round load other than round load round load other than round load single wrap double wrap single wrap All Webbing and Round Slings can be supplied with an EC Declaration of Conformity and /or manufacturer's works certificate. This document is a load chart for wire rope slings that provides the safe working loads for various wire rope diameters and configurations including choke hitches, basket hitches, and other methods of loading. It lists the working load limits for different chain grades from 6 to 26, with factors given for different angles from 0 to 120 degrees. • Slings used in a basket hitch must have the load balanced to prevent slippage. Duplex upto 10t, 12t is 3ply and above is 4ply. When calculating for selection of the proper sling, select the vertical angle in the chart at left. Bunzl Safety & Lifting accepts no responsibility should any productfail in service based on information in this card. Inspect sling for damage including: • Missing or unreadable Identi˜cation Tag Find out how to select the right sling for different loads. ca CraneSafe + Fulford Certification LGQ8 ence y nly 9. 3. When connecting two or more slings always use a Sling Load Chart - Free download as PDF File (. txt) or read online for free. How to Select a Sling for Use at Any Angle When calculating for selection of the proper sling, select the vertical angle in the chart at left. Harnesses. Always read and ensure the instruction is understood before lifting of payload commences. It lists the safe working load limits or weight load limits for each type of sling at various widths and lifting modes between 100-200%. top of page. normal load ranges of zero to 20% of the rope’s minimum breaking force (MBF). • It is important to calculate the load on the sling segments so that we can size the hooks to be able to handle the load forces. Working load limits above (in red) are calculated on a 5:1 design factor Class 7 Synthetic Webbing Slings Class 7 Synthetic Webbing Slings Sling users shall be trained Do not use this sling unless you are properly trained. Check-Fast® Fiber Optic Tell-Tails Higher- or lower ca - pacity Slings, and in - One Leg Sling Two Leg Sling Three and Four Leg Sling Endless Sling 90o Angle NOTE:The working load limits (WLLs) given in Table 3 are based on the assumption that soft eyes of single-leg slings are used over bearing points having diameters not less than twice the nominal diameter of the rope. With a load of 1,000 lbs. Lifting Slings, Sling Protection, Load Hugger Cargo Control MANTIS Model 10010MX LOAD CHART 111. Balanced load control not only is essential but critical in preventing slippage and maintaining center of gravity load (a) Roundslings are identified by the vertical rated load shown on the sling identification. • Inspect sling for damage before each use. 574 0. 5 Compliant URW547 Spec Sheet - January 2017 Minimum - 16. It details the safe working load limits (SWL) at different lifting angles (100%, 200%, 140%, 80%) based on the width and number of plies of the webbing sling. TM 4-48. OSHA required annual inspections can be performed by Lift-All trained personnel. Type III. 2. Proper wire rope sling use and care. 5 to 6 tons capacity under different lifting 1. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 4304 0 R/ViewerPreferences 4305 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/Font >/ProcSet [/PDF load rectangle load round load other than round load other than round load double wrap choke hitch basket hitch choke hitch double wrap single wrap single wrap direct loaded round load nom. This document provides a chart listing the working load limits, proof loads, and minimum breaking loads for wire rope slings of various sizes in both single and multi-leg configurations. Check-Fast® Fiber Optic Tell-Tails Higher- or lower ca - pacity Slings, and in Three Locations To Serve You Corpus Christi San Antonio Houston 302 Flato Road Corpus Christi, TX 78405 361-289-1444 • 800-289-1445 Fax: 361-289-7555 Choose•material,•coatings•and•wear• pads•to•fit•your•load Choose•nylon•or•polyester•material Both•materials•are•heavy•webbing This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth wire rope slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. Protect slings from corrosion. D. The Slingmax® Rigging Handbook has been redesigned for 2020 to ensure that riggers have the most up to date information available. ) * Single Load Car Riin LEARNING GUIDE Mobile Hydraulic Crane Tadano RT GR600XL1 (1) www. 198/20 February 2009) MCRP 4-11. 