Ncl plot map. stLengthCheckCount = 15, controls how frequently a new streamline is started. Aug 9, 2008 · This set of scripts compares three ways of generating the same plot: using wrf_ xxxx plotting scripts, using gsn_csm_ xxxx plotting scripts, and using PyNGL and PyNIO. A large map and a smaller map in the upper right corner 2. py. infoTimeStamp is a utility for creating a time stamp at the bottom of the figure. The marker style is changed using an integer from 0 to 16. The exception to this are the gsn resources, which are generic resources that apply to many different types of plots. This function creates a map background for any ARW WRF projection. Set an attribute of type called wkColorMap to one of the other predefined color maps. Second Plot: Make your own marker As of NCL version 4. vcMinDistanceF = 0. ncl : Read the monthly Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) spanning 1979-2010 and compute the SPI for 12 and 24 month run lengths. NCL Home> Application examples || Data files for some examples. DKRZ - NCL example script:;-----;; DKRZ-NCL Example: NCL_map_settings. Return value. asc and tsind_8yrTrend. The grid is first drawn using markers, to show the locations of missing and non-missing data, and then it is drawn as lines. plots. NUG_curvilinear_basic. stArrowLengthF = 0. This function creates and draws a vector plot over a map on the given workstation. 使用NCL绘制正确的国界、台湾岛屿、南海诸岛及省界等。. This function creates a map background, and overlays the given graphical plots. This plot uses the same data and looks similar to scatter_13. The key is to use gsn_csm_blank_plot to create a canvas for drawing the filled polygons, making sure that the four corners of the blank plot correspond with the four corners of the cylindrical equidistant Color maps are represented by arrays of red, green, and blue float values (referred to as RGB values) ranging from 0. Plot counts per country on a map. MPL_Accent 128 colors. NCL graphics examples page. ) leg_1. Convert ocean depth to pressure. ncl: The resources in this script contain the bare minimum to get a two item legend in the upper left corner of the plot. draw (xy) ; Drawing the XY plot will also draw the markers we just added. A plot resource. tbr_240-300 200 colors. The key is that you need to select one fewer contour levels than what you want, since the contouring in NCL always represents values in a range, and not exactly equal to a value. The right image is from running NCL V6. wrf_hgt. This function puts special longitude labels around the polar map. Create a map object using map=gsn_csm_map(wks,res_map) A variable containing an optional list of plot resources, attached as attributes. ncl: This is yet another variation of example 5. gsn_csm_streamline_map_polar is the plot template that draws a polar streamline plot. area_poly_sphere. plot_shapefile - creates a basic map plot with the shapefile outlines added. For scatter plots or xy plots that include markers in addition to lines, use xyMarker or xyMarkers (more than one line on a plot). scatter_10. Deck. Create your own. Satellite projection, change background/foreground color, draw a shadow, common labelbar. ncl on the scatter plot page. In order to zoom in on WRF-ARW data and keep the same map projection that is defined on the file, you must: By using a blank plot, we can draw the gray box in the blank plot, and then overlay the bar chart on the blank plot, forcing the gray box to be underneath everything. 0, the gsn_csm_xxxxx_map scripts will look for these special attributes in order to correctly plot the data over a map. ncl : Shows how to draw map lat/lon grid lines underneath the map fill and outlines, by setting mpGridAndLimbDrawOrder to "PreDraw". You can draw the two maps simply by using gsn_csm_map for each one. ncl script provides additional useful routines for working with shapefiles: print_shapefile_info - prints information about the shapefile. Note the use of text function codes to plot accented characters like a cedilla. Some Python versions of NCL examples referenced are available on the GeoCAT-examples webpage. MPL_brg 128 colors. a23 and later. hluresfile file. ) Regrids a POP ocean model grid to another grid. 8 KB. ncl, except it shows how to zoom in on an area of interest in the map so you can see more detail of the regridding results. The main purpose of this page is to help ease the transition from NCL to Python by providing both NCL and Python versions of scripts that read/write ASCII and NetCDF files and/or produce graphics. ncl: Demonstrates changing the color map associated with the workstation using: 1) one of the built-in color tables, 2) an array of named colors , or 3) RGB values . raster_7. mpSatelliteDistF =3. NCL internally contructs a box around each data value, and fills that box in the appropriate color indicated by your contour levels and the color map. To change/add titles at the top right and left sides of the page, set these two resources before calling wrf_contour : Adds a title just below the "Init" title, preceded by the word "Valid: ". By default, the scalar field is used to color the vectors, unless the special resource gsnScalarContour is set to True, then a separate contour plot is created. You should be able to substitute your own WRF-ARW data files in these scripts. xy_4. In order for the streamlines to be overlaid correctly on the map, please see the document " Overlaying data on a map ". ncl : Changing the color map for filled contours and drawing color maps. ncl: Calculates the mean meridional stream function via the function zonal_mpsi and creates a simple height versus latitude plot. ncl: Unmasked and masked lambert conformal projection. The transform_id object will become a plot member of the base_id plot. ncl: Demonstrates how to overlay a scatter plot (of filled squares) on a map plot, when the scatter plot is not in lat/lon space. General Projections. add90LatX. github. ncl, but creates a more customized plot with colored boxes. rainbow+white 237 colors. WRF_pcp_1. These labels can be controlled only through a limited set Oct 30, 2014 · DKRZ NCL map plot example#. These scripts show you how to use shapefiles to get better map outlines in your plot. This function creates and draws a streamline plot over a map on the given workstation. A masked Lambert Conformal map is a regular Lambert Conformal map that has a particular area masked out so you can focus on an area of interest. ncl: Another simple default plot of U versus height and latitude. For more advanced WRF-ARW plotting scripts, visit: wrf_demo_getvar_simple. 0 and earlier, the NCL outlines will not show the county of Broomfield or the updated counties around Denver. The second plot sets the contour levels explicitly, and centers the labelbar labels. This example reads in some netCDF files and creates four contour plots over different map projections. ncl: This script creates two plots using wrf_ xxxx plotting functions: A simple filled contour plot of the HGT variable read off a WRF output file. You give the function the character and font table you want the NUG_shapefile_plot_data. 0 or less, the satellite projection is replaced by its limiting case: an orthographic projection. The first four plots use data generated within the NCL script, and the fifth plot uses data read from an ASCII file. The mask_16. 345 lines (263 loc) · 11. Plots to overlay over map background, possibly created by calls to wrf_contour and/or wrf_vector. (a) Read two text files via asciiread; (b) Perform a linear regression using regline; (c) Create a 3rd degree polynomial via lspoly_n; (d) Plot markers and the polynomial and regression lines. ncl: Uses the same data as box_6. Contact the Webmaster. A legend with markers and lines 3. add90LatY. The map projection information is provided on the file as attributes of the "gridlat_0" and "gridlon_0" variables on the file. To read WRF ARW data and/or calculate certain diagnostics, you need two functions: addfile - this function opens a WRF-ARW NetCDF file so you can read data or calculate diagnostics. The ESMF_regrid_zoomed_8. pmres@ gsMarkerIndex = types(i) dum(i) = gsn_add_polymarker (wks, xy, xmarkers, ymarkers, pmres) end do. Contrast 2: NCL Implicit Axes Manipulation Original NCL plot panel_14. ncl Plot recreated NCL_panel_14. View Photos & Floorplan. See XY application example 4 . Bar chart plot with text next to the bars. NCV_rainbow2 256 colors. Lambert Conformal (masked) Lambert Conformal (native) For maps, unless ShapeMode is included, the plot manager will try to maintain the aspect ratio of the plot regardless of the values you input for Height and Width. Graphical map background, possibly created by a call to wrf_map. Permanently change the default color map that is used by setting one in your . These values are attached as attributes to the data (veg@lat2d and veg@lon2d), since traditional coordinate array syntax can't be used (these have to be 1-dimensional). This set of examples plots temperature from a WRF file. res@ TimeLabel = " Desired title for time The first plot is the default contour plot which lets NCL select the contour levels. You must also set tfDoNDCOverlay to False to indicate you are plotting over a native Plot the time series. 