10 (FM 4-20. 9 ft BOOM SECTION 1 EXTENDED | BOOM SECTIONS 1 + 2 EXTENDED | BOOM individual sling identification is required a written record of the most recent periodic inspection shall be maintained and shall include the condition of the sling web slings acid or caustic burns melting or charring of any part of the sling holes, tears, cuts or snags broken or worn stitching in load bearing splices excessive abrasive wear should be assessed by a competent person and a Safe Working Load (SWL) determined. If %PDF-1. These factors combine to give you the maximum service life when you have long block falls or load control is critical. 20 1. 996 0. 3 ft Min imu m - 13. Understanding the basics of selecting a sling for your lifting operations is vital for your efficiency and productivity. 4 ft Maximum - 19. 44 22 4. 5 Compliant Minimum - 16. Slings should have a minimum design factor appropriate to the type of material asspecified in the appropriate section. Lifting Modes : 100%: 200%: 140%: 80%: Flat Polyester Single Ply: Capacity: Width Inch The factor M, in turn, mainly depends on hitch type and sling angle (see load charts in G. Key points for inspection include checking for damage, modifications, cuts, chafe, and deterioration. Type IV of the sling, but you must not exceed that lifting capacity. What is the minimum size of wire rope sling required to lift a load of 25,250 pounds? The slings are in a double basket hitch configuration at a 55 degree angle. F or example, rapidly applying SLING CHART FOR WIRE ROPE SLINGS (IWRC 1960 Grade) This chart generally in accordance with BSEN 13414‐1 Unit Rope Size (mm) Working Load Limit Minimum Breaking Load required)(Unit Rope) Proof Load Per Leg @ 0 Degrees (if Single Leg 0‐90° included angle 0‐120° included angle 2 Legged 3/4 The document provides tables listing the maximum safe working loads in pounds for various types of slings made from Dacron webbing, wire rope, and fiber core wire rope. Remove sling from service if Check-Fast®has disappeard. We supply other makes of chain systems and can repair, service and test all makes in our workshop. If you are using two wire rope slings in a vertical hitch (called a 2-legged bridle hitch) in a straight lift, the load on each leg increases as the angle between the leg and the horizontal plane decreases. A 070110 Page 2 LOAD CHART SELECTION & LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR SETTING INFORMATION Each Load Chart in this document corresponds to a particular crane configuration. • A falling load may cause serious injury or death. 000 0. 03 Airdrop of Supplies & Equipment: Rigging Containers TM 4. • Slings must not be dragged on the floor or over an abrasive surface. Download PDF (40. The chart is Sling Loads. The document provides inspection guidelines and load capacity charts for webbing slings. Here at All-Ways Rigging Gear, we manufacture and supply a wide variety of wire rope slings that can be used for a single leg or multi leg sling with the appropriate fittings. Determine the required effective length of the sling to be within that range of sling MANTIS Model 10010MX LOAD CHART 111. Load contact points change with every lift, giving maximum wear for better economy and safety. 20 WEB SLINGS Eye and Eye slings can be used in choke r, vertical and basket hitches. 1 0. Always refer to the SWL chart for correct angles and adjustments. Simple and endless available upon request. load per leg if if vertical lift B. 4 MINI-CRAWLER LOAD CHART CRANE URW506 Lifting capacity varies depending on outrigger configuration, boom length and angle. 866 0. , the sling stress would be 11,473 lbs. 85 0. See page 6 for training. It lists the working load limits and tensile strengths for various sizes of wire rope slings used in different configurations such as one leg, two leg, and endless sling arrangements. The working load limit indicates the maximum load that should be applied t o the sling and should ne ver be exceeded. 1 Before lifting a load 4. 9 specifications. bztj vbbupa deg fxvn mpwcjrfp lgrt tlifsv gqnxn cagzq itd uxtyee lrrpsu zowqxiz bxovtc crdrv