017, Thins the vectors. nice_gfdl 225 colors. ncl: This is based upon a script created by Aixhu Hu (NCAR). ncl, and shows how to change or add titles on a WRF plot. This function creates and draws a map plot on the given workstation. spi_2. ncl : This example is similar to panel_18. As of NCL V6. g. ) dsgrid3. Calculates the area enclosed by an arbitrary polygon on the sphere. Arctic Systems Reanalysis. The overlay procedure is used to set the transform_id object so it will be drawn over the base_id plot. mptick_1. polar_9. lcmask_1. In order for the vectors to be overlaid correctly on the map, please see the document " Overlaying data on a map ". mapgrid_2. For a whole suite of examples using NCL to plot WRF-ARW data, we recommend that you visit the WRF-ARW Online Tutorial . This function creates and draws a vector plot over a polar stereographic map on the given workstation. Adds two fake pole points (90S and 90N) to the leftmost dimension of the given data. For a first try, simply loop through all the points. You automatically get a contour information label ( cnInfoLabelOn ). Maps Only. ncl: Draws a lat/lon grid over an existing plot using gsn_coordinates . The following pages contain NCL scripts and graphics that you can download and use. Important note: in NCL version 6. The base_id plot must have the same workstation parent as the transform_id object, and it cannot already be an overlaid plot itself. ( Deprecated version . ncl: This example shows how to overlay precipitation contours on a terrain map, each with its own color map. ncl" example that follows, for a newer method of drawing a given set of colors The shapefile_utils. Describes drawing lat/lon grid lines on maps. shapefile_mask_data - masks your own data against outlines in a shapefile. Example 2 This example is identical to example 1 except the polymarkers are being added from within a procedure. The precise meaning of the viewport depends on the object. The function wrf_map_resources queries the WRF output file to set the necessary map resources. Calculates a quantity derived from the Potential Density of significance. a030, you can make your own marker using NhlNewMarker. ncl : Opens a WRF-ARW NetCDF dsgrid2s. ncl: This vegetation raster plot is generated using 2-dimensional latitude and longitude coordinate values. 14 kmf;-----begin;--set file name diri = ". See the next section for an example of plotting this data on a cylindrical equidistant map projection. Map outlines. mptick_2. You can also make your own marker style using the NhlNewMarker function. map. Datasets. Used in conjunction with area Mar 2, 2014 · From: Mark Chan <cym263_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah> Date: Sun Mar 02 2014 - 13:46:14 MST. io This plot has several elements: 1. When plotting native data over an LC projection, you need to provide a meridian and two parallels: mpLambertParallel1F mpLambertParallel2F mpLambertMeridianF WRF_me_1. Set tfDoNDCOverlay = True By default, when data are placed onto a map, NCL performs a transformation to the specified projection. Please also visit the Toulouse models applications page . These labels can be controlled only through a limited set NCL Graphics Documentation. /" fili An NCL Workstation identifier. The value is in terms of an internal wrf_zoom_1. ncl: This script is based on wrf_title_1. Overlay plots are different plots (like vectors and contours) that are drawn on top of each other, and possibly on top of a map. regress_6. ncl: This script creates a basic black-and-white contour plot at a specified time and level, using the native Mercator map projection defined on the file. In order to get the bars on top of the gray background, gsn_csm_blank_plot is used to create canvases for the background, gsn_csm_xy is used to create the bar plots, and overlay is used to overlay each XY bar plot on the gray canvas. My initial guess on the distance would be 1/2 marker diameter, i. 008, controls the length of the directional arrows. This sets the necessary NCL resources to define the native map projection. Enjoy the dining and excitement just steps away from The Waterfront. This allows users to "resuse" the map plot if desired, to overlay other plots. Histograms are bar plots, where each bar is a count of how many values of your data either fall in a range of values, or are exactly equal to a set of values. To get these tickmarks, you need to set pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always". plots, bar charts etc. Interpolates data from an unstructured (randomly-spaced) grid to a 3D grid using inverse distance weighted interpolation. ncl: Example of a polar streamline plot. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. h_lat_2. ncl" example that follows, for a newer method of drawing a given set of colors Lat/lon functions. The Python scripts use PyNGL to create the graphics and a mix of xarray and PyNIO to read the data. 0, you can now change the color map used by a color contour, vector, or streamline plot by setting one of the new resources: cnFillPalette Note: the scripts on this page are mainly meant as supplements to the other scripts in this suite. This function creates and draws a contour plot over a polar stereographic map projection on the given workstation. ncl: Adding country outlines from a shapefile to an existing contour/map plot. 4. NCL Color Table Gallery: matplotlib. Compute a local density score for each point in your scatter plot. If you do not want the plots removed, then set. hluresfile About color tables Color table gallery Colors (named) Color table creation Dash patterns Environment variables Fill patterns Font tables Function codes Graphical interfaces Map projections High-resolution coastlines Marker styles Overlaying data on a map Resources String format specification NCAR Graphics Nov 20, 2019 · Previous message: [ncl-talk] Overlaying two plots onto the same contour map. Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] I might also speculate that you have not associated the lon/lat arrays as "coordinate variables" to the variable "data", as i) that doesn't happen automatically Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. See full list on annefou. panel_trilbar_18. In NCL version 6. vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF = -1. The shapefiles on this page were obtained from various locations: [Click on any image to see a larger NCL Graphics: Histograms. The first entry in a color map is the background color, and the second entry is the foreground color. Club Balcony Suite with Larger Balcony 3-4 310-322 103-118. ncl example is similar to ESMF_regrid_8. Regrids a scalar variable on a POP grid to a lat/lon grid or vice-versa. We refer to this as "binning" the data. NCL and Python Transition Guide Examples. ncl: Adds color, and changes the aspect ratio. wrf_ xxxx. ARM. Two black-and-white labelbars 1. wrf_ngl_hgt. Example pages containing: tips | resources | functions/procedures Plot Type Examples The following pages contain NCL scripts and graphics that you can download and use. ncl: The first frame shows a default black and white contour plot. ncl : Drawing filled contours of a curvilinear (2D lat/lon) dataset. 0, Moves the reference vector up. frame (wks) end. This function creates very generic contour plots. MPL_afmhot 128 colors. Lines 31-35: NCL Graphics: Overlay Plots. This function creates and draws a contour plot over a cylindrical equidistant map projection on the given workstation. The default is dynamic. NUG_colormaps. Each plot has some aspect changed from the previous plot, like titles and line labels added May 29, 2022 · in NCL, we can plot many types of maps or graphs, for ex ample, contour s, vectors, box . The same data, but zoomed in on the upper left corner of the map. asc wrf_title_2. You can use the res variable to set some optional attributes for customizing the map: ZoomIn - default is False NCL Graphics: Contours without maps. If data is two-dimensional, then the leftmost dimension is represented on the Y (latitude) axis, and the rightmost dimension on the X (longitude) axis. If you have more than one WRF-ARW file, use addfiles . For each point, count the number of other points within overlapping distance in X/Y plot space from the current point. Some text outside and inside the two plots 4. This page describes how to use NCL to read and plot data and diagnostics calculated from WRF-ARW files. Plot categorical data. MPL_bone 128 colors. 0, if mpOutlineBoundarySets is set to "National", then ; this causes mpDataBaseVersion to automatically default to "MediumRes". The first plot has one curve, and the rest of the plots have multiple curves. ncl script creates and draws the contour/map plot twice: the first time with filled contours drawn over gray land and transparent ocean (the ocean color is arbitrary), and second time with the ocean filled in white, the land transparent, and the filled contours also transparent so you don't end up with filled contours over ocean again. plt_res @PanelPlot = True. ACCESS. CloudSat. The identifier is one returned either from calling gsn_open_wks or calling create to create a Workstation object. ncview_default 254 colors. about color tables | how to create your own color table | named colors | full gallery. The default values of many of these resources draw a huge legend that is outside of the plot domain. In V6. gsn_csm_pres_hgt is the plot interface that plots height versus latitude plots. MPL_autumn 128 colors. The grid lines for both the source grid and destination grids were added with a call to gsn_coordinates. pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always" will turn on Example 5 - contour plots over maps. The default is to show only the northern hemisphere, unless the special resource gsnPolar is set to "SH". CALIPSO. 0 on this script. The scripts and functions listed below are some of ones used in the old "Frequently asked questions" chapter of GSUN, and in appendix A. e. Converts vectors on a POP grid to a lat/lon grid and vice-versa. Maps with lat/lon grids. datagrid_8. gsn_csm_vector_map is the plot interface that draws vectors over a map. 3. Interpolates float data from an unstructured (randomly-spaced) grid to a rectilinear grid using inverse distance weighted interpolation. box_7. See the "station_old_1. Use simple_legend_ndc. bin_avg. Featuring two beds that convert to a queen, extra bedding for two and a large, private balcony these Club Balcony Suites also offer amazing views. To run this example, you must download the following file: gsun05n. NCL Graphics: WRF Precipitation. In NCL versions 6. ncl : Creating a automatic landscape plot. ncl;; 30. 0, the mpDataBaseVersion resource was updated from having a default of "LowRes" to having a default value of mapgrid_8. [ Full alphabetical list of resources] Resources are the means by which we modify NCL graphics. In order for the contours to be overlaid correctly on the map, please see Description. raster_3. rainbow+white+gray 238 colors. The default projection is a cylindrical equidistant, which you can override by setting the mpProjection resource. " Line 29:;----- Begin second plot ----- Zoom in on the area of the map that contains the vector plot, draw the vectors in color and make them larger, and increase the size of the plot within the viewport. Data files: ipoind_8yrTrend. 1. This function uses the same spanning algorithm that NCL uses to choose colors for a filled contour or vector plot, given a particular color map and an array of levels. wrf_ll_to_ij. gsnMaskLambertConformal = True will turn on the projection masking. NCV_jet 256 colors. There are other projections to choose from. AVHRR. A scalar id of the map created is returned. 0, This resource specifies the distance in multiples of the earth's radius of the satellite at the view origin. 1 radius, but perhaps a little larger. ncl: Turns on the tickmarks available in NCL version 4. ncl: This script shows how gsn_coordinates can be used to help guess at the correct map projection parameters needed to plot data in a native lambert conformal map projection. MPL_Blues 128 colors. This example creates five XY plots. Contribute to miagross/paper3_scripts development by creating an account on GitHub. To plot WRF-ARW data with the gsn_csm scripts in the native map projection defined on the file, you must do three things: Call wrf_map_resources. 0. Adds two fake pole points (90S and 90N) to the rightmost dimension of the given data. ncl for another version of this plot, but with more plots, and using newer NCL features to define the color map for each set of contours. The gsn_define_colormap function is used to set all three color maps. These examples demonstrate the use of gsn_csm_contour . ; ; res@mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes" ; choose higher resolution ;---This resource is still needed res@mpDataSetName = "Earth. mpProjection = "LambertConformal" turns on the correct projection. ncl , except it shows how to get triangle ends on the labelbar by setting lbBoxEndCapStyle to "TriangleBothEnds". (Examples 20 and 21 . Contribute to huangynj/NCL-Chinamap development by creating an account on GitHub. Contour fill plot with transparency, JPEG file as background image. netCDF files may or may not contain the parallel information needed to plot the grid correctly. conwomap_1. vector_3. If you want to plot wind vectors on a geographical map in NCL, follow these steps: Get the winds components rotated to Earth coordintates (regardless of the domain you’re trying to plot!) Disable auto-draw and frame progression res@gsnDraw = False and res@gsnFrame = False. Plot a map, a cross section (pressure-lat or pressure-lon), or a profile (along lat, lon or pressure/z_index ) of one or two fields and draw vectors plot over a map, using NCL, and allowing for tuning a number of graphic attributes mpProjection = "satellite", Selects the map projection. (Documentation under construction. For the two lowest precipitation contours, the colors are set to Description. colormap_2. . ncl: Scatter plot First Plot: Use predefined markers xyMarkLineModes, xyMarkers, xyMarkerColor, and xyMarkerSizeF are used to control the markers in an XY plot. We recommend that you use the more customized functions: for creating contour plots. The second frame sets cnMonoLineColor to False, which forces each contour line to be drawn in a different Example 1 - XY plots. In order to contour this data over a map, this script attaches the 1D lat/lon arrays to the data using special "lat1d" and "lon1d" attributes. (to indicate the intensity of that particular color). 2. 10. Note, this data is already on pressure levels. MPL_BrBG 128 colors. IMPORTANT NOTE: this function removes all the overlaid plots after they are created. In order for the vectors and contours to be overlaid correctly on the map, please see the 119. Description. . Readers can visit the follo wing links to find more information about . Tilt a contour plot, compose title, plot and labelbar, resize the new image, KSH-script Jul 27, 2021 · Original NCL plot panel_14. You can also control the order of drawing of MapPlot elements relative to each other and to the elements of any overlaid plot objects. and then type: ncl gsun05n. If the value is 1. Aug 15, 2017 · Summary. Location. wrf_gsn_hgt_9. If you simply want to draw bars of your data and don't need to bin the data first, then see the bar charts example page. Not all of the tick mark resources are available for maps. ncl. h_lat_1. See the "colormap_2a. Some Python versions of NCL examples referenced in the application pages are available on the GeoCAT-examples webpage . ncl" on the text examples page shows how to create more of these special characters. gsn_contour_2. To get a color map of grayscale values, use equal values for R, G The viewport of a plot or drawable object (like a labelbar) is a rectangular subregion of NDC space that specifies where the object will be placed when drawn. Coastlines. There are many different ways that one can create overlay plots: Use NhlAddData to add a line, a legend, or other graphical object to an existing plot. PyNGL/PyNIO. Classification data: vegetation/cloud. Oceanography. See example panel_33. to 1. They are listed alphabetically. Next message: [ncl-talk] NCL addition/sum. resize_4. 0, the NCL map databases were updated to reflect the current Colorado counties. See the "contours without maps" and "contours over map" examples pages for more customized contour plots. ncl: Draw vectors on a global map with a time stamp at the bottom. 4" ; choose most recent boundaries plot = gsn_csm_map(wks,res) ; draw map end These are some sample NCL scripts for plotting WRF-ARW data, some of which were referenced in NCL Tutorial at the 18th Annual WRF Users' Tutorial, June 16, 2017. This is to illustrate how a raster plot is created. 1. rainbow+gray 237 colors. The map plot is what's returned from the function, and the vector plot is returned as an attribute of the map plot called "vector. Example "text_14. You can use MapPlot as a base plot on which one or more plot objects, such as a ContourPlot object, are overlaid, thereby transforming its elements into the current map projection. ncl: Demonstrates the default tickmarks of a cylindrical equidistant plot. Resources are used to change aspects of both the contours and the maps. ncl The first frame of this example shows how to plot filled contours over a native rotated lat-lon grid read from a GRIB2 file. Plot two arbitrarily selected maps. The left image is from running NCL V6. The first two letters of the resource define the resource type (e. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ncl" script if you have an older version of lcnative_1. The default is marker index 0 (Asterisk). res. Dear NCL users, I normally make NCL plot with map, in which there is coordinate info, but just have difficulty to make plot with data matrix as in the below (12 rows for 12months from Jan to Dec; and 13 columns from +6 to -6; no map). It uses the number of levels you have to create a "nice" span across the color map such that it starts at the very first color and ends at the very last color, using close to NCL Resources. rotatedltln_1. rainbow 188 colors. Cylindrical Equidistant. These labels can be controlled only through a ; ; In NCL V6. You can use the special resources vpXF, vpYF, vpWidthF , and vpHeightF to reposition and resize the plots. ncl: An example of plotting netCDF data that is on a Lambert Conformal native grid. cn for contour, mp for map). gsn_csm_ xxxx. pmLegendDisplayMode = "Always" Turns on the legend. ws fz vj yr oz bl sr nh hk sq